Hatem Omar / Maan Images

Media Watch

The good and the bad of media coverage of Palestine

Two Kinds of Non-Violence

Violence has always been a useful term for governments and their allied establishment figures in media and punditry. Key to that utility is a very specialized use of the term as a descriptor for actions that don’t originate with the establishment or authorities. Police, armies, presidents and city administrators do not engage in violence. They use strategies, protocols, plans of action, deployments, operations and strikes. The people that are injured and die in those acts are not actively killed by violence. Rather, they suffer only in the passive voice.

Al Jazeera English Doesn't Care About Khader Adnan

In a few hours, Khader Adnan will enter his 56th day of hunger strike. As international solidarity grows, the international media’s silence on his case is deafening. Below is how Al Jazeera English reacted to the simple question of “Why isn’t Khader Adnan getting more coverage?”

National Press Club suspends journalist for asking Saudi prince a tough question

Journalist Sam Husseini asks a Saudi prince a tough question and gets booted out of the National Press Club, showing the limits of what the “free” media are allowed to do in Washington

Protest smearing of Occupy Wall Street, Palestine solidarity movements as "anti-Semitic"

In a news segment broadcast Wednesday night by ABC 7 News in Chicago, reporter Chuck Goudie claims that there is “a vein of anti-Semitism flowing through the movement that has Jewish leaders concerned.” I and other activists have responded to this vile smear attack on the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the Palestine solidarity movement more generally.

The Most Important Prisoner in the Whole Wide World

Its possible that there is a name more well-known than Gilad Shalit this week, but not likely. For the last two days, media of all kinds have been tripping over themselves trying to describe, explain, hagiographize, and contextualize Shalit, who is to be released soon after a five year detention by Hamas in a prisoner swap.

New York Times' Ethan Bronner still falsely blaming August Eilat attack on Palestinians

In an article today on the Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange deal, The New York Times’ scandal-plagued Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner falsely blames an August attack from Egypt into Israeli-controlled territory near the Red Sea port of Eilat on Palestinians. Bronner writes:

Dire Consequences for Backing the US State Department's Consensus on the Two State Solution

Nicolas Kristof, the venerable New York Times columnist and champion of foreign policy liberalism, wrote a pretty middling article a couple of days ago, called “Is Israel its Own Worst Enemy?” Kristof has a sort of Groundhog Day dynamic with the Palestine-Israel conflict; every once in a while, he wakes up and rattles off an anguished column, mourning the radicals on both sides that make “p

easyJet enables "pinkwashing" of apartheid

Why is budget airline promoting Tel Aviv as world’s gayest city?

Daily Express's porn baron owner donated thousands to anti-Palestinian group CST

Owner of a tabloid that has attacked Palestinian leader Raed Salah, the British pornographer Richard Desmond used his charitable body to donate tens of thousands of pounds to the CST and other pro-Israel groups.


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