Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

For a leader who railed against what he called a perpetual seminar on the national identity, John Howard devoted an awful lot of time and energy to the subject before and during his 11 years as prime minister, even accusing his predecessor of ''an attempted heist of Australian nationalism''.

Much of what Howard said in defence of existing institutions and attitudes was in direct response to Paul Keating's push for a republic, a new flag and his blunt recognition, delivered in the Redfern speech, that it was ''we non-Aboriginal Australians who did the dispossessing''.

But Howard also said much that was uncontroversial. ''National identity is, and must remain, in a realm above the partisan fray because it enshrines the virtues which unite us, and give us cohesion,'' he insisted in December 1995. ''The task for the times is repair, practical reform and nation building.'' Who could argue with that?

In office, the national identity debate morphed into the history wars, with Howard declaring that history should not be written by those who believed Australians should apologise for most of it, and insisting that the current generation should not feel guilt for past wrongs.

''This 'black armband' view of our past reflects a belief that most Australian history since 1788 has been little more than a disgraceful story of imperialism, exploitation, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination,'' he said in 1996. ''I take a very different view. I believe the balance sheet of our history is one of heroic achievement and that we have achieved much more as a nation of which we can be proud than of which we should be ashamed.''

In time, like the Howard government, and the Hawke-Keating one before it, the history wars ran out of puff, and talk about national identity faded from political discourse.

Partly, this is because there wasn't room for such a discussion. Stopping the boats, scrapping the big taxes and Labor's inability to govern itself dominated. And partly it was because common sense prevailed. As Noel Pearson has observed, a new, more complete Australian history emerged, one that ended what the late Bill Stanner called the Great Australian Silence and incorporated Aboriginal achievement, death and sacrifice.

Now a new conservative leader (and former leader of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy) presides and a new discussion on the Australian identity beckons, not because Tony Abbott has an appetite to drive it (he doesn't), but by virtue of circumstance.

As the Prime Minister will note in his Australia Day message, this year will mark the start of commemorations to recognise the Anzac Centenary, marking 100 years since Australia's involvement in the First World War; and a ''national conversation about amending our constitution to recognise Aboriginal peoples as the first Australians'', something he believes will be ''another unifying moment in the history of our country''.

While the former will look back on the bravery, resilience, mateship, selflessness and ingenuity of Australians who fought in Flanders, on the Western Front and at Gallipoli, the latter will cast forward to the moment when, in Abbott's words, the constitution becomes complete. The two enterprises are not mutually exclusive.

One point of intersection is Black Diggers, a play that explores the experiences of more than 400 indigenous Australians who fought in the First World War, experiences that point the way forward for reconciliation. As play director Wesley Enoch says: ''When there were occasions of racism, the group dealt with it because you couldn't have a weakness in the unit.''

Another was the unveiling of the nation's first memorial to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicemen and women in Adelaide in November, an event Governor-General Quentin Bryce said would spark a new era of recognition for their war service.

One of those who helped raise the money to build the memorial, community leader Felicity-ann Lewis, is among the finalists for the Australian of the Year award - a group that includes footballer Adam Goodes and indigenous singer-songwriter Shellie Morris.

The tireless work of all three on multiple fronts provides grounds for optimism about Australia's reconciliation journey and the success of the proposed referendum, though Goodes' experience at the MCG last year, when he was called an ''ape'' by a 13-year-old girl who had little or no idea of what she was saying, was a reminder of the distance still to be travelled.

If Australia Day is an occasion to reflect on the nation's progress, there is much to celebrate in 2014, from the success of multiculturalism (even if the word is out of favour), to the progress made towards reconciliation. In Abbott's words: ''Twenty-three million of us have found unity in our diversity, respect in our differences and have built a modern nation on the idea that anyone can get ahead provided they are prepared to 'have a go'.''

But there are also what social researcher Hugh Mackay calls ''a couple of dark shadows that fall across contemporary celebrations of who we are''.

One is the threat posed to Australia's assumed egalitarian ethos by the growing gap between rich and poor, underscored in an October address at the University of Melbourne by Dr John Martin, who had just stepped down after 13 years as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's director for employment, labour and social affairs.

According to Martin, the richest 10 per cent of Australians have gained almost 50 per cent of the growth in income over the past three decades and on the OECD's data, which he conceded may be flawed, Australia's income distribution is the eighth most unequal in the Western world, topped only by the US, Israel, Portugal, Britain, Spain, Greece and Japan.

The second is no surprise: the treatment of asylum seekers, which sits so uncomfortably with the view of Australia as the hospitable immigrant nation, the land of mateship and the fair go. ''It's going to be a catastrophe for us culturally in the future, just like the stolen generations was,'' Mackay warns.

His list is not exhaustive. A third was nominated by Howard in one of the ''headland speeches'' he delivered in the lead-up to the 1996 election. ''No society which values frankness and civility as national character traits can feel comfortable with the almost unparalleled level of public cynicism and disbelief towards the pronouncements of many of our political figures,'' he said. The same address expressed concern about inequality, declaring: ''No community which treasures egalitarianism as part of the Australian birthright can look with equanimity on the widening gulf between rich and poor.''

Almost two decades before consensus collapsed on climate change, it had something to say about that, too. ''No nation with a natural environment as precious as ours can feel comfortable about the failure to achieve a lasting national consensus on sustainable development,'' Howard said.

All of which invites the question: do we have a better idea of our national identity now than in the days of the perpetual seminar? Mackay's advice is not to worry about that question. ''We're too young for that,'' he says.

Far better to reflect on another question: how can the battlefield virtues that will be honoured in the next four years assert themselves in a context that could not have been imagined a century ago.