<i>Illustration: Simon Bosch</i>

Illustration: Simon Bosch

If you thought the politics of the paid parental leave scheme were complicated, just wait until you get to the policy itself.

As we all know, the policy is not just Prime Minister Tony Abbott's pet project. It is his non-negotiable, line-in-sand, leadership defining issue. He has persisted with it through stolid opposition from his own party room, from his Coalition partners, from his political mentors such as South Australian Liberal elder Nick Minchin, from Liberal state premiers such as Western Australia's Colin Barnett, from employer and business organisations and even from the very Liberal voting ''women of calibre'' the scheme is supposed to benefit, as a pre-election survey by Women on Boards demonstrated.

Labor opposes what it describes as Abbott's ''rolled-gold paid parental leave scheme that favours the wealthy'', as does independent senator Nick Xenophon, and the potential balance-of-power holding Palmer United Party also disagrees with the scheme's bias towards higher-earning women.

In fact, the scheme's only political friend appears to be the Australian Greens, who have said they might support it if Abbott caps the upper salary limit at $100,000 (instead of the proposed $150,000) and agrees to some changes to the Fair Work Act.

Undaunted by what most politicians would see an impenetrable wall of hostility, Abbott is pressing on with what is now officially referred to as ''a fair dinkum PPL scheme''.

And now the real problems are starting to emerge. Over the past week bureaucrats have been fanning out across the country doing consultations about the proposed legislation with various groups. It is highly unusual, to put it mildly, for such consultations to take place during the summer holidays, which goes to show the priority being given to the scheme. The government wants it legislated by June 30 and for it to operate from July 1 next year.

The consultations have thrown up a few wrinkles and, already, the government has had to revise part of the policy. And this is before the really hard-core issue is addressed.

During the consultations it was revealed that the government planned to use the social services powers of the constitution as the legal basis for the legislation. That was not unusual. This power is the basis for health insurance legislation and aged care legislation, for example. What was striking was the intention to use this power to override existing private employer parental leave schemes. It would be ''illegal'' for employers to top-up Abbott's scheme with their own plans, said one of the bureaucrats at a consultation this past week. ''No one else will be able to offer anything called 'paid parental leave' '', said another.

Alarm bells sounded when this was reported on The Drum and in The Australian Financial Review on Wednesday. Not only would employers no longer be able to use their family friendly schemes as enticements for women workers, but there was the prospect of a precedent for the government to override other agreements and industry awards. That could have made Work Choices look like a walk in the park.

Not only that, if all existing schemes had to be closed down, where would we be when (I use the word 'when' rather than 'if' advisedly) the next Liberal leader or a Labor government repeals or drastically amends Abbott's baby?

On Wednesday night the office of Kevin Andrews, the Minister for Social Security, who has carriage of the legislation, issued a clarification. ''The government does not intend to displace existing paid parental leave schemes provided under industrial agreements,'' it said. ''Employers will continue to be allowed to determine their own policies including offering top-ups to attract staff''.

Now that is cleared up, the government has to come up with a workable definition of ''income''.

The core principle of the scheme is to pay new mothers replacement income, either their salary, to a maximum of $150,000 a year, for 26 weeks or the adult minimum wage if they currently earn less than that.

Sounds simple. And it is for someone who has a regular job, with a defined salary (able to be proved with a payslip).

But how do you establish the income of the woman who works with her farmer or tradie husband, does the books and all other kinds of work contributing to generating household income, but does not receive a salary as such? Or the woman whose salary is quite low but is topped up by commissions or bonuses - is it the salary or the total income that will be replaced?

Or the self-employed woman whose income fluctuates according to how her business is doing? Or the teacher on a rolling contract who is not technically employed during school holidays and can't meet the requirement of eight weeks' continuous employment before the baby's birth?

What about the stay-at-home mother who has no income at all and who will no longer be able to receive the Baby Bonus which is to be abolished in March?

How the superannuation contribution will be determined is another tantalising challenge for those charged with transforming Abbott's idea into legislation.

And then there's the issue of how the scheme is funded: companies with after-tax incomes of $5 million will pay a 1.5 per cent levy and be compensated with a 1.5 per cent reduction in company tax.

Employers who will no longer have to provide PPL but who are not companies look to reap a sizeable fiscal bounty from not having to pay the levy but with no benefit to the federal government's bottom line. I am thinking of universities, law and accounting firms, private schools, state governments and other public entities.

This will be seen as a further injustice by retirees who are already complaining they are effectively subsidising the scheme to the tune of $1.6 billion, according to the Parliamentary Budget Office, because the levy will not attract franking credits.

Once the legislation is on the table, even more problems are likely to reveal themselves.

This is going to be quite some baby.
