Summary of session 17 in the Aachen bank robbery case (Germany)

The session on the 24th of April barely took three hours. It begun with the attempt to “coordinate” the agendas so that the biometrical expert would be able to testify. It was expected that this would happen on the 25th of April, but on this day the expert is not able to come, and since the prosecution has insisted that he/she is an important witness, the dates of the court have been changed. It seems now that this expert will testify on the 12th of May (although this still needs to be confirmed). Tomorrow’s session is cancelled, and for the moment there are three new sessions: on the 31st of May, and the 7th and 13th of June.

The session consisted of reading a part of the file, concerning the phones which were confiscated during the house raids: corresponding numbers in the contact lists of various phones have been compared, without having been able to read the conclusions of the police, since the lawyers prevented this (protected by some German law). A phone bill of one of the accused was also read out; there are some text messages which do not appear on the bill, and the prosecutor has assumed that these are roaming messages, although the lawyers have suggested that these could be advertising messages (which also do not appear on bills). Furthermore, according to the policy of Vodafone, data needs to be destroyed after one year, which implies that the information of this phone bill (provided by the Spanish police) cannot be used and has been obtained illegally. Because of all this, the prosecution and the judge have requested that an expert of the police will come as a witness in order to explain on the one hand how they have come by these data, and on the other if the aforementioned text messages are roaming messages or not. This will happen during the next session on the 28th of April.

Finally a letter was read out, sent from Berlin to one of the comrades accompanied by a poster about a talk concerning the historical relation between anarchists and expropriation. Various claims of acts in solidarity with our imprisoned comrades, which happened last week, were also read out.

The next session will be on the 28th of April at 09.00

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This entry was posted on Thursday, April 27th, 2017 at 11:25 am and is filed under Prison Struggle.