Posts Tagged ‘Palestine’

Letter of solidarity from anarchist prisoners in Korydallos Prison to Palestinian hungerstrikers (Greece, Israel, Palestine)

Friday, April 28th, 2017

The struggles of the Palestinian political prisoners are directly and inextricably
connected with the overall struggle of the Palestinian people. 70 percent of the
Palestinian families have at least one member that has been imprisoned for
action against the state of Israel. 20 percent of the total population has been
imprisoned at least once in their life while according to other estimations 40
percent of the male population has been imprisoned at some point in their life
within the past 30 years.

Another revealing manifestation of the situation the Palestinian strugglers find
themselves in while inside the Israeli prisons is the fact that until 1999 “mild
torture” during interrogation was considered legitimate practice by law. These
tortures included- among others – deprivation of sleep, immobilization in an
uncomfortable body posture, loud music, exposure to extremely cold or hot
temperatures, placement of malodorous cloths over the face etc. In 1999 the
supreme court of Israel upheld that in certain cases these practices were illegal
and thus imposed some restrictions. These restrictions did not, however, rule
out force-feeding as illegal in accordance with the UN provisions.

On the 1st of May 2000 almost 1000 out of the 1650 Palestinian political
prisoners participated in a large-scale hunger strike that lasted one month,
demanding better living conditions, better treatment by the guards, family visits,
abolition of the solitary confinement, access to healthcare and release of political
prisoners. During the solidarity demonstrations seven Palestinians lost their
lives while one thousand got injured. Meanwhile, sixty Israelis got injured, too.
On the 31st of the same month the government of Israel satisfied some of the
demands. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Demonstration zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen in Berlin – Demo for political prisoners (Germany)

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Freitag, 18. März 2016 um 18 uhr
S-Bhf Sonnenallee

Join us for March 18 – Day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners! Resist and fight against the justice system of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist oppression!

Freedom for all political prisoners….

The internationally-operating Rote Hilfe (‘Red Help’) – until present the most meaningful and largest solidarity organisation for workers’ and peoples’ movements – was officially founded not for nothing by the Communist Internationale on March 18, 1923. It was the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871 – the first attempt of the working class to take over the power and carry it with the goal of reorganizing the society. France’s and Germany’s ruling classes united to drown in blood this struggle of the oppressed. 30,000 men and women, workers, fighters and revolutionaries were hanged, 363,000 appeared before court. To commemorate this massacre and honour the fallen, this day has been known up until now as the international day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners.

Even today it remains in the nature of things for the universal imperialist system of exploitation to produce copious amounts of hardship, poverty and war, calling forth the exploited and the oppressed to commit to a most decided resistance. To assure their continuous rule and profits, the bourgeois countries, their armed institutions and their justice system resort to various forms of political repression: intimidation, spying, news-baiting, monetary fines, tightened laws, bans, trials, imprisonment, isolation, counter-revolutionary violence, torture, planned disappearances, murder and terror are in the program of the so fully ‘democratic’ dictatorships of the bourgeoisie in the imperialist capitalist system. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gaza: Demonstrations and 'International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners' (Palestine)

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

This Monday 24th of August, as every Monday, the families of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have gathered at the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza City. Tens of people joined them in order to show their support, denounce the conditions that the prisoners suffer and to demand the freedom of all the Palestinians kidnapped by the occupation.

In a new proof of their solidarity with the oppressed people of the world, the Palestinian former prisoners have shown their support to all the Anarchist prisoners jailed around the world, during the second “International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners”, 23-30 August 2015. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Élargissons la solidarité révolutionnaire depuis la Turquie, du Kurdistan jusqu'à Palestine

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Notre appel en hommage au camarade Cemil.
Élargissons la solidarité révolutionnaire depuis la Turquie, du Kurdistan jusqu’à Palestine !
Les captifs patriotes, révolutionnaires ne sont pas seuls !

L’État fasciste turc et l’État raciste sioniste d’Israël se rivalisent à torturer et à sauvagement attaquer les captifs progressistes, patriotes et révolutionnaires.

Mohammed Alan, captif palestinien en grève de la faim depuis plus de deux mois, est dans un état critique, branché par les fascistes sionistes qui tentent de le nourrir contre son gré. Face à de lourdes conditions d’isolation, des attaques visant les familles des captifs, des fouilles corporelles dégradantes, de lourdes tortures appliquées mêmes en cas de transferts vers les hôpitaux, de centaines de captifs palestiniens, membres de différentes organisations parmi lesquelles AL FATAH et le FPLP, poursuivent la grève de la faim. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'The Split' – Chapter 9 of the book 'Radical Peace: People Refusing War' By William T. Hathaway (USA, Israel)

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

The Split
Differences over Israel tear apart a Jewish marriage

Chapter 9 the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

Stan and Hannah Cooper are friends of mine from college days. Both are Jewish, but they have diametrically opposed views about Israel, and their differences have become so bitter that they’ve decided to divorce. As the three of us talked about this, it became clear that their dispute is a microcosm of the conflict that is tearing the Jewish community apart and also destroying lives in an increasingly large part of the world.

William: Your differences must have become quite serious if you’ve decided to end your marriage after all these years.

Stan: Well, these are very serious issues. If you take the Holocaust seriously, you have to support Israel. And Hannah doesn’t. If she has her way, if the people she supports come to power in Israel and the USA, they’ll stop resisting the terrorists and become holier than thou pacifists while the Arabs push the Jews into the sea and blow up half the USA. Then the pacifists will cry about what a tragedy it all is.

Well, I’m not going through another tragedy. I’m not going to see America and Israel destroyed because we didn’t have the courage to stand up to fanatics. I’m not going to have our generation go through something like our grandparent’s went through. Once is enough, once was way too many, and now we finally have to defend ourselves. (more…)

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Posted in Library

'Globalizing the Intifada' By William T. Hathaway

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

The invaders have surrounded and attacked us, conquered here and there, and built their bases in our lands. So we attack the invaders where we can, determined to retake our lands and drive them out. We would prefer not to be warriors. We would rather raise our children in the ways of kindness. But for our children to have a future, we must now be warriors. So be it.

In Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan this war is most intense, but it is a international war, and people of every religion and race are under attack. The capitalist class is assaulting us worldwide, throttling our hopes of decent lives. We’re now all in the same boat, a global Mavi Marmara, so our resistance must be global. Our foe is not only the Zionists but the forces of Western imperialism of which they are a part. To survive, we must set aside our religious and political differences and form a united front. Shias, Sunnis, secularists and socialists need to work together to defeat our common enemy. If we join in solidarity, we can win. Otherwise the imperialists will continue to divide and rule.

Non-violent opposition is important but not sufficient. To be effective in this war, it must be coupled with armed struggle. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Black Block of Iran and the Anarchist Network – Solidarity Statement in support of all Kurdish people and their struggle for freedom

Monday, September 8th, 2014

We, as a part of Farsi speaking anarchists, strongly convey our solidarity with you and express our extreme anger towards the injustice happening to your children, women and men for the profit of Capital, the occupiers, war criminals and all those of the rule of tyranny.

We anarchists, believe the rights of Kurds and Palestinians are so integral to each other that they should be recognised as one.

Imperialists in all shapes and forms, hand in hand with the Islamic regime of Iran, are ruining the life of innocent people of this planet on regional levels and on a global scale.

Western rulers on one hand are declaring they are fighting against Islamization, on the other hand, instead of providing Muslim residents with free and universal education, are building more and more mosques that do not free them from ignorance.

Let us expose these dirty tricks of Western rulers from every layer of Western society, including among Western leftists.

Ignorance of these leftists distracts the world from the real catastrophe, truths and all the other terrifying things happening in the Middle East, and has turned the majority of activists into dysfunctional forces in Europe, US, Canada, Australia and other countries.

Worse still, the activism of the left has turned into a work “against” Middle Eastern people, who end up recruiting for a supernumerary army of Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah and the criminal Islamic regime of Iran, in mass rallies organised by bloody mosques in Europe and elsewhere under the name of supporting the Palestinian cause. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call Out – Stop NATO action against securitisation and policing (Wales, UK)

Monday, August 25th, 2014

From Cardiff to Gaza – tear down their barrier!

In preparation for the NATO summit, the authorities have put a giant fucking wall around parts of Cardiff and Newport. Local people do not want this wall – it prevents access to public grounds and services, disrupts essential travel and is an ugly visible reminder of the increasingly militarised zone that Cardiff and Newport have become in advance of this Summit.

Whilst they are in no way equivalent, we are mindful of the daily plight of the Palestinian people, hemmed in by giant walls that prevent them from accessing sufficient provisions, medical care or shelter from the prolific murderous Israeli attacks that have recently claimed thousands of lives.

We stand against all those states and corporations which would seek to profit from human misery, division and securitisation.

Meet us on Sunday, 31th August, at 3pm at the Nye Bevan statue in Cardiff (west end of Queen Street, opposite the castle) to make our feelings known.

Bring Palestinian flags and banners.


What’s Planned?

Stop NATO week of action: 30th Aug – 5th Sep

All week: action camp near Newport, with gigs, workshops, skillshares. The main info-point for further details during the week will be at the camp. Full details can be found on the camp website.

Fri 29th Aug: Help set up the camp.

Sat 30th Aug: Radical bloc will join demo against NATO in Newport.

Sun 31st Aug: Day of action against drones, securitisation and policing.

Mon 1st Sep: Day of action against austerity, benefit cuts and evictions.

Tue 2nd Sep: No Borders South Wales day of action.

Wed 3rd Sep: Day of skillshares and action training.

Thu 4th Sep: Mass action to disrupt the summit. Further details near the time. Affinity group actions to help disrupt the summit also welcome!

Fri 5th Sep: Affinity group actions against capitalism, the state and NATO; get together with your mates and organise your own action.

Sat 6th Sep: Help pack up the camp.

More info here and here.

Mainstream media link


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Posted in Social Control

Letter from Gülaferit Ünsal, who was on hunger-strike in solidarity with prisoners in Greece (Germany)

Sunday, August 10th, 2014

via RHI-SRI:

Hi there,

I did a three-day hunger strike (18-20 July.) In solidarity with the Greek prisoners. Isolation is torture. I myself am in an isolation cell for 2 years and 3 months. I understand very well the situation of the Greek. prisoners. I was also in a Greek jail. I know the conditions of the Greek Prisoners.
You know the F-type prison system in Turkey. 7-year-old death fast against isolation cells in Turkey, against the F-type prisons. 122 people have died in the resistance against the F-type prisons.
I do not want a new massacre somewhere in this world. But, imperialism and fascism always want a new massacre in the world. Isolation is a capitalist policy. It is not only related to the prisons. It deprives a brain. 7 years Death Fast has shown the whole world that this is impossible. Everyone should show resistance to the isolation. Anyone can do it. It is possible!
Then yet another development. Murderer Israel has bombed Gaza. A massacre in Palestine! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Activists shut down Israeli arms factory (UK)

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

We spread this social activist action report in solidarity with the struggle against all oppression – Report from London Palestine Action via RabbleLDN:

Victory to the Palestinian struggle! Stop arming Israel! #StopElbit

For nearly a month, Israel has bombarded Gaza from land, sea and air. More than 1800 Palestinians have lost their lives and war crimes have been committed. To our collective shame, the UK government has not only failed to take action to pressure Israel to stop its massacre, but has refused to take steps to end the material support it provides to Israel’s brutal regime of apartheid and colonialism. When governments support crimes against humanity, grassroots movements must take direct action.

A group of activists from the London Palestine Action network have today (5/8/14) chained the doors shut of an Israeli weapons factory based near Birmingham in the UK and are now occupying the roof. As part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) and in response to calls for action from Palestinian movements, we are demanding the permanent closure of the factory and an end to all forms of military trade and cooperation with Israel. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Remembering Dalal al-Mughrabi, symbol of the struggle for liberation (Palestine)

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Dalal al-Mughrabi, a Palestinian fighter who became a legend for many years, led a group of 12 fighters in one of the most talked about attacks against Israeli forces 33 years ago.

Dalal is still seen by Palestinians and Arabs as a hero and an outstanding fighter. “Dalal will never be forgotten as she will remain an admirable symbol of the Palestinian women’s struggle and an example to be emulated by young Palestinian men and women who will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of Palestine” says her mother.

Dalal al-Mughrabi, a Palestinian fighter who became a legend for many years, led a group of 12 fighters in one of the most talked about attacks against Israeli forces 33 years ago.

On March 11, 1978, Dalal along with her group of fighters managed to infiltrate the Lebanese-Israeli border to the coastal plain near Tel Aviv using rubber dinghy boats. She and her comrades destroyed the boats the moment they reached the coast. It was a one-way trip, as they had returned home to stay. They hijacked an Israeli military bus and took its passengers, some three dozen soldiers, as hostages after driving the bus along the coastal highway to the colony of Herzliya, where a nine-hour battle took place between them and Israeli forces. The group was killed in the fighting, so were the majority of the Israeli soldiers on the bus.

After killing Dalal al-Mughrabi, Israeli commander Ehud Barak (now Deputy Prime Minister of Israel) unclothed her in front of the cameras, fondled her breasts, stuck the bayonet of his rifle into her body and performed other atrocities on intimate parts of her body.

Dalal al-Mughrabi, the 20-year old woman, who had never seen her homeland until the moment of her death, was born in the refugee camp of Sabra in Lebanon in 1958. After Dalal’s death, her mother said that she preferred that her daughter’s body be buried in Palestine.

Three decades after her death, Dalal is still seen by Palestinians and Arabs as a hero and an outstanding fighter. In a message she sent shortly before she died, Dalal appealed during the last gasp of her life to Palestinian factions to point their guns to their enemy – Israel, and not to get involved in internal fighting. She inspired thousands of young Palestinian and Lebanese women to follow in her footsteps, such as Sana Muhaidaly, Yvonne Abboud, Wafa Edris, Ayat Al Akhras and Hanadi Jaradat among others.

According to her mother, who was speaking to an Arabic TV channel “Dalal will never be forgotten as she will remain an admirable symbol of the Palestinian women’s struggle and an example to be emulated by young Palestinian men and women who will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of Palestine.”

325 takes a clear class struggle position in regard to the question of national liberation and advocates a non-state solution to the question of Israeli aggression and domination of the region. Long live the memory of all insurgent fighters against oppression – Victory to those who still continue. For global intifada and social war.

Fawda – On the Struggle in Palestine (Venomous Butterfly)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist, Autonomy

Palestinian Solidarity Action in Stoke-on-Trent (UK)

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

2 June 2010

Supermarket targetted over Israeli investments.

From the claim:

“On Wednesday 2nd June a Tesco express in Hartshill, Stoke on Trent was visited out of hours by Palestinian solidarity activists. petrol pump hoses were D-locked together. doors padlocks and cash machines were superglued. ‘Israeli murderers’ and ‘Boycott Israel’ were sprayed on the garage and the supermarket. The impunity and arrogance of the state of Israel and its supporters will only diminish when an avalanche of meaningful actions are taken against them. … “

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Posted in Direct Action

Liberation for Palestine – Solidarity with the Gaza 72 (UK)

Monday, February 15th, 2010

During 27th December to 18th January 2009, the brutal Israeli attack against the people of Gaza took place. The terroristic and fascist nature of this murderous act is well known, and many people of the United Kingdom protested and agitated against this brutal war-crime in several demos across the country, like many people all over the globe. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control