Action & Activism

The Action & Activism section of the Electronic Intifada (EI), offers a quick window on the latest articles added to the Activism News, Action Items, and Letters to the Media feeds.

Action Items

Action Alert: US delays visa for BDS leader Barghouti on eve of tour

Friday, February 18, 2011 - 16:18

Sponsors of a US speaking tour featuring boycott, divestment and sanctions movement leader Omar Barghouti call on supporters to contact the US Consulate in Jerusalem and the Department of State to fulfill US promise of “Promoting the Global Marketplace of Ideas” and grant Barghouti’s visa.

Activism News

Gaza gears up for Israeli Apartheid Week

Rana Baker and Joe Catron
Gaza Strip
1 March 2012

Students across the occupied Gaza strip prepare for the third consecutive year of Israeli Apartheid Week events, structured around strengthening the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement and bridging global struggles for liberation.

Letters to the Media

Don't take right to education for granted

Sobhi Samour
29 January 2007

In your article “A model for EU-Israel integration” published in the English online version of Haaretz (17 January 2007), you argue that a closer relationship between the EU and Israel in the field of scientific and academic exchange would be of mutual interest for EU and Israeli citizens, as well as for its research communities and consumers. Building on the successful European experience of encouraging research collaboration and financially supporting those who want to study or research abroad, you are inviting Israeli researchers to apply for and participate in the new Seventh Framework Programme that will be funded with 55 billion Euros.