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Arturo Rosales
Arturo Rosales is a seasoned journalist who has worked in several Latin American countries. Since 1999 he has been writing on a volunatary basis to disseminate the truth about environmental and energy issues which are often obfuscated in the corporate media. With the advent of the Bolivarian revolution he turned his hand to more politically angled writing, especially when analyzing the effects and strategy of the Global Corporate Empire on the third world and Latin America in particular. Currently, Arturo is a staff writer for Axis of Logic."

  • Arturo Rosales in Caracas. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    US Readers of Axis of Logic will all be aware of their daily diet from the corporate media: that Venezuela is run by  a “dictator” with autocratic tendencies, is authoritarian, controls all the legally constituted state powers and that the Chávez government is run according to the dictates of the Castro brothers in Cuba.... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    What started as an apparent local US problem in 2007 with risky or subprime mortgages being given to all and sundry in the US from 1996 onwards has undermined the entire western financial system. Root of the problem Lenders in the US bundled mortgages, both AAA rated and subprime “junk... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Finally, the corporate media reports, "Gaddafi figures prominently on the roadmap for peace," and after fully supporting the criminal attack on Libya by the U.S., England and France, the British Broadcasting Corp. reports with an egg-smeared face, "Libya: Gaddafi government accepts truce plan, says Zuma." Now that the only legitimate... » read this article
  • Eric Cantona, Manchester United Forward , Presse Ocean

    The following video is of former France international and Manchester United forward, Eric Cantona, suggesting another way to spark a revolution. Cantona suggests that people should go in mass to withdraw their money from the banks in France on December 7th so that the powers that be listen to the... » read this article
  • Humberto Márquez (IPS) Arturo Rosales (Axis of Logic) , Inter Press Service. Axis of Logic.

    Editorial comment by Arturo Rosales As a continuation of the broad information in the article below, by Humberto Márquez, President Chávez continued today with the takeover of the Spanish agro company, Agroisleña. In his television program, Aló Presidente (Sunday, October 10), Chávez appointed the board of directors and announced that... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Last May Spanish “super judge” Baltasar Garzón was suspended from his duties for trying to open an investigation into the crimes perpetrated during the fascist era of Spain’s infamous dictator, Francisco Franco who died in 1976. The Franco period is something which most Spanish would prefer to wipe from their... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales in Caracas. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Many Axis of Logic readers have probably heard about the guerrillas and paramilitary bands in Colombia. Drug running, murder of civilians and labor leaders, terror of the civilian population and more recently the “parapolitics” scandal are the daily bread in large swathes of Colombia. Members of the Senate and Congress... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Fourteen months ago the article "Globovision digging its own grave in Venezuela" was published on Axis of Logic. Now this right wing opposition news channel which made a career out of opposing and lying about the Chavez government has imploded forfeiting a possible 45.8% of its stock to the Venezuelan... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales, Columnist. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    (2 videos below) Arturo Rosales reflects ... Are human beings in developed and not so developed societes so alienated from each other that they need to communicate with strangers on internet? How many hours do internet-addicted children spend on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter pushing information about themselves out into cyberspace... » read this article
  • Filmmakers Barbara Trent and David Kasper. Commentary by Arturo Rosales*. Axis of Logic , Rhino Home Video. Empowerment Project.

    Introduction by Arturo Rosales – Axis of Logic columnist   This video is more than a historical document concerning US relations with Panama. It is probably the main document in public circulation covering the December 20th 1989 invasion of Panama by US forces to overthrow General Manuel Noriega for being... » read this article
  • Special Report with Editorial Comment by Arturo Rosales , Venezuelan National Statistics Office

    Editorial comment by Arturo Rosales: The basic information outlined below is what readers abroad will rarely see in the corporate media. From the BBC to CNN, FOX and the floundering big city newspapers. If such media ever did publish this information it would be an admission that Chávez’ economic policies... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales in Caracas. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    On September 26th legislative elections will take in place in Venezuela. The last elections for National Assembly deputies took place in December 2005 and the Venezuelan opposition, facing total humiliation at the ballot box, withdrew from the elections and compounded their humiliation by handing all 167 legislative seats to the... » read this article
  • Arturo Rosales in Caracas. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    It was a sad day for all people of good will on October 9th 2009 when the Nobel Committee announced the award the Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama. At the ceremony Obama was obliged to defend his decision to authorize the sending of a further 30,000 US troops... » read this article
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