‘Uncategorised’ Archives

Replicate – Static – Khaos

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

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Simon Chapman, A Very Distinguished Fucking Anarchist (UK)

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Over the last couple of days the strangest thought has plagued me. Two simple ugly words have kept emerging, only for me to lock them out and ridicule them as bizarre. Simon’s dead. Just to write it down feels like treachery. Part of me looks forward to seeing him, to sharing a drink and dispelling this nonsense. He’d say something wry, and witty and that would be that. He was good like that. Was. Sometimes the shittiest word to ever have to use about a friend.

As part of a (temporary, and self-imposed) exile from all politics, I didn’t know his health had deteriorated so much. We weren’t the kind of friends who lived out of each other’s pockets. There are many who were closer to him than me and I wish them all my love. But for almost 15 years he was always there. At crap protests and good ones, festivals and parties, we’d find each other and we’d usually end up drinking together. We shared a love of getting proper twatted and so we did that a lot.

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Rest In Power anarchist comrade Michael Israel, killed fighting ‘Islamic State’ fascists in Rojava

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

**UPDATE** via Kurdish Question

People’s Protection Units (YPG) volunteers, American Michael Israel (27) from Colorado and German Anton Neshek (Zana Ciwan), were killed by Turkish warplanes on 29 November according to another international volunteer fighting alongside the pair against the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS/ISIL), north of Raqqa. [updated].

On his Facebook page, the international volunteer, who was amongst the group killed by Turkish warplanes wrote:

“We were taking a small village when we got hit by Turkish jets in the night. Two of my friends, Anton and Michael were killed among many others. I’m staying to finish out my six months. Fuck Erdogan and Fuck Turkey.”

The YPG have informed both men’s families. (more…)

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Resist / Organise / Replicate

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

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Letter by Spiros Christodoulou (Greece)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

May 29th 2015: The day was fiery, everything darkened…

We woke up to a cloudy sky and in mid-day while the sun was shining
everything darkened…

It was around 4 when the EKAM (special forces) and anti-terrorist force called for us to surrender!

I thought it was lie, I thought I was hearing things…

But on the contrary, the EKAM had surrounded the house, the helicopter
flew over us and we tried to see what we can do in two-three minutes.

My thoughts wandered to the hellholes I would go back to.

The hallways I would wander pointlessly.

My people who I would leave behind!

Suddenly Spiros, our little Spiros, the kid that knew not of diplomacy, who was distinguished by courage, integrity and passion for the freedom he fought for so much to acquire, grabs the Kalashnikov when hearing the EKAM and puts it under his throat ending his life!!!

Everything was erased! The room filed with smoke. He fell over and was

He was happy with his decision and you could see it his little face.
It was his choice, which is why his face glowed!

I was startled, my heart was pounding so hard, I thought what I was
seeing was a lie.

But no, our beloved Spirakos (little spiros) was dead.

He had the courage and boldness, he had the soul to do what he did while I did not!

His decision was courageous while mine was not!

He was tired of wandering in the hallways of prison and spending the years with no meaning!

Spirakos I am sorry if sometimes we disagreed and sorry I did not make
it to stop you!

I am sorry little brother if sometimes I upset you!

You are and will always be in my life.

I will reminisce the moments we laughed, when you made me feel like a

You are our Spirakos, the kid who gave it all with no reward.

I love you and you will always have a place in my heart and when we meet again you will play your special pranks played!!

Honour to Spiro Dravila who will always live in my heart!…

Spiros Christodoulou

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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‘…in continuation’ : A poem for our insurrectionary comrade Mauri

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

A poem for our insurrectionary comrade Mauri:

by Tsakalaki

for Punky Mauri

…in continuation

Mauricio I don’t profess to know you
either your moment of pain
in Santiago that night
amongst stillness
just before the storm returns
in the eye of the conflict
we are both blown within
your poems exposed the wound
once more
opening the emotions covered for too long
realising the eternal burning sun inside
the melting of glaciers from the heart
somewhere, somewhere
amongst another burning barricade
I embraced existence
once again along with you
not in memory
in continuation

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Static – Transmission – Update

Friday, April 29th, 2016

This anarchist counter-information project is an ongoing work in progress; 2016 lightweight redux for mobile phone browsers…

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