Ali Abunimah’s blog

Despite arbitrary travel ban, Israel to permit Palestinian human rights defender to meet UN expert in Geneva

Shawan Jabarin, director of human rights group Al-Haq, is to be allowed to travel to Geneva for a meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, for the first time since Israel imposed a travel ban on him six years ago.

Deal reached to end Khader Adnan's detention by 17 April; 66 day hunger strike ends

Lawyers for Khader Adnan have reached a deal with Israel for Adnan to be released on 17 April, Addameer announced today via Twitter. Khader Adnan has agreed to end his hunger strike. Addameer said the deal appears to meet minimum conditions Adnan had previously communicated to lawyers.

Hunger striker Khader Adnan "will not back down," sends greetings to supporters as health deteriorates further

Khader Adnan, the Palestinian who has been on hunger strike for 66 days against his detention without charge or trial is in high spirits and sends greetings to all who support him, despite signs of further decline in his health according to a lawyer who visited him on Monday.

In brief video clip, hunger striker Khader Adnan speaks out from hospital bed

Democracy Now today aired a brief video clip of Khader Adnan, who is now in his 65th day of hunger strike against his detention without charge or trial by Israel.

Bobby Sands' spokesman, close friend calls on Israel to immediately release Khader Adnan

Bobby Sands died on 5 May 1981, aged 27, after 66 days on hunger strike against British refusal to grant political status to him and other Irish republican prisoners. Today, as Khader Adnan is on his 65th day of hunger strike, the Secretary of the Bobby Sands Trust, Danny Morrison, called on the Israeli government to immediately release Adnan, who is close to death.

Roseanne Barr and former Obama official join criticism of Israel as Khader Adnan on day 65 of hunger strike

American actress and comedian Roseanne Barr and former Obama administration State Department official Anne-Marie Slaugher are among the latest people to join criticism of Israel’s use of administrative detentions of Palestinians highlighted by the 65 day hunger strike of Khader Adnan as global attention, solidarity grow.

Solidarity hunger strikers in Israeli jails face harsh punishment, prisoner says

Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in solidarity with Khader Adnan are facing harsh punishment by Israeli prison authorities who fear unrest could spread, if Adnan, who has been on hunger strike for 64 days, deteriorates further or dies.

Report hunger striker Khader Adnan to receive involuntary treatment "mistakenly published" by Ynet

Israeli officials are not force-feeding, or forcing treatment on Khader Adnan, who is in his 64th day of hunger strike against his detention without charge or trial by Israel, despite an earlier report to that effect on Israel’s Ynet website.

Watch: Huwaida Arraf and Ali Abunimah discuss Palestinian strategy, Khader Adnan and BDS on The Stream

On 16 February, Ali Abunimah and Huwaida Arraf appeared on Aljazeera English’s The Stream. Major topics included Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan, the “reconciliation” deal between Hamas and Fatah, and the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

Washing your hands of Khader Adnan: My response to weasel words of EU's Catherine Ashton

Today my colleague David Cronin wrote about the weasel worded response of the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, for comment on the case of Khader Adnan. Here is my response, which I sent her by email.


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