Ben White’s blog

Israel's demography obsession has historical echo

Responses to the ruling by Israel’s High Court in favour of the racist Citizenship Law highlight the country’s obsession with demography and separation - fears with a historical echo.

Israel's High Court upholds racist 'Citizenship Law' to avoid "national suicide"

Israel’s High Court has rejected a legal challenge to the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, in a 6-5 decision on Wednesday. Despite a “security” justification, the ruling has been praised in explicitly racist terms, as helping Israel maintain its ‘Jewish majority’.

Jewish Agency: goal of Israeli government plan to block Bedouin "incursion"

High-ranking Jewish Agency official confirms that Israeli government plan for new communities in the Negev is about preventing Bedouin “incursion” and an “Arab belt” of land.

UK's student body endorses divestment

In a historic move, the National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK has throws its weight behind campaigns targeting Eden Springs and Veolia.

The numbers speak for themselves

An attempt to justify Israel’s war crimes in Gaza avoids the evidence, and instead plays a flawed numbers game.

Racist outburst by Israeli minister in charge of 'combating antisemitism'

Anti-Arab outburst by Israeli cabinet minister Yuli Edelstein, who sits on the steering committee for the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism.

CAMERA's 'fact checking' misses out some facts

While ‘fact checking’ Ethan Bronner, CAMERA mislead on Palestinian child prisoners - and miss a glaring error.

Secret EU document shows concern for Palestinian citizens of Israel

Today’s Ha’aretz gave prominent coverage to extracts the paper had obtained from a “classified” draft document prepared by European embassies in Israel. The paper is being described as “unprecedented” for the way in which it “deals with internal Israeli issues” – namely, “Israel’s treatment of its Arab population”.

“British campus watch organisation” Student Rights attacks Palestine solidarity

“British campus watch organisation” Student Rights attacks Palestine solidarity in name of ‘balance’. Group says it’s “non-ideologically aligned”, but intimately supported by right-wing think tank Henry Jackson Society.

The chilling effect of a discredited definition of antisemitism

Birmingham’s Debating Society confirms my account of events, at the same time as J-Soc members dig a bigger hole.


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