Posts Tagged ‘Netherlands’

MayDay – The Hague: Solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen (Netherlands, Germany)

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Today on MayDay, the international day of struggle against capitalism and oppression four banners were hanged in The Hague, the Netherlands, and more than a 1500 flyers scattered in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany.

In 2015 and 2016 three anarchist comrades, one from Amsterdam and two from Barcelona, have been imprisoned after the prosecution office of Aachen (Germany) issued warrants for their arrests on accusation of bank robbery in the same city. The comrade from Amsterdam, charged with a robbery in 2013, has been acquitted in December 2017; she is currently awaiting the revision appeal. The trial of the two other comrades concerns a robbery in 2014 and began on the 23rd January 2017; their court case will continue for the coming months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Rage and solidarity!

more pictures

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Posted in Autonomy

Comrade placed in isolation due to inability to scan fingerprints (Netherlands)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

The comrade who was arrested last Saturday after a spontaneous demonstration in the Schilderswijk, The Hague (Netherlands), is still being kept by the authorities. They are building up the pressure on him and are making his situation even more difficult. He is momentarily being kept in an isolation cell in a prison in Alphen aan den Rijn.

Last Saturday 20 people demonstrated in the Schilderswijk against police violence and repression. The demonstration was not announced to the authorities and scattered after about 15 minutes due to mounting police presence. After the police searched the neighborhood 7 people were arrested, 6 of them were released within a couple of hours. The last person is still in custody. He is being charged with a simple misdemeanor; public order disturbance. A case that usually results in 6 to 12 hours of custody and carries a maximum punishment of a fine. But our comrade has not been released yet. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Den Haag: ATM machines demolished in solidarity with the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Last night we demolished 9 ATM machines in Den Haag, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen, Germany. Their court case is set to begin on January 23rd 2017, and will take around 26 days spread over a 5 months.

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

We want them free! Love, rage and solidarity!
Destroy all banks! Fire to the prisons!

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Posted in Direct Action

De Vloek squat eviction: State claims 30,000 euros from defendants (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the 21st of December 2016 the court in The Hague sentenced ten people who were arrested during the eviction De Vloek free space to pay 30.030.35 in damages to the city council.

De Vloek, after being squatted for 13 years, was evicted on the 9th of September 2015 by an excessive police force, the army, anti terror units, water canons and a sniper. Ten people were arrested en later sentenced for squatting and five of the ten for violence against police officers. Those five also spent two weeks in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Interview with anarchists from Den Haag (Netherlands)

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

From AvalancheA conversation with two anarchist comrades from Den Haag, NL, an overview of the context, struggle and projects of a few anarchists from this city. We chose to transcribe this interview in order to better understand the particular path, circumstances and moments of revolt that have composed the experience of these comrades.

Tell me a bit about the city itself…

A – Den Haag is a city of 500 to maybe 600 thousand people, it is both the home to poor neighbourhoods, such as the Schilderswijk, the poorest neighbourhood in the Netherlands, and of the biggest institutions of justice of the European Union. The motto of the city is “Peace and Justice”.
It is the host of some of the most important military, intelligence and justice institutions of the European Union… Europol, international summit centres, international courts, embassies…

B – There is also an international zone, protected by security delta, this is not only for the State but also companies, it attracts companies, capital. This city has all changed in the last 15 years, some- one in charge, from one day to the next, decided to flip the switch… and everything changed, all the dozens of squats were evicted, cleaned up, made the space for its new international role… (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

19-11-2016 Demo – Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists! (Netherlands)

Friday, October 14th, 2016

19-11-2016 Demonstration: Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists!

On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!

Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.

But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!

Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.

Fight repression!


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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Another area-ban for Hague anarchist (Netherlands)

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

The police showed up yesterday at the house of an anarchist in The Hague to issue another area-ban. This time in the context of actions that were taken against the extreme-right wing group Pegida, which has announced that it will demonstrate every month in the Hague from now on. The area-ban is in force during the coming three Pegida demonstrations in The Hague and applies to The Hague city center and the Haagse Hout neighborhood. On three dates, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th, the anarchist and antifascist may not come into this area and they must report to the police station twice a day. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

A few notes on media and repression (Netherlands)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

In the course of awaiting the processes of several anarchists that are accused of having robbed banks in Aachen in 2013 and 2014, the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, and their obedient voice, the media, use every chance available to advance their investigation. Whether it is on a juridical or a more subtle mediatic level, all these expressions are different tentacles of the same mechanism of repression.

As usual the mainstream media are eager to get a “good” story by all means necessary, pervertedly scrutinizing people’s lives regardless of any ethics. They therefore do not hesitate in aiding the prosecution in spreading their fantastical tales. We have read these without much surprise – this is what journalists do after all –, have watched the hysterical spectacle that is being created around the implicated. Not being surprised however does not mean that we do not feel the need to clarify a few things that may have become blurred in the midst of this incessant stream of written and televised vomit.

After having ejaculated several articles in which the accused were portrayed according to the image the prosecution is trying to spread, the media has now decided it is time to create their own story. A rumour came to us through the grapevine that a certain Dutch journalist has posted a request on Indymedia asking for information concerning one of the accused. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague (Netherlands)

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

On August 3, several anarchists in The Hague, the Netherlands, and one from outside the city received a letter from Mayor Van Aartsen with the intention of imposing a two month area ban for the Schilderswijk, a working class and immigrant neighborhood in the center of the city. The mayor wants to use the so-called “Football Law,” which is now being used against political activists for the first time. In recent times, anarchists in The Hague have dealt with much repression, much of it directly from the mayor’s office.

50,000 euro damage claim for De Vloek eviction

On September 9, 2015, during the eviction of social center De Vloek which had been squatted for 13 years, ten people were arrested. Five of them remained in prison for two weeks after being accused of committing violence against the police. Several months after their release, the ten people who had been arrested received a letter from the mayor of The Hague with a 50,000 euro damage claim. Upon further investigation into the specifics of the amount of the claim, it was apparent that it was largely based on costs that had nothing to do with the eviction: the removal of containers full of rubble that was allegedly used to make barricades, guarding the terrain after the eviction (De Vloek was demolished directly after the eviction) and cleaning paint from paint bombs off of the street (the street wasn’t even cleaned, but repaved a few weeks after the eviction in accordance with scheduled maintenance).

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Posted in Social Control

Mayor issues area bans for anarchists (Netherlands)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Today (3-8-2016) several anarchists in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, but also in other cities, received police visits. The police delivered letters containing the intentions of mayor Jozias van Aartsen to prohibit anarchists from setting foot in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood in The Hague for the coming two months.

The letters stated that the anarchists were to blame for “structural nuisance”. This nuisance would consist of unannounced demonstrations, disturbing of the peace and the disturbing of demonstrations. The letters contain a list of allegations to which people are being associated to or for which they have been arrested. These allegations differ per person. They range from squatting, participation in spontaneous demonstrations, pasting posters and destroying a prison fence. What the anarchists have in common is that they are all active against institutionalised racism, ethnic profiling and the racist The Hague police force. All of them were also preemptively arrested on the 27th of June, after a demonstration commemorating Mitch Henriquez who was murdered by police last year. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

ATM machines demolished in solidarity with comrades accused of expropriation (Netherlands)

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

Last night we demolished 8 ATM machines in The Hague, the Netherlands in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany.

Last week, on 6 July, a comrade got arrested in Amsterdam and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before a comrade from Spain got already extradited to Germany. We call out to anybody to make action in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades! We are fucking angry!

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically
legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’, motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the
expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarchist-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the the 70s and 80s.

Immediate freedom for our comrades! Burn all prisons! Destroy all banks!


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Posted in Direct Action

Comrade accused in 2013 Aachen bank robbery case arrested in Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

From contra-info:

This morning, 6 July, our anarchist comrade was arrested in Amsterdam by an arrestatieteam. This is in connection to an accusation by the Aachen (DE) prosecution in regards to a bank robbery in 2013. The call for solidarity stands. We are fucking angry.

For more information about this repressive story & updates in dutch, english and german: solidariteit.noblogs.org

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity actions in The Hague with comrade imprisoned in Spain on charges of expropriation (Netherlands)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

See for pictures.

Last Thursday night, June 30th 2016, we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in a bank expropriation in Aachen, Germany two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany, which will probably happen this week.

In solidarity we spray-painted ‘Freedom for our Spanish comrade’ on the wall of a department of the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and glued the locks.

That same morning during rush hour a banner was hung above the highway, reading: ‘Burn all prisons! Freedom for our Spanish comrade!’

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’ motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarcho-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the 70s and 80s.

We call out to anybody to take action in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in Madrid! Immediate freedom for the comrade!

Burn all prisons!

In solidarity,
Some anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

Thousands protest around the world against immigration detention centres

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016




A coalition of groups from the UK and around the world joined today (Saturday 7 May) a mass simultaneous protest in 15 detention centres, calling to end immigration detention centres. An international coalition joined forces with groups from all around the UK as well as groups from the US, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, N. Ireland, Belgium, France and Italy. In the UK, thousands took part in the protest in solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children in detention. Protesters held demonstrations at St Pancras train station, held noise demonstration in various detention centres, flew kites so detainees can see them beyond the high walls, danced, sang songs and called for the immediate release of those held against their will without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Person arrested on suspicion of spreading Anarchist Wallpaper (Netherlands)

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Last Sunday night (April 24th) one person was arrested in The Hague (Netherlands) on suspicion of pasting the Anarchist Wallpaper. He is being charged with instigation against authority, inciting violence and pasting of a poster. On Thursday the person who got arrested will be brought in front of the examining judge, who will decide whether to release him or transfer him to preventive detention.

Last week anarchists spread hundreds of Wallpapers in the neighbourhoods Transvaal and Schilderswijk and other places in the city. The first issue of the Wallpaper is about the uprising last year in the area of the Schilderswijk, where thousands of people rebelled for days against the police and the state after the murder on Mitch Henriquez, who was strangled to death by the police. Henriquez was yet another victim of violence by the racist police force of The Hague. Many months after the uprising the police were still hunting the rebels of last summer.

Now that someone is locked up again and it seems that the prosecution is very eager to keep him as long as possible on the suspicion of spreading a poster, expressing our solidarity is the only thing we can do. Solidarity through action. Below you can download the Anarchist Wallpaper. Print and spread, or express your solidarity in whatever other way.

Download the Anarchist Wallpaper here.

Stop the repression! Solidarity with the prisoners!
Down with the police and the state! Long live anarchy!

Below the main article of the Anarchist Wallpaper:

Down with the cops and the State! Long live the revolt!

On the Schilderswijk revolt

In the summer of 2015 a revolt shook up the Schilderswijk in the Hague. A revolt against the daily repression and racism of the cops. Against the suffocating reality of exploitation and unemployment. A revolt of those who decided to break with the normality of State repression. The tables were turned and the cops were chased off the streets. The murder of Mitch Henriquez, another racist murder by the police, was what sparked the revolt. Let’s not forget, let’s not forgive!

The politicians, media, mosques and all kinds of neighbourhood initiatives depicted the revolt as an everyday riot, as a criminal act of which the perpetrators had to be punished severely. Don’t believe them; those organisations that live off state subsidies, those who want to push forward their own agenda at the costs of the oppressed, those that sell out the oppressed in order to be able to join those in power. That people are oppressed in neighbourhoods like the Schilderswijk is obvious. Not being employed because of your name, or exploited at a meager salary while the bosses, big companies, politicians and banks are only becoming richer.

The scapegoat politics that is integrated in the State is blames people of colour for poverty, housing problems and austerity measures, only to make people distrust each other. But refugees, Moroccan and Surinamese people are not the cause of these problems. The real problem is the State and its politicians that only care for the bosses and big companies, and the police that murders, who wants to protect this at all costs.

The revolt in the summer of 2015 was not an everyday riot. It was a legitimate revolt against everything that oppresses us. It was a revolt against the police that terrorises us on the streets. Against the incessant control of CCTV, ID-checks and the so-called “zero tolerance” policy that we only see in poor neighbourhoods. It was a revolt by a community that refuses to be divided by political games any longer. For years we have been asking for change but no one wanted to listen; the only option left then is to revolt. For our dignity, for our existence.

Those who revolted and refused to bow down to repression are those who have not lost their dignity. It is precisely these people that offer hope for a different, better future. That this summer may be a hot one!

Down with the cops and the State! Long live the revolt! Long live anarchy!

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Posted in Social Control