'Are Australian military leaders so subservient to government direction that they will command the contravention of international law to intrude into another country's waters?'

'Are Australian military leaders so subservient to government direction that they will command the contravention of international law to intrude into another country's waters?' Photo: Nick Moir

There is a wry joke about submarines, that only the navy would build a ship designed to sink. Sailors get plenty of curry of this type in defence circles, chided as the recruits the other services reject, and this week the joke on the navy extended to the community, too.

How armed Australian ships patrolling for asylum-seeker boats transgressed into Indonesian waters is now the subject of an official inquiry. Plenty of people scornfully offered to buy captains of navy and customs vessels a GPS or even antique sextants so they can find their way.

But the scoffing misses the point. Those at the helm of these ships would almost certainly have known they had strayed into Indonesian waters. Too many automated alarms are built into navigational systems for it to be an accident, shown by the fact that the captains fessed up.

The real question to ponder is why these vessels crossed the line. It might not be ''government policy'' to enter Indonesian territory, but Tony Abbott also has a policy to turn back asylum-seeker boats.

Failing that, government policy is to disembark asylum seekers on to hard-hull lifeboats and send them north. This sets up a potential conflict between the policy and the desired outcome at what must be a time of terrible stress - rolling seas, rickety boats and unsecured passengers.

The government appears inclined to dismiss questions on the incursions as sour grapes from those who oppose the hardline attitude to asylum seekers. But that would be a mistake. The coherence of the policy is at stake. Did the captains decide that turning a boat back or dumping a lifeboat could be done safely only by breaching Indonesian territory and bringing the vessel closer to land? Ensuring safety of life at sea is a moral and legal obligation for sailors, so was the judgment that it is better to act first and seek forgiveness later?

The alternative is that the ships' captains obeyed orders from superiors. It seems clear an order has been issued that categorically rules out escorting asylum-seeker boats to Australian territory, whether the mainland or Christmas Island. Are Australian military leaders so subservient to government direction that they will command the contravention of international law to intrude into another country's waters? Either way, this is the kind of permissive and murky environment the noxious political contest over asylum-seeker arrivals has created.

The inquiry might offer answers. The log entries on each of the as-yet-undisclosed number of Australian ships that transgressed the line will offer a crucial picture of the captains' thinking. But whether the public finds out the results of the inquiry is another matter, given the propensity to invoke operational secrecy around Operation Sovereign Borders. That secrecy is selective, of course. It is curious that a government that refuses to confirm when a boat arrives is now happily trumpeting they are not.

The report is due on February 10 and it would be a mistake to brush the episode aside with blithe assurances while keeping the findings under wraps. Indonesia is not the enemy in what Abbott has likened to a war against people smuggling. Just like the Australian public, Jakarta deserves to know the facts. Transparency in this investigation will also restore faith in the navy a lot quicker than any blandishment from Scott Morrison or the defence chiefs about the good conduct of Australia's sailors.

The navy is clearly stinging from criticisms. Not just about the intrusions into Indonesia, but the performance of some drongo apparently in the service who declared on Facebook how he would ''deal with these f---ers'' of asylum seekers. There will doubtless be more idiots of this kind.

But frankly, the ranting of a few individual sailors is far less worrisome than the bigger question that such behaviour raises about what Australians, as a nation, expect the navy to do. The lower ranks in the military are a reflection of those in charge and this must be where the real concerns lie.

In the face of repeated allegations about sailors' rough handling of people on the boats, the response of commanders and politicians has been to stonewall.

''The Australian government is not going to put up with people sledging the Australian navy with unsubstantiated claims when they have high levels of motivation for spinning stories,'' was typical of Morrison's blanket denial this week. Navy chief Vice-Admiral Ray Griggs complained sailors are ''worthy of more respect''.

All of which may well be true. But this is the military, found to have fostered a culture of bastardisation, cover-up and abuse. It seems reasonable to suppose that those acculturated in an abusive environment will find it easy to abuse. Surely the government, having displayed such confidence there is nothing to hide, could back this up with an investigation and public report to lay matters to rest.

Culture and attitude is key. Patrolling the northern waters has been an intense navy task now for more than a decade, but Australia's defence planners are still obsessed with big-boys' toys. For an example, look no further than the docks in Williamstown, where the giant hulk of an amphibious assault ship is being built against imagined contingencies of tomorrow at the expense of acquiring extra smaller vessels to tackle the immediate challenge.

Border patrols are still seen as grubby work beneath a deep-water fleet. Yet operations in the north against asylum seekers are now by far the navy's biggest job.

Delicate skills are needed in negotiating with desperate individuals - and regardless of a person's refugee status, everyone getting on those boats is desperate.