An asylum seeker says the burns on his hands were caused by Australian Navy personnel holding his hands to hot parts of a boat engine.

An asylum seeker says the burns on his hands were caused by Australian Navy personnel. Photo: Supplied

Claims that the Australian navy deliberately burned the hands of asylum seekers intercepted at sea may never be conclusively disproved, with an Indonesian investigation stalling and the Australian government refusing to give a full account of what happened.

Indonesia has cited jurisdictional limitations over whether any crime took place in its territory, while the Australian government has emphatically denied the allegations which relate to a vessel intercepted with 45 asylum seekers aboard and which set out for Australia on January 1, but returned to Indonesia five days later.

However, the Australian government refuses to offer an explanation which might reveal so-called ''operational matters'' associated with its secretive boat turn-back policy.

Kupang police chief of detectives Sam Kawengian said he had finished his investigation after taking statements and organising medical checks of asylum seekers. ''We handed the result to the Immigration Department and immigration will co-ordinate with the International Organisation for Migration about the claims,'' he said.

''According to the refugees, [the Australian navy personnel] questioned them about why they wanted to go to Australia … and while being questioned, they were hit.

''They were also made to touch the hot engine parts, that's how their hands got burned.''

National police spokesman Inspector-General Ronny Franky Sompie said the police would communicate with the Australian Federal Police and Interpol.

The government claims its boat policies are working, with Immigration Minister Scott Morrison announcing the 36th consecutive day in which there were ''no persons illegally arriving by boat transferred to our immigration authorities''.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has attempted to dial down the diplomatic row by describing the relationship as in otherwise good condition.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott rejected the allegations of any wrongdoing by naval personnel. ''I trust Australia's naval personnel,'' Mr Abbott said.