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Media Critiques
  • Les Blough (Axis of Logic). Louis Charbonneau (Reuters) , Axis of Logic. Reuters.

    Editor's Comment: What is always ignored or hammered under by the corporate media is the fact that if the Iranian government wants to develop nuclear weapons it has a right to have them as an appropriate national defense against those who have nuclear arms and a history of threatening their country. This... » read this article
  • Martin Iqbal , Empire Strikes Black

    Alhurra (also known as al-Hurra) is a US-based satellite television network established in 2004, and which broadcasts in over 22 countries worldwide. Referring to Alhurra as a ‘news network’ constitutes the most egregious misuse of language; funded by the US Congress, Alhurra is nothing more than an Arabic-language extension of... » read this article
  • Onan Musoy. (Commentary by Les Blough) Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Comment We are grateful to Onan Musoy for providing details in his essay below on social networking as a tool for advancing the world revolution. The term "social media" refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue. Its ubiquitous technology has... » read this article
  • Elias Davidsson (analysis). Evan Perez and Keith Johnson (WSJ) , Email Transmission (analysis).. Wall Street Journal (fiction)

    Editor's Note: We received this WSJ article (in black print) via e-mail, with incisive analysis (in color) by Elias Davidsson. - Les Blough, Editor Killings Pose Legal and Moral Quandary Wall Street Journal by Evan Perez and Keith Johnson October 1, 2011 Federal investigators needed a judge's permission to wiretap Anwar... » read this article
  • John Spritzler , Axis of Logic

    Boston Globe publisher, Chris Mayer, announced today that the Globe was relocating its headquarters to Mars. The announcement came in response to a question by a reporter at the paper’s weekly press conference: “How come today’s Globe didn’t even mention yesterday’s large demonstration through downtown Boston by the 99% against... » read this article
  • Martin Iqbal. Empire Strikes Back. , Empire Strikes Back

    Editor's Comment: We have Martin Iqbal at Empire Strikes Back to thank for exposing this raw deception by the British Broadcasting Corporation in their attempt to reinforce the demonization of Col. Muammar Qaddafi and to justify NATO's destruction of Libya. In his report below, please note the contradictory statements within... » read this article
  • Les Blough. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The Western Media Examining the facts and finding the truth of what began Friday night as The Battle for Bani Walid has not been easy due to the many conflicting stories published by the pro-invader media. That the western media has organized itself to blantantly lie about the NATO war... » read this article
  • John Pilger ,

    On 13 September, one of the world's biggest arms fairs opens in London, backed by the British government. On 8 September, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a preview entitled "Middle East: A vast market for UK defence and security companies". The host was the Royal Bank... » read this article
  • Lizzie Phelan , Pravda via LIBYA 360

    Editor’s Note: In this article Lizzie Phelan begins to unravel the web of deception woven by mainstream media and presents the facts she is gathering from contacts inside Libya. ~Alexandra Valiente The war on Libya has not only been a war that has vindicated NATO’s claim to the most powerful... » read this article
  • Lizzie Phelan, Independent Journalist. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Comment: Lizzie Phelan is one of the few independent journalists who weathered the storm of the US/NATO bombing of Tripoli and their mercenaries' invasion of the city. She was reporting from inside the Rixos Hotel and then moved nearby to the Hotel Corinthia, still amidst raging gun battles between... » read this article
  • Don Henley and The Eagles , Eagles Band

    The Eagles Dirty Laundry Dedicated to Rupert Murdock (lyrics below) I make my living off the Evening News Just give me something-something I can use People love it when you lose, They love dirty laundry Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to... » read this article
  • Tardek Markowski on Fox News , Fox News

    Editor's Comment: Tardek Markowski filed this video report for Fox News in Tripoli early this morning. Make no mistake, like FOX, CNN, BBC, the Networks and the entire corporate news establishment got caught with their one-sided fabrications last night. They are now struggling to change their stories with bizarre assertions that... » read this article
  • Les Blough. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    "If people want more courage and inspiration to fight the Monsantos and the Cargills, to deal with the corporations, to deal with the GMO's, to deal with the economic slowdown, I think coming to India and seeing what is happening will give you renewed confidence." - Dr. Vanana Shiva CNN... » read this article
  • Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman , Sony Corporation

    Editor's Comment: Today, CNN reported: "British Prime Minister David Cameron thinks he's found some culprits to blame in the recent riots that have rocked London and other cities -- Facebook and Twitter." The question at the end of this video is what worries them. - LMB     What Sony... » read this article
  • Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Citizens, we regret to interrupt your day with these important matters. But it has come to our attention that far too many of you are failing to read or watch the daily news provided by our friends, the Mainstream Press. We don’t wish to alarm you, but there are momentous... » read this article
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