Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

Veolia must stop assisting the occupier and leave Jerusalem, says Hamas spokesperson

Hamas spokesperson Mushir al-Masri condems the Jerusalem Light Rail project and calls on French companies Veolia and Alstom to stop assisting the occupier and leave Jerusalem. Meanwhile Veolia Israel’s CEO says the company “won’t stop the train” if Israeli authorities do not approve Veolia’s deal with Egged to sell its shares in the light rail.

Israel's long-term isolation of Mahmoud Issa is sickening

Since his detention in 1993, Mahmoud Issa Moussa has been held in isolation in different Israeli prisons. A period of long-term isolation began for Mahmoud in 2002 and continues until today. This month the period of his isolation has been extended again with six months.

Volvo misses the mark on responsibility for the protection of human rights

Volvo Group refuses once again to take action against the use of its equipment in the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israel. Multinational enterprises have a responsibility to protect human rights.

Israeli ban on family visits to Gazan prisoners violates international law

Israel has banned family visits to Gazan prisoners since June 2007. Israel tries to bargain about this right with the Red Cross, according to Palestinian Human Rights organization Addameer. This is unacceptable and Addameer calls for international action to put pressure on the Israeli Government.

Israeli policies disconnect Palestinian political prisoners from their families

Ameer Makhoul writes from Gilboa jail about Israeli policies that aim to disconnect the Palestinian prisoners from their families, friends, and solidarity people. He calls for an international fact-finding mission of human rights organizations.

Land swap deals concluded under occupation are illegal, rights group warns Palestinian leaders

The human rights organization Al Haq published a new report on the illegality of ‘land swap’ agreements that warns Palestinian leaders that as long as Israel occupies the Palestinian territory, any ‘land swap’ agreement is contrary to international law.

Veolia tries to sugar-coat its complicity in Israeli violations of international law

Veolia is involved in several Israeli projects in the occupied West Bank in violation of international law. Veolia tries to sugar-coat its complicity in Israeli violations of international law by offering a pittance to the Palestinian villagers of Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley. The company has placed three refuse containers there for free waste collection.

UN body calls for an end to home demolitions - Israeli forces make use of JCB machines

UN body CESCR calls on Israel to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes. Israeli occupation forces use machines from British manufacturer JCB.

Veolia blows it again by trying to promote "peace" through normalization sports event

Veolia feigns commitment to peace by supporting the Veolia Desert Challenge sports event. Meanwhile the company continues to be involved in Israeli colonization projects in the occupied West Bank.

Home demolitions in Beit Hanina executed with Volvo and Hyundai equipment

Volvo equipment was once again used by Israeli forces in home demolitions on 24 November. Volvo should follow the example of Japanese crane manufacturer Tadano. The company decided to end business with Iran because their cranes were used by the regime in the hanging of people.


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