8 June 2010

BP and White House continue cover-up of oil spill

By Hiram Lee, 8 June 2010

The US Department of the Interior intentionally misrepresented the findings of a recent study by federal scientists of the oil spill in order to minimize the true scope of the disaster.

Full coverage of the Gulf oil disaster »

Israel steps up operations in Gaza

By Patrick O’Connor, 8 June 2010

Israeli naval commandos killed four Palestinian militants off the coast of Gaza yesterday morning in an operation designed to send a signal to the Palestinian people and the world—that its illegal blockade will continue despite mounting criticism of the May 31 massacre of nine Turkish activists.

New Japanese prime minister installed

By Peter Symonds, 8 June 2010

Naoto Kan faces the task of trying to revive the government’s fortunes before next month’s upper house elections, but confronts the same basic dilemma as his predecessor—how to implement policies that are widely unpopular.

Union backs attacks on teachers in Washington, D.C.

By Niall Green, 8 June 2010

With the backing of teachers’ unions, the government of Washington, D.C., has pushed through a new contract for teachers that will destroy workplace rights and allow further private encroachment into public education.

The way forward for a defense of education in Germany

By Johannes Stern, 8 June 2010

Nationwide demonstrations to defend education are planned for June 9 in Germany.

Hundreds of billions for the banks
France votes credits for European Financial Stability Fund

By Antoine Lerougetel and Alex Lantier, 8 June 2010

France’s National Assembly voted €111 billion for the planned €750 European bailout fund aimed to rescue banks hit by the sovereign debt crisis, amid rising tensions among European financial authorities.

Australia: Minimum pay ruling deepens social inequality

By Noel Holt, 8 June 2010

The $26 a week rise in the minimum wage awarded by the Rudd government’s Fair Work Australia tribunal last week amounts to a further real wage cut, after a two-year freeze.

New in German

Die chinesische Arbeiterklasse regt sich

Von John Chan, 8. Juni 2010

In Südchina haben Honda-Arbeiter mit ihrem Streik fast zwei Wochen lang den Konzern lahmgelegt. Ihr Streik und weitere Kämpfe der letzten Wochen versetzen die Pekinger Bürokratie und die globale Finanzwelt in Nervosität.

Regierung beschließt größtes Sparpaket in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik

Von Ulrich Rippert, 8. Juni 2010

Arbeitslose, Hartz-IV-Empfänger, Alleinerziehende und Rentner sollen für die Wirtschaftskrise und die Milliardenverluste von Spekulanten und Profiteuren bezahlen.

Krise des Kapitalismus, Bildungsproteste und die Rolle des SDS

Von Johannes Stern, 8. Juni 2010

Die Studentenorganisation der Linkspartei, Linke.SDS, versucht den Protest auf rein bildungspolitische Fragen zu beschränken. So entwaffnet sie den Kampf der Studierenden.

New in French

Les médias européens mettent en garde contre des troubles sociaux au niveau international

Par Chris Marsden, 8 juin 2010

Ces derniers jours, un certain nombre d’articles de presse ont prédit un éclatement de troubles sociaux aux dimensions révolutionnaires comme conséquence directe de l’aggravation de la crise économique.

Other Languages


The Gulf oil spill and the case for socialism

8 June 2010

The ongoing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the US government’s complicity and impotence in relation to energy giant BP reveals in the most striking manner the irrationality and socially destructive character of the capitalist system.

Earlier Perspectives »


Frank Rich on Obama: Liberal fears and illusions

By Barry Grey, 8 June 2010

In a column published Sunday, New York Times commentator Frank Rich expresses the mounting frustration and concern of Obama’s liberal supporters over the president’s response to the BP oil spill

The jobs crisis and socialist policies

7 June 2010

Friday’s unemployment figures from the US Department of Labor demonstrate the failure of American capitalism to create jobs for millions of workers and underscore the refusal of the Obama administration to make any serious effort at job creation.

Committee Against Utility Shutoffs (CAUS)

Report: DTE used spy planes to spot unauthorized hookups

By Debra Watson and Shannon Jones, 8 June 2010

A report indicates DTE used high-tech aerial surveillance to spot unauthorized hookups as it ramped up its campaign of utility shutoffs.

An appeal to DTE workers

Statement of the Committee Against Utility Shutoffs (CAUS), 2 June 2010

The Committee Against Utility Shutoffs calls on DTE employees to refuse to shut off utilities to Detroit residents. CAUS members and supporters distributed this letter to DTE workers on Tuesday. PDF version here.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

8 June 2010

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Washtenaw County, Michigan school bus drivers face deep wage cuts

By Naomi Spencer, 7 June 2010

Bus workers for ten public school districts in Washtenaw County, Michigan are targeted for layoffs, double-digit wage cuts, and other attacks under a countywide consolidation plan. The proposal will affect Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and surrounding towns.

Mehring Books

May PerspectivesLatest edition of Perspectives now available

3 June 2010

The latest edition of Perspectives, a journal published by the World Socialist Web Site, is now available from Mehring Books. In this month’s magazine, readers will find a collection of articles from the WSWS analyzing the most important events of the day, including the Gulf oil spill, the debt crisis in Europe, and much more.

25 years ago: 2.3 million US factory jobs lost since 1980

A US Labor Department report published this week in 1985 revealed that over 8 million jobs had been lost since 1980. Hardest hit was factory employment, where 2.2 million jobs had been shed. The steel industry by itself had purged nearly 400,000 jobs, resulting in the devastation of cities like Gary, Indiana and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

More »

50 years ago: Mass protests in Japan over Eisenhower visit

US-Japanese relations faced their greatest crisis since World War II this week in 1960 over a scheduled visit by US President Dwight Eisenhower, which came soon after the approval of a security pact that was widely opposed among Japanese workers and youth.

75 years ago: Chiang Kai-shek recognizes Japanese control over northern China

On June 9, 1935 Generals Yoshijiro Umezu of Japan and Ho Yingqin of China concluded an agreement by which Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang government formally recognized Japanese control over large sections of northern China. The pact, which came to be known as the Ho-Umezu Agreement, also banned anti-Japanese organizations and stipulated that Chinese forces be withdrawn from Hopei.

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100 years ago: Mexico puts down Mayan uprising in Yucatan

On June 8, a detachment of Mexican national guardsmen succeeded after a fierce battle in repulsing thousands of Mayan insurgents from the administrative town of Valladolid in the Yucatan peninsula. Earlier, on June 5, some 2,000 Mayans had invaded the city, killing all of its top administrative officials, seizing arms, cutting telegraph lines, and ripping up railroad track.

More »

Arts Review

San Francisco International Film Festival 2010 Part 6: Luchino Visconti’s Senso—drama and history

By David Walsh, 3 June 2010

Senso, the 1954 film directed by Luchino Visconti about the Italian national unification struggle in the nineteenth century, is a beautiful and important work.


Letters from our readers

8 June 2010

A selection of recent letters sent to the World Socialist Web Site.

Videos and Images

Vale Inco strikers and supporters in Sudbury, Ontario speak

Detroit resident speaks on utility shutoff

Friend of Detroit fire victim denounces utility shutoffs

Shutoff victim speaks to WSWS at DTE public relations stunt

Scientist says government policy contributed to Gulf Coast Spill

Louisiana workers denounce BP’s oil spill response

Lawyer for family of worker killed in blast says BP guilty of negligence

SEP candidate addresses Oxford Union

Hearing of the Citizens Inquiry into the Dexter Avenue Fire

Detroit firefighters discuss impact of utility shut-offs and budget cuts

Citizens Inquiry chairman speaks at press conference

Dexter Avenue fire victim’s son speaks to the WSWS

ISSE members speak at San Diego rallies

Neighbors of Detroit fire victims oppose utility shutoffs

Interviews with neighbors of Bangor Street fire victims

Sister of fire victims speaks on utility shutoffs
NUMMI auto workers denounce UAW intimidation
Locked-out California Borax workers oppose concessions
Boron, California mine workers denounce company lock-out
House fire
Family members denounce deaths in Detroit fire
Detroit teachers
Detroit teachers speak out against DFT Contract
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
H1N1 distribution interviews
Thousands line up for Swine Flu vaccine in Michigan
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
OU video
Michigan’s Oakland University faculty strike has student support
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit city workers oppose concessions, layoffs
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
New York City workers speak against cuts in healthcare and social services
NYC workers speak against cuts in social services
Flint vid
Flint, Michigan and the bankruptcy of General Motors
MI auto vid
GM workers on bankruptcy and plant closings
MI auto vid
Michigan auto workers and families speak on plant closures
GM vid
GM workers speak out on concessions contract
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan

WSWS interviews G20 protesters in London
Pontiac residents speak on schools crisis
Detroit jobs fair
Workers interviewed at Detroit jobs fair

Ford workers: “Now the fight is with our own union.”
GM workers videoGM workers denounce concession demands Chrysler workers oppose cuts
Chrysler workers oppose pay cuts, concession demands
London demonstration against Sri Lankan war
Over 100,000 demonstrate in London against Sri Lankan war
Funeral for Michigan man frozen following utility shut-off
Exposing Franco's mass graves
Bay City, Mich.: “Shutting somebody's electricity off in the dead of winter is criminal”
Bay City, Michigan residents speak on death from utility shut-off
London protesters speak to the WSWS
WSWS interviews London protesters
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
Griffiths and Walsh
The Writer and Revolution: A conversation with Trevor Griffiths

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