nora’s blog

BDS victory: Cat Power cancels show in Tel Aviv

Cat Power cancels her show in Tel Aviv, after appeals by boycott activists.

BDS roundup: South Africa to consider Israel boycott; defending academic freedom; and more

A regular roundup of news and actions from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. Canadian radio broadcasters urge a Vancouver station to adopt a BDS resolution, boycott campaigners urge Cat Power to cancel her upcoming Tel Aviv performance, and more.

Gaza children's art exhibition to be hosted at Swarthmore college

A collection of artwork created by children in Gaza immediately after Israel’s attacks in the winter of 2008-09 will be shown at Pennsylvania’s Swarthmore college in April, after it was censored by a museum in California.

BDS proposal wins big at Occupy Oakland

A resolution to support the BDS movement was passed in a near-unanimous vote at Occupy Oakland’s general assembly on Wednesday evening.

Protesters attacked, injured during commemoration for Palestinian teen murdered by Israeli settlers

During a demonstration on Tuesday to demand justice for the killing of 17-year-old Yousef Ikhlayl by Israeli settlers last year in Beit Ommar, Israeli soldiers beat protesters with clubs and attacked the crowd with sound bombs and tear gas.

BDS roundup: Scholars' delegation to Palestine, UK museum slammed for links to Ahava

Academic scholars visit Palestine on a fact-finding mission and urge their colleagues to join the academic boycott of Israel; London’s Museum of Natural History criticized for its links with settlement industry Ahava; and more.

Leading LGBT activists, artists and cultural workers: oppose pinkwashing and support BDS

Leading queer voices write an impassioned statement and open petition calling for solidarity with Palestinians under occupation and oppression, expanded support of the BDS movement, and a rejection of Israel’s pinkwashing campaigns.

Open letter to Moldovan punk band Zdob si Zdub: Stand in solidarity with Palestinians!

Punks Against Apartheid, the punk rock collective working to educate and mobilize musicians and fans in support of the BDS movement, has posted an open letter to Moldovan hardcore band Zdob si Zdub encouraging them to cancel their show in Tel Aviv and respect the global boycott call.

Video of MLK Day protest outside Combined Systems, Inc., in Pennsylvania

Reports from yesterday’s protest outside the headquarters of US weapons maker Combined Systems, Inc., which produces tear gas canisters that have killed and injured Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

MLK Day protest at weapons manufacturing company

Activists in Pennsylvania hold a protest outside the headquarters of Combined Systems, Inc., the company that manufactures lethal tear gas canisters used against people from Palestine to Oakland. Adalah-NY has a full-length report on CSI and its domestic and international contracts.


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