There’s Nothing Anarchist about Eco-Fascism: A Condemnation of ITS

May 13th, 2017

“When horror knocks at your door, it’s difficult to hide from. All that can be done is to breathe, gather strength, and face it…. I shared news of the woman found in University City. From the first moment, I was angered and protested the criminalization of the victim. The next morning I woke up to the horror and pain that she was my relative.”
– Statement from the family of Lesvy Rivera to Mexican society

“[W]e take responsibility for the homicide of another human in University City on May 3rd….Much has emerged about that damned thing leaning lifeless on a payphone… ‘that she suffered from alcoholism, that she wasn’t a student, this and that.’ But what does it matter? She’s just another mass, just another damned human who deserved death.”
– 29th Statement of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS)

Some things shouldn’t have to be said, but as is too often the case in this disaster of a world, that which should be most obvious often gets subsumed to the exigencies of politics, ideologies, money, emotion, or internet clicks. The purpose of this piece is to condemn the recent acts of eco-extremists in Mexico and those who cheer them on from abroad.

This critique does not aspire to alter the behavior of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), Individualities Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), Wild Reaction (RS), Indiscriminate Group Tending Toward the Wild (GITS), Eco-extremist Mafia, or whatever they will change their name to tomorrow. Like any other deluded, sociopathic tyrant, these individuals have declared themselves above reproach, critique, reason, or accountability. They have appointed themselves judge, jury, and executioner; the guardians and enforcers of Truth using a romanticized past to justify their actions. As absolutist authoritarians, they have constructed a theoretical framework that, while ever-shifting and inconsistent, somehow always ends with a justification for why they get to hold a knife to the throats of all of humankind. In short, they think and act like the State. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hacia la Liberación Total: Memoria y kontrakultura, actividad en memoria de Mauri (Chile)

May 13th, 2017

Hacia la Liberación Total:
Memoria y kontrakultura

Compañerxs lxs invitamos a hacerse parte de la jornada kontrakultural a realizarse el día 20 de mayo desde las 14 hrs en la Biblioteca Manuel Rojas, en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales, el “Punki Mauri” a 8 años de su muerte en acción.

Durante la actividad tendremos un almuerzo vegano colectivo, taller de encuadernación, medicina natural, creación de máscaras, grabado y propaganda, además danza butoh, cuentacuentos, teatro, poesía insurrecta y nos acompañarán bandas musicales hermanas.

Con los talleres reivindicamos la autoformación, la colectivización del conocimiento, el encuentro entre compañerxs que traspasan y fomentan aprendizajes para potenciar la autonomía, dando vida y valor al hazlo tú mismx, avanzando en un presente y futuro sin Autoridad.

Nuestra kontrakultura anárquica/antiautoritaria no tiene una finalidad estética o decorativa, sino que a través de lo que vamos creando permitimos el que fluyan sentimientos y emociones que propagan nuestras ideas y valores negadores del orden existente.

Habrá videos contrainformativos, información de compañerxs presxs, puestos de distintas bibliotecas antiautoritarias y material de propaganda anárquica, lxs invitamos a que lleven sus ferias.

Lxs esperamos!!!


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June 28 – International Solidarity Day with imprisoned anarchist comrade Eric King (USA)

May 13th, 2017

June 28th of this year will mark one year since Eric King was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and one year since he stood up in court in Kansas City, Missouri. EK read the statement he had prepared declaring why he took action on that fateful night and that he still has no regrets. Eric has seen and experienced a lot in the nearly three years of his incarceration, and every step of the way he is unwavering in who he is and with the principles he upholds. From long stints in the S.H.U (Secure Housing Unit), to getting moved from one institution to another, to anxiety filled situations where he doesn’t know where he might be going next, he always maintains a kind of spirit that keeps him afloat no matter what they throw at him.

He also understands that while he may be locked up, he is far from forgotten about, as evidenced through the collective efforts of those actively supporting him directly or on the periphery. EK is emboldened by anyone who responds to that fire inside, fights against oppression as a part of the anarchist struggle undeterred, and who remains unrelenting no matter what that state throws at you. Read the rest of this entry »

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Warsaw 3 – A Call for Solidarity Actions on May 31st 2017

May 13th, 2017

Dear Friends,

We have been waiting for over a year for the trial of the Warsaw 3. Today, we send this call out for solidarity actions on the first court sitting – the 31st of May 2017.

There is also a demonstration ‘WE ARE ALL TERRORISTS’ planned for that day in front of the court in Warsaw (adress: Marszałkowska 82).

The Polish government follows the international trend to see terrorist threat everywhere. There is no better reason to fuel war economy, enhance policing tools and prepare the ground for autocracy than the figure of the enemy. Either external threat – migrants (including kids ready to commit acts of terror), or the inside threat in the form of the domestic terrorism category is at this point commonly used in the whole EU to scare the population into obedience. Read the rest of this entry »

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For a Dangerous June – Call for a month of mobilization in solidarity with Italian anarchist prisoners

May 9th, 2017

A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’

State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.

In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel. Read the rest of this entry »

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Update about Operation Scripta Manent + Alfredo Cospito is on hunger strike (Italy)

May 4th, 2017

A couple of week ago the investigations concerning the op. Scripta Manent were closed, so now the preliminary hearing is awaited, when the judge will decide whether to put on trial the suspected comrades.

Today [3/5/17] anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito begins a ten-days hunger strike against the censorship imposed to him by prosecutor Sparagna [in charge of op. “Scripta Manent”], which blocks almost the whole incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.

ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara, Italia

via anarhija

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MayDay – The Hague: Solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen (Netherlands, Germany)

May 2nd, 2017

Today on MayDay, the international day of struggle against capitalism and oppression four banners were hanged in The Hague, the Netherlands, and more than a 1500 flyers scattered in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany.

In 2015 and 2016 three anarchist comrades, one from Amsterdam and two from Barcelona, have been imprisoned after the prosecution office of Aachen (Germany) issued warrants for their arrests on accusation of bank robbery in the same city. The comrade from Amsterdam, charged with a robbery in 2013, has been acquitted in December 2017; she is currently awaiting the revision appeal. The trial of the two other comrades concerns a robbery in 2014 and began on the 23rd January 2017; their court case will continue for the coming months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Rage and solidarity!

more pictures

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Actividad en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados en la cárcel de San Miguel (Chile)

May 1st, 2017

Un nuevo 8… un nuevo Mayo…

En un par de semanas se cumplirán 8 años de la muerte en acción del compañero Mauricio Morales a metros de la Escuela de Gendarmería, tras la detonación anticipada de la bomba artesanal que transportaba.

Desde ese día la memoria anárquica del “Punki Mauri” se ha defendido y propagado a lo largo y ancho del mundo, a través de todo tipo de gestos antiautoritarios que combaten con fiereza el olvido y el silencio.

Lxs invitamos a todxs el día lunes 8 de mayo afuera de la Cárcel de San Miguel desde las 19 hrs, donde recordaremos a Mauri y los 81 presos asesinados por el Estado el 8 de diciembre de 2010, siempre desde nuestras ideas y prácticas anárquicas contrarias al mundo del Dominio.


Mayo 2017

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Chile: Publicación a la memoria rebelde e insurrecta de Javier Recabarren (PDF)

May 1st, 2017

PDF: Semana por Javier Recabarren – Marzo 2017

Múltiples pueden ser las formas en las que se puede recordar a un/a compañerx, amigx, hermanx, cada quien con su forma, sus recuerdos, sus palabras o afinidades. Desde pequeños destellos que formaron aportes a la lucha se construye la memoria de aquellxs a quienes no dejamos escapar de nuestrxs caminos, rescatando la fuerza puesta en la construcción de la autonomía, esa misma que nos mueve, experiencia compartida que nos hizo cómplices en algún momento y que continuamos propagando.

Ahora se propaga un pequeño gesto en recuerdo de un compa cuyo recuerdo nos estremece, así como se hizo a través de un panfleto o del reconfortante sonido de una vitrina destrozada por una piedra, devolviendo una porción de nuestra rabia al capital por el compa que nos arrebató en medio de su rutina, de su envolvente sociedad de olvido y esclavitud. Un aporte mínimo, un gesto sencillo, pero reconociendo la afinidad que sentimos al recordar sus pasos.

Javier Recabarren está en nuestra memoria y acompaña nuestro andar por las enmarañadas sendas de la liberación total. En ellas no reconocemos vicios sobre la edad ni de la “madurez”, porque es la afinidad la que nos une, el arrojo el que nos incentiva y las convicciones las que nos construyen cotidianamente.


PD: Agradeciendo profundamente a lxs compas que respondieron la semana de agitación por Javier, dejamos a disposición esta publicación, que recopila palabras y acciones -desde una posición anárquica- enmarcadas en la iniciativa lanzada públicamente en Marzo del presente año, 2017.

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Letter of solidarity from anarchist prisoners in Korydallos Prison to Palestinian hungerstrikers (Greece, Israel, Palestine)

April 28th, 2017

The struggles of the Palestinian political prisoners are directly and inextricably
connected with the overall struggle of the Palestinian people. 70 percent of the
Palestinian families have at least one member that has been imprisoned for
action against the state of Israel. 20 percent of the total population has been
imprisoned at least once in their life while according to other estimations 40
percent of the male population has been imprisoned at some point in their life
within the past 30 years.

Another revealing manifestation of the situation the Palestinian strugglers find
themselves in while inside the Israeli prisons is the fact that until 1999 “mild
torture” during interrogation was considered legitimate practice by law. These
tortures included- among others – deprivation of sleep, immobilization in an
uncomfortable body posture, loud music, exposure to extremely cold or hot
temperatures, placement of malodorous cloths over the face etc. In 1999 the
supreme court of Israel upheld that in certain cases these practices were illegal
and thus imposed some restrictions. These restrictions did not, however, rule
out force-feeding as illegal in accordance with the UN provisions.

On the 1st of May 2000 almost 1000 out of the 1650 Palestinian political
prisoners participated in a large-scale hunger strike that lasted one month,
demanding better living conditions, better treatment by the guards, family visits,
abolition of the solitary confinement, access to healthcare and release of political
prisoners. During the solidarity demonstrations seven Palestinians lost their
lives while one thousand got injured. Meanwhile, sixty Israelis got injured, too.
On the 31st of the same month the government of Israel satisfied some of the
demands. Read the rest of this entry »

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Summary of session 17 in the Aachen bank robbery case (Germany)

April 27th, 2017

The session on the 24th of April barely took three hours. It begun with the attempt to “coordinate” the agendas so that the biometrical expert would be able to testify. It was expected that this would happen on the 25th of April, but on this day the expert is not able to come, and since the prosecution has insisted that he/she is an important witness, the dates of the court have been changed. It seems now that this expert will testify on the 12th of May (although this still needs to be confirmed). Tomorrow’s session is cancelled, and for the moment there are three new sessions: on the 31st of May, and the 7th and 13th of June.

The session consisted of reading a part of the file, concerning the phones which were confiscated during the house raids: corresponding numbers in the contact lists of various phones have been compared, without having been able to read the conclusions of the police, since the lawyers prevented this (protected by some German law). A phone bill of one of the accused was also read out; there are some text messages which do not appear on the bill, and the prosecutor has assumed that these are roaming messages, although the lawyers have suggested that these could be advertising messages (which also do not appear on bills). Furthermore, according to the policy of Vodafone, data needs to be destroyed after one year, which implies that the information of this phone bill (provided by the Spanish police) cannot be used and has been obtained illegally. Because of all this, the prosecution and the judge have requested that an expert of the police will come as a witness in order to explain on the one hand how they have come by these data, and on the other if the aforementioned text messages are roaming messages or not. This will happen during the next session on the 28th of April.

Finally a letter was read out, sent from Berlin to one of the comrades accompanied by a poster about a talk concerning the historical relation between anarchists and expropriation. Various claims of acts in solidarity with our imprisoned comrades, which happened last week, were also read out.

The next session will be on the 28th of April at 09.00

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A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. Read the rest of this entry »

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