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How did you get here?

By plane, by boat, and by mum: the journey to Australia. Video animation by Rocco Fazzari. Co-producer Belinda Lopez.

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Inspired by the spate of "illegal boat arrivals" stories, this video animation was created with audio producer Belinda Lopez.

The concept was to get Belinda to gather up a series of vox pop responses to the question "How did you get here?" from passengers on a suburban train line.

I was to later create animated characters to apply to the sound bites.

Not having myself ever met or seen photos of the people, the idea was to create whole new characters using a montage of sound and visuals.

I took artistic licence with some of the characters and deployed props such as sunglasses, clothes and hats to break-up the visual rhythm of the characters.

These props were in no way intended to describe creed, religion etc but just another way of adding to visual diversity.

It all came together under the theme of Australia Day with some funny and heart-warming responses.