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Siv O'Neall
Siv O'Neall was born and raised in Sweden where she graduated from Lund University. She has lived in Paris, France and New Rochelle, N.Y. and traveled extensively throughout the U.S, Europe, and other continents, including several trips to India. Siv retired after many years of teaching French in Westchester, N.Y. and English in the Grandes Ecoles (Institutes of Technology) in France. In addition to her own writing, Siv has also provided Axis of Logic with translation services. She has been living in France for 35 years, first in Paris and now Lyon. In addition to her political activism and writing, her life is filled with friends, family, music, animals, reading, traveling and she also feels that 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'.

Siv O'Neall

  • Siv O'Neall , Axis of LOgic

    "Every five seconds, a child under 10 dies of hunger.  – Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. – One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished and the situation is becoming increasingly catastrophic." (Jean Ziegler)   In his latest book “Mass Destruction – the... » read this article
  • Jean Ziegler and Siv O'Neall , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Jean Ziegler[1], in his recently published book 'Massive Destruction – the Geopolitics of Hunger'[2], is denouncing the brutal arms the neoliberal masters of the world are using in order to annihilate resistance to their senseless attempt to run the world as they see fit. Jean Ziegler is a tireless fighter... » read this article
  • lPrent and Siv O'Neall , /

    Swedish director of public prosecutions, Marianne Ny, who requested Assange’s extradition is under fire. Introduction by Siv O’Neall As the French leftist newspaper Libération states, the accusations for rape against Julian Assange were intended to “destroy” Wikileaks ‘ (August 22, 2010). "There have been [headlines in the media] worldwide claiming... » read this article
  • Jean Ziegler and Siv O'Neall , La libre Belgique

    Interview with Jean Ziegler by Gilles Toussaint: Introduction and translation by Siv O'Neall Introduction The victims are the poor, the former subsistence farmers in Africa who have been deprived of their land and whose countries now have to import food at exorbitant prices, due to the speculation in agricultural commodities... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The greatest threat to the future of food production in the world is the introduction of genetically engineered foods from the bio-tech industry. Contrary to their mendacious propagandized promises of solving the problem of world hunger through the so-called second green revolution, the bio-tech companies are instead in the process... » read this article
  • Julien Bouissou - translation Siv O'Neall , Le Monde:

    New Delhi, Letter – The National Biodiversity Authority of India announced on August 11 it would take legal action against Monsanto for American seeds which have developed a genetically modified eggplant (Bt brinjal) from local variations and without permission. It is the very first time in India that a company... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Globalized commerce and finance have taken over the planet and the majority of nations are above all anxious to keep up the pace with the rest of the frightened sycophants to the Empire, anxious not to fall behind when and where the big profits are being raked in off the... » read this article
  • Les Blough and Siv O'Neill (Axis of Logic). Jason Burke (Video) , Axis of Logic (commentary). BBC (video)

    Below, French Axis of Logic columnist, Siv O'Neall republished an excerpt from a BBC series video with a thoughtful editorial comment. The Three Part BBC series titled The Power of Nightmares was written, produced and narrated by Adam Curtis. We became interested in the entire series and and investigated the... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall , Axis of Logic

    There has been a conspiracy going on for several decades now, in subterranean bunkers and in the utmost secrecy to begin with, where plans have been drawn up for how to extract for their own profit every ounce of valuable goods that the earth is harboring. How many wars will... » read this article
  • Samir Amin. Translated for Axis of Logic by Siv O'Neall , M'PEP

    Samir Amin is a Franco-Egyptian economist, a member of the International Council of the World Social Forum and chairman of the World Forum for Alternatives. Samir Amin analyzes the political and economic crisis in Egypt. This interview was conducted for the World Social Forum in Dakar by Rosa Moussaoui, special... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    “The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission  – founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    The Psychopaths are trembling Playwright and poet Harold Pinter, in his Nobel prize acceptance speech on 7 December 2005, at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, made an unforgettable speech, fiercely condemning the Bush/Blair attack on Iraq and, in general, U.S. arrogance and lawlessness, saying “The invasion of Iraq was a... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    On August 22 a drone strike against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan killed 20 people. It also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children.[1] So what! Collateral damage. And, as our dear Mr. Rumsfeld once said [2] - ‘Shit happens. Get over it.’ On July... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The following article is based on a report “The tragedy of Noma1”, prepared by Mr. Jean Ziegler, Vice-President of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee. Unless otherwise noted, the quotes in this article are  excerpted from this report by Mr. Ziegler. Malnutrition and hunger are not only direct killers... » read this article
  • Translated by Siv O'Neall , Axis of Logic

    This interview by Agnès Rousseaux and Alexandro Rosinhawas was published by the French information web site BASTA! [2] on January 27, 2009. It is based on Jean Ziegler’s latest book “Hatred of the West” (La Haine de l’Occident - Albin Michel, October, 2008) Jean Ziegler [1], one of the leading... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Make no mistake. The third World War is right here. Now. It has been here for longer than you would believe. The world is at war. Unrelenting, genocidal war. Another war that is a racket, but with a different face and a different racket. A war that kills millions, as... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Axis of Logic - The curtain is going down on the lone-superpower world we know and it is now a most urgent question if and when and how forces for true democracy, human rights, peace and civilization can come out and dissipate the cloud that has spread over what was once... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    A breathtakingly powerful Mafia is running away with the world as we knew it. We now have indiscriminate killings, torture and deprivation of civil rights. We have unbound aggression on countries that present an obstacle to U.S. global power. We have colossal negligence of the environment, we have an impending... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Lunacy is ruling the world. Eternal wars, environmental damage, neglect of the common people, are all proof of the total lack of common sense. The ever-increasing movement towards inequality and the gradual strangling of democracy are signs that people matter no more. Culture has been replaced by the accumulation of... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The War of the Empire has many faces   The ‘war on terror’ has become nameless since our administration changed. But it is the same war, it has the same goals and it is as unwinnable as it always was. But certainly there are other ways of conquering the planet,... » read this article
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