


By Janai Anselmi. Photography by Geoff Boccalatte. Runway photograph by Headpress. As the temperature soars, stay deliciously cool in sorbet shades that shimmer and sparkle.

Tweens' fashion not just child's play

Melati Kamaruddin Forget lollies, Australia’s tweens are spending their $20 a week on designer fashion.


Shape wear may slim you down but may also be bad for you

Rachel Clun Spanx are the worst-kept secret of many celebrities. Katy Perry, Adele and Kim Kardashian have all become fans after Oprah Winfrey endorsed Sarah Blakely's company on her show in 2000.


It's 'real' women, really this time

Rachel Clun American lingerie company Aerie is the latest brand to vow to only show real and unairbrushed women, stating that “the real you is sexy”.

The latest bizarre beauty ingredients

ELEANOR PENDLETON From bee venom to snail mucus, we look at some of the weird and wonderful ingredients appearing in beauty products.

Can you tell a smoker by their skin?

SARAH BERRY A new study suggests you can you pick a smoker by the condition of their skin.

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Bone of contention

Paula Goodyer Fish oil's healthy reputation is under scrutiny as questions are raised about its links to cancer.

Psychological tricks to help you lose weight

Melissa Breyer New research has revealed that some simple tricks can make losing weight a little easier; specifically, creating small obstacles and changing cues.

Jane Fonda: 'I'm sore, so I must exist'

SARAH BERRY For Jane Fonda, fitness is not just physical.

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Home & Style

How to make your own terrarium

Terrariums - miniature gardens in glass bottles - have stormed the design and blog world with gusto.

Capturing models' interior lives

Rachel Clun Cybele Malinowski's project Model Maison is an intimate portrayal of the lives of models at home.

Home office designs that work

Cassy Small Whether it's for part-time or full-time use, creating a dedicated home office space is essential.


Save the song and dance mate, we're Australians

RICHARD GLOVER Before you attend that Australia Day event, it's important that you know how to speak Australian. Whether you are local or a visitor, please study the following cut-out-and-keep guide.

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Vogue wins the Lena Dunham Photoshop war

Jenna Clarke Vogue has placated the Lena Dunham Photoshop storm in a tea cup controversy with a cheery behind-the-scenes video starring the magazine’s international editor-at-large, Hamish Bowles.


Hook-ups and stuff-ups

Katherine Feeney What stage in a relationship is the best one for sex – pre-dating, post-dating or only after marriage?

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