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Federal Politics

Documents reveal Brandis' demands for bookcase

JONATHAN SWAN New information released by the Department of the Senate shows the full measure of devotion Senator George Brandis has applied to his $20,000 taxpayer funded office library.

Somlyay fraud claim papers sent to AFP


JONATHAN SWAN Fraud allegations levelled against a recently retired Liberal Party MP will be evaluated by the Australian Federal Police.

Claims MP's wife on payroll despite no work

Alex Somlyay

JONATHAN SWAN Taxpayers have allegedly been defrauded of tens of thousands of dollars by a recently retired Liberal Party federal MP who appears to have paid his wife for non-existent work in his electorate office.

Abbott says new rules strike balance

Tony Abbott.

BIANCA HALL Prime Minister Tony Abbott says his changes to entitlements rules will improve the public's confidence in the system, while ensuring politicians are not made prisoners within Parliament.

'Jury's out' on expense reforms: Shorten

Bill Shorten.

JUDITH IRELAND Labor leader Bill Shorten says the 'jury’s out’ on whether the Coalition’s changes to MPs expense claims go far enough, but argues it is up to the Abbott government to drive reform on travel rorts.

Crackdown on MPs' dubious travel claims

Prime minister Tony Abbott and environment minister Greg Hunt have round table discussion with business leaders. 8th of November 2013  The Age news Picture by JOE ARMAO

The government has tightened the rules on politicians’ travel expenses, after a Fairfax Media campaign revealed MPs were regularly making questionable claims.

Comments 428

Joyce won't pay funds back

Barnaby Joyce said his attendance at rugby league games was official business.

JUDITH IRELAND Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has defended charging the taxpayer more than $5300 for attending three NRL games in 2012, declaring he will not be paying the funds back as the trips were a legitimate part of his job.

NRL expenses were official business: Joyce

Barnaby Joyce

Jonathan Swan, Lisa Visentin Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce billed taxpayers more than $4600 for ''official business'' travel to attend rugby league games.

Comments 151

Changes to MP's expenses likely: minister

Member for Canning Don Randall during house of representatives question time at Parliament House Canberra on Tuesday 27th October 2009. Photo by Stefan Postles / Fairfax

JONATHAN SWAN Senior federal ministers have suggested it is all but inevitable that the Abbott government will tighten the rules governing politicians' entitlements, in the wake of the expenses scandal.

Senior MPs' VIP travel cost $2m

Liberal backbencher Kevin Andrews

Mark Hawthorne, Paddy Doulman and Jonathan Swan Senior figures in the Abbott government were among those who enjoyed regular travel on VIP military aircraft, amassing a bill of more than $2 million.

Rudd ministers told not to use VIP aircraft


HEATH ASTON Ministers in the Rudd government were warned off using VIP military aircraft to commute because the expense would not pass ''the front-page test''.

Comments 79

'It's not as if I got the keys'

Don Randall MP  Member for Canning  - 2851 Albany Highway 
Tel:    9390 1211 
Fax:    9390 1255 
Supplied by: Joanne Webber  MEDIA/ELECTORATE OFFICER

Jonathan Swan, Judith Ireland Don Randall says he can "sleep well at night" about his taxpayer-funded trip to Cairns, adding that while he visited his investment property "it wasn't as if I got the keys or anything".

Comments 136

Abbott defends Randall's Cairns trip


JONATHAN SWAN Prime Minister Tony Abbott has provided the first explanation from the government for WA MP Don Randall's taxpayer-funded trip to Cairns, saying Mr Randall had ''very important discussions'' with Coalition whip.

Comments 374

Trip to Margaret River 'electoral business'

Former tennis player and federal MP John Alexander, who has faced questions over his travel expenses.

Jonathan Swan, Lisa Visentin The tourist town of Yallingup is better known for its wine than its traffic congestion. But it was the latter issue among others that appear to have drawn NSW MP John Alexander.

Pollies pay back $20,000 in claims

Joyce, Brandis

BIANCA HALL Federal politicians have repaid taxpayers more than $20,000 in the last three weeks.

Randall to pay back Cairns trip cash

Prime Minister Tony Abbott addresses the travelling Australian media during a press conference, during the East Asia Summit in Brunei on Thursday 10 October 2013. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Liberal MP Don Randall said he would immediately repay more than $5000 in expense entitlements claimed for a trip to Cairns, as the Australian Federal Police referred cases of alleged misuse of MPs entitlements back to the Finance Department.

Labor MP asks AFP to investigate Abbott

cathy jackson / the weekly

JONATHAN SWAN Labor MP Rob Mitchell has written to the Australian Federal Police to request formal investigations into the alleged misuse of parliamentary entitlements by Tony Abbott and George Brandis.

Monitoring expenses a 'huge bureaucracy'

Member for Canning Don Randall during house of representatives question time at Parliament House Canberra on Tuesday 27th October 2009. Photo by Stefan Postles / Fairfax

JONATHAN SWAN Two months before Don Randall took a trip to Cairns that has raised serious questions about politicians' expenses, the Liberal MP pontificated in Parliament on the subject.

Dodging questions over expense claims

Don Randall

Jonathan Swan, Lisa Visentin A Liberal MP has spent more than $10,000 on questionable travel, Fairfax Media can reveal.

Comments 316

Brandis Library is shelved

The bookcase installed in the former Senate suite occupied by Senator George Brandis in Parliament House.

JONATHAN SWAN When it comes to libraries, George Brandis can claim a place alongside George Washington and other great men .

Comments 202

Hands out of the cookie jar

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati)

Tom Allard The Prime Minister would do well to trade Lycra for action on MPs' entitlements.

Comments 71

Wedding woes for Lib MPs

Immigration minister Scott Morrison.

Jonathan Swan, Lisa Visentin A quarter of Tony Abbott's frontbench is now embroiled in the expenses scandal after Scott Morrison and Stuart Robert repaid taxpayer funds used to attend a colleague's wedding.

Calls for reform on MP entitlements

Tony Abbott.

Jonathan Swan, David Wroe Tony Abbott is resisting demands from all sides of politics to rein in entitlements.

Free NRL finals tickets embarrass Albanese


Anthony Albanese has been forced to declare two free tickets to NRL finals after documents showed he took taxpayer-funded transport to watch South Sydney.

Comments 86

PM defends claiming expenses for Ironman

Tony Abbott

Tony Abbott says he is entitled to bill taxpayers travel and accommodation costs to compete in the Port Macquarie Ironman, as he also attended other community events.

Comments 570

Taxpayers pick up tab for jet set


Daniel Hurst, Jonathan Swan A Coalition MP who lashed out at supermarkets selling halal meat took ''arduous'' taxpayer-funded overseas study tours to broaden his cultural understanding.

Dreyfus red-faced over taxpayer ski trip

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus speaks beside Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Bill Shorten at the Cactus Espresso Bar in Ipswich. 28th of February 2013. Photo: Harrison Saragossi

Jonathan Swan and Daniel Hurst Hours after demanding an investigation into Coalition travel expenses, Labor frontbencher Mark Dreyfus has admitted to billing taxpayers for a ski trip to Perisher.

PM billed taxpayers to attend Slipper wedding

Tony Abbott speaks to  Peter Slipper in 2011.

Jonathan Swan and Michael Bachelard The expenses scandal has taken a new twist, after it emerged Prime Minister Tony Abbott billed taxpayers to attend Peter Slipper's wedding and repaid the cost seven years later.

Expenses scandal spreads

Tony Abbott.

Jonathan Swan, Daniel Hurst Coalition MPs are endangering their reputations as economic managers by charging taxpayers for personal indulgences such as wedding travel, warns former leader John Hewson.

Comments 566

'Overseas study' claim for wedding

Gina Rinehart Julie Bishop and Barnaby Joyce attended the wedding of Sidharth and Mallika Reddy

James Robertson and Jonathan Swan Three Coalition MPs claim return flights from a wedding in Hyderabad as 'overseas study'.

PM repays expenses from Mirabella's wedding

Abbott's front bench (Thumbnail)

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has repaid taxpayers the cost of attending a Liberal colleague’s wedding seven years ago, but only after facing questions from the media late last week.

Comments 185

Brandis, Joyce may face probe over claims

Joyce, Brandis

JAMES ROBERTSON George Brandis and Barnaby Joyce could face a probe into their use of travel entitlements, as Mr Joyce revealed he had repaid expenses claimed while attending the wedding of a friend and shock jock.

Brandis defends taxpayer-funded library

George Brandis

Jonathan Swan, James Robertson Attorney-General George Brandis has defended as within his rights spending nearly $13,000 of taxpayer funds over the past four years on his personal library.

Minister pays back wedding expenses

AFR 26 August 2013 The Australian Financial Review GREAT LEGAL DEBATE at Norton Rose Fulbright, Sydney .  The Panel : Mark Dreyfus QC - AG and George Brandis QC - Shadow AG. 
PIctured George Brandis QC - Shadow AG. Pic by Sasha Woolley

IMG_4719 copy.jpg

JACQUELINE MALEY Senator George Brandis on Sunday repaid $1683.06 in taxpayer-funded entitlements he claimed to attend a wedding.

Ministers claimed costs for wedding trip


JAMES ROBERTSON Two of Tony Abbott's most high-profile ministers claimed thousands of dollars in taxpayer entitlements for attending the wedding of Sydney shock jock Michael Smith.

Comments 371

Help Fairfax Media investigate expenses

Readers are being invited to help aid the search for potentially misused funds.

Abbott in expenses cycle of shame

The Abbott government's crackdown on politicians who rort travel expenses follows a series of reports by Fairfax Media revealing dubious claims by a quarter of Tony Abbott's frontbench.

Expenses crackdown: shades of grey to stay

Comment Without a code of conduct, or an independent arbiter supervising the system, the new rules will do little.

Putting MPs' expenses to the 'pub test'

Have your say on what's a reasonable expense for politicians to claim.

Comments 11

What's behind Randall's disappearing act?

Comment The term 'besieged MP' is used too often . But in Don Randall's case, it's pretty apt.

Comments 36

Abbott backs Randall

PM Tony Abbott says government MP Don Randall made his taxpayer funded trip from Perth to Cairns and back because he needed to talk to his party whip.

'Trust-me Tony's' silence is curious

Mark Kenny Tony Abbott cast the election as a referendum on trust.

Comments 537

Ooops! Quick! Where's that damn protocol?

Tony Wright There was a time when politicians who had tickled the public travel dollar knew the courageous riposte.

Comments 31

Dishonesty separates the dubious claims

West Australian MP Don Randall should be lawyering up and preparing for a full investigation by the Australian Federal Police.

Comments 80

Expenses scandal widens

Liberal MP Don Randall is under pressure to explain billing tax payers for an extensive collection of books and a trip to Cairns.

MPs checking expenses

The PM's parliamentary secretary says all federal politicians would be investigating their past claims.

Tony Abbott owns rort problems

Comment: Prevarication, self-indulgence and lack of leadership mean he will cop blame for everyone's dodgy claims.

Comments 242

Brandis' excuse a sad reflection on a wedding

Comment Two things occur from revelations that the imperious George Brandis has been using public dollars to fund his private political and social interests.

Comments 171
