Thaer Ganaim / Maan Images

Power Suits

We go through the revolving door of the “peace process” and “diplomacy”

Leading Palestinians boycott UN head Ban Ki-moon in Gaza as rebuffed prisoners' families greet him with shoes

Leading Palestinian figures including prominent human rights advocates Dr. Eyad Sarraj, and Raji Sourani have boycotted a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Gaza today over the latter’s refusal to meet with the families of Palestinian prisoners.

Wikileaks: Israel wanted to overcome diplomatic isolation at UNESCO

A Wikileaks gem that I came across after the final dump of all the cables this summer is all the more shiny in light of today’s vote to make Palestine a member state at UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Activists target Illinois Senator Mark Kirk as extremist supporter of lethal Israeli policies

Palestine solidarity activists in Chicago have launched a campaign targeting Illinois senator Mark Kirk and his “extreme” support of Israeli government policies.

The PA and the privatization of Palestine

If a Palestinian “state” ever comes into existence, what kind of “state” will it be? Here’s a clue: it will be a state, governed by, of and for rich and powerful businessmen.

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