Women and children are more likely to be belted at home than a man is to be struck by a stranger on the street.

Women and children are more likely to be belted at home than a man is to be struck by a stranger on the street. Photo: Scott Hannaford

Spare a thought for the ladies, the seemingly invisible 51 per cent of our population.

Not for us a front-page campaign against violence, nightly television news updates and thundering editorials demanding authorities act on the ''scourge'' of drunken violence.

The way the media and politicians have been carrying on lately, you'd think the only people getting the living daylights belted out of them at the moment are young men in Kings Cross.

But women and children are more likely to be belted at home, than a man is to be struck by a stranger on the street.

While street violence rates are falling, domestic violence rates are holding firm.

In Victoria, the police were called to 60,829 family violence incidents in 2012-13, laying charges in 25,574 of the cases. In NSW, the police recorded 27,808 domestic assaults in the 12 months to September.

This hidden violence can become a silent killer. In Victoria alone, there were 45 homicides in family settings in 2012-13. Now compare that with one-punch assaults, which have claimed 91 lives in Australia since 2000.

In case anyone thought women weren't falling victim to alcohol-fuelled violence, the Australian Institute of Criminology says 44 per cent of all ''intimate partner homicides'' involve alcohol. That figure rises to a whopping 87 per cent of intimate partner homicides involving indigenous people.

However, women will be the perhaps unintended winners in Premier Barry O'Farrell's tough new ''one punch'' laws. The new laws against alcohol-fuelled violence he plans to introduce this week will apply state-wide, both inside the home and on the street.

That means anyone affected by alcohol or drugs, found guilty of inflicting a one-punch assault on someone who dies, will face a minimum mandatory sentence of eight years and a maximum sentence of 25 years. Those found guilty of alcohol or drug-fuelled assaults, affray or sexual assault will attract minimum mandatory sentences of between two and five years.

La Trobe University PhD candidate Ingrid Wilson, who is researching the effect of alcohol on aggression in relationships, says domestic violence has never captured the public imagination the way random street attacks have. The same is true for public drinking.

''Most of the alcohol policy attention has focused on drinking in public places, but we've yet to shine a spotlight on drinking and violence within private premises,'' she says.

Just as alcohol-fuelled violence isn't only a street issue, it's also not only a law-and-order issue. The Australian Medical Association and others have backed the Greens' push for a wide-ranging inquiry into Australia's alcohol problem, including the cost, labelling and marketing of grog.

It is a move resisted, so far at least, by Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Instead, the federal government will limit its inquiry to the effects of alcohol on indigenous Australians.

However, as Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion pointed out recently, the issue cannot be ''fenced off by racial grounds. This is about a challenge that faces all Australians.''

By treating it as a street violence problem, a Sydney problem or an indigenous-only problem, we miss a valuable opportunity to make the hidden victims of alcohol-fuelled violence visible again.

Bianca Hall is a political correspondent based in Canberra.