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Federal Politics

Labor leaves nothing to chance in Griffith byelection

CAMERON ATFIELD The Labor Party has pulled out its big guns in its attempt to hold on to the federal seat of Griffith.

Latest political news

Navy examines staff links to racist group


BIANCA HALL The navy has launched an investigation into revelations defence personnel are members of an online racist group that calls for members to fight the ''Muslim infiltration of our country''.

Dairy industry pleads for help on emissions


BIANCA HALL The $13 billion dairy industry has warned it will be uncompetitive globally without more government help to reduce its carbon emissions.

Counselling vouchers could lower divorce rate


Bianca Hall Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews' plan to equip couples with $200 vouchers for counselling could drive the national divorce rate down, Relationships Australia says.

Abbott attacks company tax avoidance

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott speaks during a session of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014. Leaders gathered in the Swiss ski resort of Davos have made it a top priority to push to reshape the global economy and cut global warming by shifting to cleaner energy sources.

Mark Kenny and Gareth Hutchens PM flags that Australia will use its leadership of this year's G20 meeting to push for a co-ordinated international crackdown on tax avoidance strategies favoured by global corporations.

Navy assault claims may not get clear verdict

Asylum seeker with burnt hand he says was caused by Australian navy.

Mark Kenny, Michael Bachelard Claims the navy burnt the hands of asylum seekers may never be disproved, with an Indonesian investigation stalling and the Australian government refusing to give a full account of events.

Australian Valuation Office job cuts slammed

CPSU National Secretary Nadine Flood.

Stephanie Anderson and Ben Westcott The closure of the Australian Valuation Office "smacks of an ideological preoccupation with cutting government services", the opposition says.

Comments 41

Coalition's plan to cut welfare 'not justified'

Health funds doubt Coalition means test pledge

Indian children 'trafficked' for adoption

Toyota crunch meeting as Hockey slams union

'We will determine who comes to our nation'

Abbott 'inflaming tensions for political gain'

Warning forest wars could reignite

Shorten says Coalition hiding plans for cuts

Comment & Analysis

Paid parental leave: a most difficult pregnancy

Anne Summers dinkus

ANNE SUMMERS If you thought the politics of the paid parental leave scheme were complicated, just wait until you get to the policy itself.

Comments 86

No joke, navy captains' intent a critical issue

HMAS Sydney.

DANIEL FLITTON There is a wry joke about submarines, that only the navy would build a ship designed to sink.

Women in power stymied by gender bias

Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

LESLIE CANNOLD This weekend marks six months since Julia Gillard stepped down from the highest office in the land. With International Women's Day on the horizon, it is timely to reflect on Gillard's rise and fall.

Old battles: Advance Australia where?

Jim Pavlidis.

MICHAEL GORDON For a leader who railed against what he called a perpetual seminar on the national identity, John Howard devoted an awful lot of time and energy to the subject.

Chilly reception for Abbott's stand-up routine


JUDITH IRELAND Opinion Tony Abbott packed his beanie and his uggs this week and flew off to Davos to meet his world colleagues, economic forum style

Tonys and Davos: it must be Oz Day

John Birmingham dinkus

John Birmingham Proud days for Australia as the PM strode like a colossus across the global stage at Davos, where he explained that the diabolical situation in Syria needed fewer baddies and more goodies.

Asylum-seeker policy could amount to crime


Sophie Rigney There is a legal argument that the government has a case to answer at the International Criminal Tribunal over its treatment of asylum seekers.

Attacks on Bishop unwarranted

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop addresses the media during a press conference at Parlaiment House in Canberra on Monday 11 November 2013. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Peter Wertheim, Alex Ryvchin With her Israeli settlements comments, Julie Bishop has tried to avoid acting as judge and jury on the issue.

Minister reinvents international law

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Saeb Erekat Opinion The victims of that colonisation are wondering when the international community will muster the determination to end Israel's impunity.

No one wants 'relationship vouchers'

Wedding walk

CLEM BASTOW Clem Bastow on why there's no such thing as a $200 golden ticket to relationship bliss.

Comments 19

Here's the path to harmonious love...


JUDITH IRELAND Opinion If the aim of the federal government's 'relationship vouchers' scheme is to create harmony in Australians' love lives, would the scheme's $20 million budget be better spent on other things?

Activist fund dives into NBN Service Stream


ADELE FERGUSON Star-studded activist fund earmarks beleaguered NBN contractor Service Stream as its first investment.

Patriot games: keeping it real on Australia Day


TIM SOUTPHOMMASANE Patriotism has its ugly side. But Australia Day offers genuine opportunities to celebrate success and togetherness, too.

Comments 142

PM's pitch to change constitution dangerous

John Warhurst Dinkus

John Warhurst Opinion The PM's move not only to alter the constitution, but to complete it is understandable but ill-advised.

Don't play the challenger's game

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion For those of us doing relaxing summery things like watching tennis, the return of national politics may feel a tad premature.

Infrastructure? Time to take a tack to port


JOSH GORDON Labor has outplayed the government with its plans for the Port of Melbourne

Special features

Loose lips sink ships

Before becoming head of Australia's secrecy-shrouded border protection operations, Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell penned a commentary on the need for the military to be open to the media. David Wroe reports.

Theatre of war: the next act is coming home

Jacqueline Maley Australia's Defence Force Chief, General David Hurley, knows better than most that while you can train troops for war, it is much harder to train them for coming home.

Who gets the benefits?

The inquiry into government benefits has already ruled out cuts to the two most expensive parts of the nation's $90 billion welfare bill, writes Anne Davies. So what is its agenda?

East Timor: Oil and troubled borders

Tom Allard Amid claims of bullying and spying, an international court must decide if Australia has acted fairly in its dealings with East Timor.

Carr's journey of a lifetime

Heath Aston It reads like the bucket list of a dedicated sightseer.

Australian mongrel

Blog A riff on what it means to be Australian by animator Roco Fazzari.

Comments 11

Kevin 747 continues jetsetting ways

Heath Aston Not even a resounding election defeat could clip the wings of Kevin 747.

Row over 'outrageous' Ayers Resort comments

Heath Aston Sacked directors of Ayers Rock Resort, told that if the $320 million acquisition was such a good deal they should buy it themselves.

Lone parents fear they'll be hit even harder

Craig Butt and Daniela Miletic Single parents fear they will be hit as the Abbott government conducts a welfare review.

Parliament portraits proving too popular?

Ross Peake The portraits at Parliament House of former prime ministers are proving to be a magnet for visitors wanting a picture of themselves with a famous Australian.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Political pics of the year

Three Prime Minister, two leadership ballots and an election campaign for 2013. The best photos from a tumultuous year.

The meltdown: How Labor self-destructed

Together, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard had the support of the nation and the party. Divided, their feud would be the undoing of a government. An investigation by Peter Hartcher.

Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

Poll Booth

Who do you credit with helping Australia emerge relatively unscathed from the global financial crisis?

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  • View results
The Coalition. The Howard government's strong economic performance put us on a good footing


Labor. Its stimulus package saved jobs and businesses


Both governments


Total votes: 7309.

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Poll closed 24 Jan, 2014


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  • INTERACTIVE: Tony Abbott's promises

  • Video animations

    Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics.
