Jeff Haynes
Agence France Presse

Lobby Watch

An eye on the groups that try to stifle free debate about Palestine

Why hasn't NGO Monitor's US fundraiser filed legally required public disclosures with Internal Revenue Service?

NGO Monitor, the far-right Israeli group that fashions itself as a transparency watchdog, suffers from a mysterious lack of transparency itself.

The legally-mandated public disclosures required of US nonprofits are nowhere to be found for NGO Monitor’s US-based fundraising arm known as REPORT.

Indeed, The Electronic Intifada has obtained an Internal Revenue Service document that shows REPORT was warned of the consequences of failing to file its public disclosures.

NGO Monitor creates fake controversy over EI articles in attack on Democrat think-tank

NGO Monitor, the Israeli far-right group that wages campaigns of defamation against organizations that don’t toe their anti-Palestinian line, has launched a new campaign against the Center for American Progress, a Washington think-tank tied to the Democratic Party.

The campaign has also been joined by Commentary, the far-right publication notorious for its anti-Palestinian sentiment.

Complaint filed over secret donors to "friends of Israel"

Electoral Commission in UK asked to investigate omissions in financial information for influential Zionist groups.

Commentary encourages students to accuse faculty who criticize Israel of "pedagogical intimidation" (UPDATED)

In an oped published Friday, Commentary magazine, the leading journal of neoconservative political analysis, offered advice to anti-Palestinian activists on “how to handle” professors who criticize Israeli policies.

Anti-Palestinian group StandWithUs attempts to smear me but ends up with egg on its face

StandWithUs, the anti-Palestinian group that works closely with the Israeli government to smear, sue and censor the Palestine solidarity movement, attempted to smear me today but instead ended up with egg on its face.

The secret CST documents that smeared anti-Zionist Jews as extremists

Containing the full documentation, this blog entry is a companion piece to my special report on the CST: “UK charity with Mossad links secretly denounced anti-Zionist Jews to government”.

Israel's Reut Institute claims "price tag" attacks on EI, Irvine 11 and Palestine Return Centre

Israel’s Reut Institute, which notoriously called on Israeli government agencies to “sabotage” and “attack” the Palestine solidarity movement – and then tried to conceal it – is claiming credit for “price tag” attacks on The Electronic Intifada, the Palestine Return Centre, the Irvine 11 and others.


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