News & Analysis

The News & Analysis section of the Electronic Intifada (EI), offers a quick window on the latest articles added to the Opinion/Editorial, Diaries from Palestine, Human Rights, Development, Israel Lobby Watch, Internet & Technology, and Business & Economy feeds.


Why is it open season on Palestinians in US presidential race?

Hasan Abu Nimah
12 January 2012

The pro-Israel rhetoric of some election hopefuls is so extreme that they make George W. Bush seem reasonable by comparison.

The phony war over which US party loves Israel most

Josh Ruebner
10 January 2012

US support for Israel, once a carefully nurtured bipartisan consensus, is fast degenerating in the context of the 2012 presidential election into a mud-slinging partisan contest as to which party, in the words of Mitt Romney, who leveled the accusation against Obama, is more guilty of having “thrown Israel under the bus.”


Food shortages make Gaza residents rely on aid at Eid

Gaza City
9 November 2011

International aid organizations donate fresh meat, clothing, and assistance to thousands of families in the Gaza Strip for the Eid holiday, as child malnutrition and deep poverty levels rise due to Israel’s strict blockade.

UNESCO funding cut over Palestine vote may harm US economy

Jim Lobe
Washington, DC
1 November 2011

The administration of US President Barack Obama announced Monday that it would immediately cut US funding for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, just hours after UNESCO’s governing board voted overwhelmingly to grant Palestine full membership.

Israel Lobby Watch

UK Labour Party student officials face backlash over free tour of Israel, settlements

Asa Winstanley
16 January 2012

A member of the UK’s National Union of Students Executive Council has denounced several youth and student officers from the opposition Labour Party for taking part in an all-expenses-paid tour of Israel and its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Labour students delegation met with Captain Barak Raz, an Israeli army spokesperson and other Israeli officials.

Exposed: UK university student claiming bias works for project of Israel pressure group

Asa Winstanley
30 December 2011

A worker at an Israeli media pressure group used her low dissertation mark as a post-graduate student at University of Warwick to smear a professor involved in Palestine solidarity activism this month.

Human Rights

"Sometimes I feel my stomach will explode": Israel subjects teen prisoner to medical negligence

Emily Lawrence
Beit Ommar
5 January 2012

A Palestinian teenager describes the physical and psychological torture he endured while imprisoned in an Israeli jail for throwing stones, and how his chronic illness went untreated in what his family say was a deliberate attempt by the prison authorities as further punishment.

Israel's impunity challenged by torture victim in Jerusalem

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
East Jerusalem
28 December 2011

An important precedent was recently set that could challenge the entrenched system of impunity for Israeli interrogators who torture and abuse Palestinian detainees.

Internet & Technology

An Egyptian revolution, unplugged

Aprille Muscara
1 February 2011

WASHINGTON (IPS) - Despite the Hosni Mubarak regime’s attempts at muzzling communication and dissent, and the reportedly government-sanctioned shutdown of Egypt’s last standing Internet service provider to individual users Monday, Egyptians are still managing to get their voices heard and mobilize — both through advanced technical workarounds and older, traditional technologies.

Business & Economy

Blockade dictates types of flowers grown in Gaza

Mohammed Omer
16 January 2012

Israel’s ongoing blockade has suffocated countless export industries and continues to dictate the types of crops grown in Gaza, including flowers.