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Shorten questions marriage vouchers

Bill Shorten has accused the government of having its priorities 'all wrong', following Minister Andrew's confirmation that the $20 million relationship voucher scheme will go ahead.

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Australian lovers have woken up to the news that the Abbott government is making good on its plans to offer $200 ''relationship vouchers'' to couples as of July 1.

The Coalition is trialling a scheme which encourages couples to apply for 100,000 vouchers as a subsidy for ''marriage and relationship education and counselling, including components of parenting education, conflict resolution and financial management education''.

The voucher is the brainbaby of Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews, who wants to help couples (both different and same-sex) ''achieve a greater degree of happiness and stability and thereby a better environment for their children''.

Spectacular 'sorry flowers'. If the aim of the federal government's 'relationship voucher' scheme is to create harmony in Australians’ love lives, would its $20 million budget be better spent on other things?

If the aim of the government's 'relationship voucher' scheme is to create harmony in Australians’ love lives, would its $20 million budget be better spent on other things? Photo: Michele Mossop

But if the aim is to create harmony in Australians' love lives, would the scheme's $20 million budget be better spent on other things?

As anyone who has ever played the relationship game knows, sometimes ''talking about things'' doesn't leave anyone feeling stable or happy. And besides, just like snowflakes and Bond movies, every relationship is different.

So, Mr Andrews, if you're listening, would the government consider expanding the scheme so that people could spend the 200 bucks on alternative forms of therapy?

Such as:

  • Dinner out somewhere romantic (to facilitate conversation away from domestic stresses)
  • Nights out with the girls/boys (to gain outsider advice and perspectives)
  • Haircuts for two (to spruce things up)
  • A sackful of candles and essential oils (to make the home look and smell calm)
  • Apple TV (so you can rent movies from the comfort of the loungeroom and never have to have that awkward negotiation at the video shop again)
  • A second TV (when compromise is not possible ... and yes, you can buy a TV for $200)
  • Four bunches of spectacular ''sorry'' flowers (with not a carnation in sight)
  • Ten hours (or so) of baby sitting (no explanation necessary)
  • Fancy new underwear (also no explanation necessary)
  • A cleaner (so no one has to resent the fact that they have to deal with the bathroom. AGAIN)
  • A night at the nicest hotel you can find online for $200 (so cleaning isn't even an issue)
  • Significant but sensible supplies for the liquor cabinet (for the times when the candles and essential oils don't cut it)
  • Significant but sensible supplies for the cheese board (same as above)

If the nation's couples are well fed, well rested and have plenty of TV options, they will be all the chirpier for it.

And if the Audit Commission freaks out about the potential for "government waste", not only would the expanded vouchers be good for love, here's betting they'd boost the economy too.