Posts Tagged ‘Warsaw’

Warsaw 3 – A Call for Solidarity Actions on May 31st 2017

Saturday, May 13th, 2017

Dear Friends,

We have been waiting for over a year for the trial of the Warsaw 3. Today, we send this call out for solidarity actions on the first court sitting – the 31st of May 2017.

There is also a demonstration ‘WE ARE ALL TERRORISTS’ planned for that day in front of the court in Warsaw (adress: Marszałkowska 82).

The Polish government follows the international trend to see terrorist threat everywhere. There is no better reason to fuel war economy, enhance policing tools and prepare the ground for autocracy than the figure of the enemy. Either external threat – migrants (including kids ready to commit acts of terror), or the inside threat in the form of the domestic terrorism category is at this point commonly used in the whole EU to scare the population into obedience. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Warsaw: Third Anti-Prison Days 27-30 October 2016 (Poland)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

Warsaw Third Anti-Prison Days 27-28-30


Warm up:

Thursday 27.10
ROD (Bartycka 26) reclaimthefieldspl.noblogs.org
20:00 benefit concert for the warsaw 3 wawa3.noblogs.org
Love Cans (psych garage blues) from Switzerland.

Friday 28.10

Cafe Kryzys / Syrena / Wilcza 30

from 12:00 at Cafe Kryzys:

vegan food
Writing to prisoners
tattoos (more info soon)

“Jestem z Zewnątrz” (I’m from the outside) / Beata Sosnowska / works of
female prisoners from Grochów Prison in Warsaw, PL (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgent appeal for financial solidarity – Warsaw 3 (Poland)

Friday, September 16th, 2016

Update: The 3 comrades have all been released on bail.

The Warsaw 3 have been arrested in May and kept since then in a high security jail with very limited contact to the outside and are facing severe sentences under the new anti-terrorist and anti-anarchist laws. They are still awaiting trial.

Today during a court hearing concerning the filed complaint for the prolonged arrest of the 3 anarchists, a decision was made to release them on bail. A fee of 20 thousand PLN (4600 euro) of bail was set for each of them. If the money is transferred in a weeks time (7 days from today [14/9], until 21st of September), the arrested will be released and kept under police surveillance instead. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Warsaw 3: Imprisoned anarchist comrades continue to be held on remand (Poland)

Friday, August 19th, 2016

On the 18th of August, the court decided to continue to hold the three imprisoned anarchists for the next 3 months in custody. All of them are still in solitary confinement cells (‘N-type’ in Polish) and treated as “the most dangerous” prisoners. The trial dates are still unknown.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Repression report by Radical Allotment Garden project (Poland)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

… On May 23rd 2016 three anarchists from Warsaw were arrested and accused of terrorist activities. They face 6 months to 8 years of jail. The prosecution held them in custody for 3 months which may be automatically prolonged. All three are detained in isolation and denied the right to communicate with relatives. During the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer and there were signs of physical abuse on their bodies. more info on the arrest and details of support in various languages:



These arrests happened just as the government was taking steps too implement a NEW ANTI TERRORIST ACT. Significantly on 10th, 23rd and 30th May in various Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as editorial offices of media and television, shopping centers, and banks. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Free the Warsaw Anarchist Three (Poland)

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Three anarchists were arrested by police in Warsaw, Poland, 23rd May 2016. The accusations are: possession of explosives and intending to use them by setting police car on fire. They are called terrorists by police and media, despite the fact, that the arson didn’t actually take place This accusations are quite serious- they face from 6 months to 8 years of jail. First hearings of the accused took place at District Prosecutor’s Office on 24th may. Marks of tortures were visible on their bodies. On 25th may, during prosecution session at district court, prosecution decided to hold them in custody for three months (that might be automatically prolonged). Since then, each of the three is detained in isolation, denied the right to communicate with relatives, during the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer.

Mass media in the service of the state reproduce authorities propaganda. Witch-hunt begun, creating mass hysteria and the image of the country threaten by terrorism. By doing this, the authorities and their collaborators are trying to justify the implementation of the new Anti-Terror Law. Significantly, just before the entry into force of the Act on 10th May, 23rd May and 30th May in several Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as the editorial office of the press and television, shopping centers, and banks. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

3 anarchist comrades accused of attempting to torch police cars, 1 beaten in custody + Open letter from anarchist groups in Warsaw (Poland)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Update : An open letter from anarchist groups in Warsaw is published below.

Correction: Radykalne Ogrodki Dzialkowe (ROD) was attacked with a raid and searches only, there was no attempted eviction.

On the night between Sunday the 22nd & Monday the 23rd of May three comrades were detained near the car park of South Warsaw police station. Cops claim to have found an explosive device under a police car. All three comrades were taken into custody at the station and one comrade was severely beaten. The comrades refused to cooperate and denied all accusations of ‘terrorism’ and attempting to bomb the police station. The comrades received support from the anarchist community and 3 squats from Warsaw (Przychodnia, Syrena, Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe) and were provided with legal representation.

The same day police raided and tried to evict Radykalne Ogrody Działkowe squat where one of the arrested comrades lived and search for evidence. According to the “Reclaim The Fields” website: “Cops arrived between 4 and 5AM. They invaded the squat area by cutting fences and demolishing the gate with a forklift. Six undercover police invaded people’s rooms. One friend woke up and found himself surrounded by cops questioning him about his identity. They then proceeded to search the entire squat.” (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

6 FEB ANTYPEGIDA – Przeciw Faszyzacji Europy! (Poland)

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Saturday, February 6
at 3:00 PM in UTC+01

Warszawa Plac Zamkowy
Varsovia, 00-277 Warsaw, Poland


Long live Black Praxis

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

A-Radio: Interview with an activist of a squatted garden in Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an
activist who is part of a group of people squatting an allotment garden
in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we get to know a bit of the
origins of this project that started in Spring of this year. The squat
itself is based on the Reclaim the Fields initiative in Poland and has
organized some action days a short while ago.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects
will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social
struggles in Eastern Europe.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 7:54 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Interviews

19-22 May: Anti-Frontex Days, Warsaw (Poland)

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Antifrontex days 19-22 May, 2015

On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border police and intelligence service, as well as aggressive promoter of anti-migrant policy. Frontex (from French Frontieres exterieurs), being discussed here, is the executive body of EU (anti)migration policy – enjoys autonomy in decision-making (for EU foreign policy), and has a yearly growing budget, which is not accounted. Budget, used to finance futuristic projects, straight from distopia, like an automatic system of land drones, known as TALOS project, carried out in cooperation that included Warsaw University of Technology, Israeli Aerospace Industries and a lot of other military corporations.

The trust also allows them to conduct their own foreign policy on migration – dealing with the neighboring dictatorships (Belarus, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria), sponsoring and organizing repression against refugees in a secure buffer zone, which blurs responsibility. As a result, the border of Europe moves farther away from the ‘old continent’, helping to hide the effects of this policy in the eyes of Europeans. Sponsored camps in the countries of the global south and ruthless anti-human migration policy of the EU countries result in real victims – tens of thousands of people drown, starve, are left at sea or desert, or are directly shot – every year more than at the Berlin wall in the entire time of its existence. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Warsaw: Solidarity attack against Greek Embassy (Poland)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

In spontaneous response to the call from the Network of imprisoned social fighters we have performed a symbolic solidarity action – which took the shape of devastating the facade of the Greek embassy in Warsaw, Poland, on the morning of April 1st. Symbolic, because real solidarity is shown in everyday struggle against our enemies. Reputation of the Greek State is already stained so only facades were clean.

Revolutionary greetings from Warsaw!

Freedom to CCF relatives, and all prisoners in the world!

Two Anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

Anti-police and anti-fascist action reports from Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Warsaw: Demo against police violence

A spontaneous demonstration against police violence took place in Warsaw, Poland, on 19th of March. Protest was direct reaction to events that took place few days earlier in Legionowo, Warsaw suburb: police organised hunt for marihuana users. During the arrest, one of the detainees was basically suffocated by a cop, who was trying to stop him from swallowing a bag of pot.

Death of the detainee caused a few days of intense protest- demo on 19th March was first held in Warsaw. It was a reaction against the police statement, full of lies and manipulations, which blames whole situation on the murdered detainee. This secondary victimization and police attempt to cover-up the whole case was the direct impulse to organise protest in the capital. Protest started in front of Prosecutors Office on Brudnowska street, where going to police station was decided. Police was present from the beginning, and after allowing demonstrators to pass almost 2 km decided to start confrontation: all of the protesters were surrounded, then police started checking IDs of the majority of the protesters. Some people were detained and brought to various police stations. Police called all checked protesters to testify in the following days, as suspected of committing the felony – “participating in illegal assembly”. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Warsaw: Restaurant belonging to landlord enforcer scum Mossakowski attacked in the anniversary of the murder of Jola Brzeska (Poland)

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Communique after an attack on a restaurant of a well known Warsaw landlord enforcer.

Jolanta Brzeska was tenant movement activist from Warsaw, who was kidnapped and burned alive in a forest. The court dismissed the case for her murder.

more info here about her case in english


Fuck off.
Get the fuck out away from this neighborhood, get the fuck out away from this city, fuck off to a forest. Burn yourself.

With Her, you also begun with threats.
This payment is symbolic, but think what we can afford to do, when we can’t afford anything.
Burgeoisie, cops, politicians, journalists – you are all guilty.
All this state is guilty.
But you pay first, old prick, SS-man of the gentryfication, Warsaw’s executioner.
We don’t give a fuck about your arrangements and connections, pals that get your back, bribes and mates.
You’re getting better in changing windows, but you will not hide your guilt.
You can wash the paint off your walls, but you will not clean your hands.
We take justice in our own hands.
On the bricks it was written JOLA.
You will see this word till the end of your days.
It will be branded under your eyelids.
Let it wake you up like an axe breaking the door in the middle of the night.
Let the stink of burning petrol never leave you, wherever you’ll go.
Remember the way your victims have looked at you.
Thousands of those looks are watching your every move.

Szkło ci w stek.


source: http://grecjawogniu.info/?p=24254

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Posted in Direct Action

'Queer Meinhof / FAI' take responsibility for setting a city police car on fire – Warsaw (Poland)

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Last night (25/26 November), the first spark of fire that burns today in France, Greece and USA, illuminated the space under a car of the city-police, which was parked outside the police station in Mazowiecka street in Warsaw.
We’d chosen the target not by accident.

The institution of the City Police – summoned in purpose of cleaning the city-parks had become a paramilitary group, who ‘cleans’ mainly homeless people, hustles kids that smokes weed or skip school. So called routine ‘interventions’ usually end up with brutal violence – petting boys in uniforms’ egos.

That’s how on the 3rd of October, the City police’s intervention ended in Szczecinek – by dumping a 20 year old beaten to a pulp in front of hospital. For that, or for other interventions of this type – no policeman was ever held responsible – so we’re taking the justice in our hands.

It disgusts us that they’re walking the streets with impunity and pride. Just like the murderer of Max Itoya – Artur Brzeziński, Mike Brown’s executioner – Darren Wilson or the killer of Remi from Testet. There is no, and there will not be the agreement for that from the part of the society. We will not leave them alone, because when they put on their uniforms, they stop acting as people, they stop being people in our eyes, they’re the bodyguards of the government – the money advocate.

Politicians recently are racing in postulating to dissolve the city-police. Neither the orders from up there, nor any reform that would dissolve the services under a concrete name (not holding responsible these bandits in uniforms and in the same time helping to grow other services) is not going to be enough for us.

The idea of dissolving the city-police that we’re putting into practice is a physical confrontation. It will not leave out the police, prison guards or border police. We know, that we’re taking part in the global wave of resistance that already takes place and will grow stronger, also here – in Poland. So, don’t be afraid to act! let them finally feel the fear, that they’re serving us. Destroying the law enforcements isn’t difficult – start from killing the cop in your own head.

Our symbolic action we’re dedicating to the memory of Remi killed by the cops in french Testet and to friends behind the bars.

Instead of a minute of silence – a whole life in struggle!

Fire to all the prisons, closed detention camps, psychiatric wards and police stations!

Queer Meinhof/ FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation)

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Posted in Direct Action