Illustration: John Spooner.

Illustration: John Spooner.

Another January, another controversy about national identity. This time our ritual of introspection began early, barely a week into the new year. The subject was a patriotic T-shirt being sold by the Aldi supermarket chain, printed with the words, ''Australia. Est. 1788''.

Twitter lit up with outrage, quickly followed by Facebook and news websites. Some said the T-shirts were insensitive towards indigenous Australians. Others went further and argued the shirts were racist. It wasn't long before Aldi took the T-shirts off the rack.

Then came the backlash against the backlash. ''How dare these left-wing nutters change history,'' wrote one commentator on a news website. ''[H]ow dare Aldi insult a day that has significance to my past and my ancestors … It is not called Indigenous day it is Australia day EST 1788 and it happened and I am proud of my heritage.''

In strict terms, the Aldi T-shirts weren't racist, although I understand why many Australians found them objectionable. Historical insensitivity does not constitute racism, even if it frequently accompanies racism.

It would be too easy to use the Aldi T-shirt incident as an excuse to raise that perennial question: is Australia a racist country? Instead, I'd like to pose a different one. With Australia Day this weekend, why don't we ask: who's afraid of pride and patriotism?

Patriotism means a love of country. Yet that on its own says very little. We can, after all, love many different things about our country: a sunburnt and wide brown land; a lifestyle associated with beaches and barbecues; an irreverent, larrikin streak in our national character.

It is perhaps this latter quality that marks out our national spirit the most. As described by critic Peter Conrad, Australians have always maintained our national identity through ''raillery''. Our laughter, our talent for levelling, is a cultural expression of Australian egalitarianism. If we can love many things about a country, we may also love it in different ways. And often, we are guilty of loving not too wisely but too well. Some who would describe themselves as patriotic believe that their country is not only the best in the world but must be protected jealously from any criticism. This is when patriotism can morph into jingoism. A love of country may mutate into an unnecessary belief in your country's superiority.

In a globalised world, many say that it would be better for us just to become citizens of the world. I disagree. We shouldn't abandon patriotism. But some of us need to think of it in a different way.

First, we should tie pride and patriotism to civic membership. Modern Australia isn't defined by race or ethnicity or ancestry. How could it be when more than 45 per cent of us were born overseas or are the children of migrants? Rather, what holds Australia together is our political culture and our historical tradition. We all share a commitment to democratic values and aspirations: a deep sense of equality, a fervent belief in a fair go.

Second, patriotism needn't mean blind loyalty or ethnic chauvinism. You love Australia not just because it's your country, but also because it has qualities that make it worth celebrating. When your country falls short of its best, it may be your obligation to criticise it. If you truly love something, you will want to improve it.

Seen this way, patriotism is about civic responsibility rather than cultural pride; it is a love of country where you can wear your flag on the inside.

There is one issue where we need to be especially vigilant of our patriotism: asylum seekers. Our language on this has changed for the worst over the past decade or so. Too many of us seem disproportionately alarmed about defending our national borders and keeping out asylum seekers who arrive by boat.

A patriot is committed, of course, to the proposition that nations can determine who they admit into their membership. But this gives no licence for the demonisation of those who don't look like ''one of us''. It is no excuse for the callous treatment of those who breach no law in seeking sanctuary from persecution. We must not underestimate the potential consequences of invoking fear - or, as has been happening lately, employing the language of war.

It's not just that such language runs counter to the spirit of Australia's moral and legal obligations as a liberal democratic nation. Playing on fear and manufacturing martial anxiety also feeds a nasty xenophobia - one that may be difficult to contain. Not everyone makes a distinction between an asylum seeker, a refugee, a skilled migrant, a second-generation Australian, or an indigenous Australian. If we're not careful, we could end up contaminating our social cohesion and racial harmony.

There may be a time in the future when we have an opportunity to forge a new national day, free of the ambivalence that accompanies Australia Day. But for now, January 26 is it. Let's use it as an occasion to celebrate our achievements and reflect on the things that we share as Australians.

Let's also use it to ask whether our country is living up to the best of its traditions. In the words of one patriot, ''My country, right or wrong: if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.''

Tim Soutphommasane is federal Race Discrimination Commissioner and a board member of the National Australia Day Council. This is an edited extract of his Australia Day Address in Hobart tonight.