Posts Tagged ‘Anna Beniamino’

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “For Alfredo and Anna – Until we meet” (Greece, Italy)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

In Italy, comrade Alfredo Cospito since October 3rd and comrade Anna Beniamino since October 10th, are on a hunger strike against the isolation imposed on them and on the anarchists imprisoned for the attacks of FAI (Operation “Scripta Manent”).

We know that the struggle against authority is unequal… Nevertheless we choose the war for freedom instead of the peace of fear.

Because we know that there are “free” people, who are more enslaved than prisoners, and living people that are more dead than most of our dead comrades who fell in the battle for freedom.

Because for every battle that we lose, a new one begins.

“Because if I don’t get burnt, if you don’t get burnt, how will the darkness turn to shining…”

For us solidarity is not simply a “touching” word, but a way of life, of becoming people with the dream as our measure.

We stand by our comrades Alfredo and Anna with all our hearts and minds, until our dreams meet…




CCF / FAI – Urban Guerrilla Cell

George Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Korydallos prison

CCF Per Alfredo ed Anna fino al incontro

In Italia dal 3 ottobre il compagno Alfredo Cospito e dal 10 ottobre la compagna Anna Beniamino sono in sciopero di fame contro il regime d’isolamento imposto a loro ed agli anarchici incarcerati per attachi di FAI (operazione scripta manent).

Conosciamo che la battaglia contro il potere è ineguale….però scegliamo la guerra per la libertà che la pace di paura. Perché sappiamo che ci siano “liberi” più schiavi che i carcerati e vivi più morti che i nostri compagni caduti in battaglia per la libertà. Perché per ogni battaglia che perdiamo, una nuova comincia. “Perché se non mi brucio io, se non ti bruci tu, come il buio diventerà splendore…”

Per noi la solidarietà non è una parola “emozionante” ma una maniera di vivere ad essere umani dove la nostra misura sarà il sogno.

Stiamo a lato dei compagni Alfredo ed Anna con tutta la nostra cuore e nostro mente fino al incontro del sogno…


Polidoros Giorgio Iconomidu Olga Tsacalos Gerasimos Tsacalos Christos Dalle prigioni di Coridalos

Italy Anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino ended their hunger strike on 22nd October
On 22nd October, following the revocation of solitary confinement, Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, which they had begun on 3rd October and 10th October respectively.

via: Croceneranarchica, actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on the appeal trial of Operation “Shadow” (Italy)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Sergio Maria Stefani has been sentenced to 4 years for an explosive attack, Alessandro Settepani to a year and a half for attempted sabotage on the Orte-Ancona railway track (March 2008).

With a slight change to the first grade sentence the charge relating to article 302 (instigation to commit offences with intent against the international and national character of the State) was commuted into article 414 (instigation to commit a crime): Stefano del Moro, Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino were sentenced to 3 years for publishing the revolutionary anarchist paper KNO3.

In the first grade trial they were all acquitted of the charge of subversive association with intents of terrorism (270bis) and Sergio had been sentenced to 3 years and 3 months for car theft.


Source: Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Social Control

Fresh investigation warrant for subversive association – Anna Beniamino (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2013

This morning I received the visit of four ugly faces of Genoa ROS [Special Operations Group] and Digos [the political police] and was delivered an investigation warrant for 270bis (participation in a subversive association aiming at committing acts of violence against people, such as Roberto Adinolfi, and institutions, and with purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order) along with the charge of carrying firearms in a public space (an offence confirmed in January 2013). (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #27 : 'Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism' – Oct 2012 (ACN)

Friday, October 19th, 2012

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Updated 19/10/12: Click to Download: Dark Nights #27

1. ‘Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism’ by L.
2. ‘Abyssal Desire – Nothing-isms’ by Edizioni Cerbero.
3. Letter from Fede and Tomo.
4. Letter of Anna Beniamino in solidarity with her comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.
5. Athens: End of the 2nd ‘Halandri case’ trial – New CCF case trial in Koridallos prisons’ court underway.
6. Statement by Christos Tsakalos of the CCF.
7. Statement of the CCF and Theofilos Mavropoulos in the first session of the new CCF case trial.
8. Athens: Reportback from demo in solidarity with the CCF and those accused in the same case.
9. New CCF case trial: Communiqué by fugitives Dimitris Politis and Yannis Michailidis.
10. Greece: Text of compa Gustavo Quiroga González.
11. Athens: Third antifascist motorcycle demo clashed with neo-Nazis.
12. Greece: About the case of Anastasios Theofilou, a couple of notes…
13. Bolivia: Repression against the anarchist movement aided by civil anarchists.
14. Italy : ‘Operation Ixodidae’ – Massimo Passamani moved to house arrest; Daniela Battisti released.
15. TIOJ: Statement by comrade Matthew.
16. Seattle, USA: Two grand jury resisters are in custody and need your support.
17. Action Chronology.

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Posted in Library