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Civic Revolution
Civic Revolution in the USA requires a fundamental redefinition of the relationship between citizens and the state -- concerned citizens of an oppressive and destructive empire must become citizens of the world. Universal principles of human rights and responsibilities must be elevated above corporate/state interests and secured through civic action.

Civic Revolution is a new social and political movement designed to empower the masses for a just and peaceful society against the Global Corporate Empire. We want to enlist Axis of Logic readers to participate and support this new positive thrust by commenting on the articles. Also send us reports on the work you are doing in your communities to build a Civic Revolution in the United States. We also encourage readers from other countries to share their strategies, experiences, and victories so we can all grow together.

  • Derrick Jensen and Frank Lopez. Submedia. , Submedia

    The Revolutionary Work of Derrick Jensen and Frank Lopez Taking the long view Endless economic growth has turned into a global economic crash. What will the next hundred years bring? Students of history know that all civilizations eventually come to an end. The ancient Mayans, the dynasties of China, and... » read this article
  • Award-winning filmmaker Franklin López, San Juan, Puerto Rico. , Submedia TV

    END:CIV is a film that examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the... » read this article
  • Cathy Garger. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: Due to her research, activism and leadership, it is fair to say that Cathy Garger has become an authoritative voice in the area of nuclear poisoning of the earth. Her research is exhaustive; her knowledge of the history and science of nuclear pollution is comprehensive and her activism has... » read this article
  • Special Report , Chicago Tribune

    Former Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge, the subject of accusations of torture against suspects for decades, was convicted today on all counts of an indictment charging him with perjury and obstruction of justice. Burge was convicted of lying in a 2003 civil lawsuit about his use or knowledge of torture of... » read this article
  • Kari Lydersen , In These Times

    DETROIT—Ashim Roy was part of a factory takeover that led to workers running the factory for six years, and helped push legislation mandating that workers and company owners must jointly negotiate the conditions of a closure. Emma Delgado is an immigrant domestic worker, among the thousands who suffer frequent wage... » read this article
  • Lorna Sass , Civil Eats

    Remember when President Jimmy Carter visited the blighted south Bronx, with the result that images of burned-out houses and trash-stewn lots flashed across TV screens all over the nation? That visit and the movie, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, created an indelible image of the Bronx as a hopeless... » read this article
  • Tim Gaynor , Reuters

    TUCSON, Arizona - Tucson police officer Martin Escobar has worked to build relationships of trust in the working class Mexican-American neighborhood he patrols. But after Arizona passed a state law in April cracking down on illegal immigrants, some residents stopped coming forward to report crimes like robberies and domestic violence,... » read this article
  • Eric Ruder , Socialist Worker

    FROM EVERY corner of the U.S., people streamed into Phoenix this past weekend to be part of a May 29 national day of action to protest the passage of Arizona's anti-immigrant SB 1070, which enshrines racial profiling into state law. As the 8 a.m. gathering time for the march approached,... » read this article
  • Medea Benjamin , Common Dreams

    Diane Wilson, a fourth generation shrimper from the Texas Gulf and a founder of CODEPINK, has been watching the BP spill and the botched clean-up with a mixture of dread and anger. After all, it's her livelihood and that of her community that's at stake. "I've lived all my life in... » read this article
  • Alto Arizona! , Call to Action

    What: NDLON and Puente call on all people of conscience across the country to converge on Arizona on May 29. Together we will march to Stop the Hate and demand that Obama issue an executive order nullifying SB1070. STOP THE HATE!!! Let Us Show The World That We Won’t Stand... » read this article
  • Billy Wharton , Socialist Webzine

    May 24, 2010 Immigrant rights activists carried out a bold act in protest of SB1070, the anti-immigrant bill signed into law by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. Six activists entered the lobby of the Border Patrol headquarters at Davis-Monthan Airforce Base at around 1 pm (MST) and locked themselves down using... » read this article
  • Syed Hussan , Socialist Project

    The leaders of the G20 countries, as well as their central bank governors, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the European Union (EU) will be in Toronto on June 26-27, 2010. Nearly 20,000 delegates, 15,000 armed police and 5,000 media personnel will descend on Toronto to make it... » read this article
  • Anuja Seith , New American Media

    San Jose, Calif. -- Last Friday, when the Bank of America opened a new branch on King Road in East San Jose, protestors holding white flowers in their hands gathered outside the building. The flowers, organizers said, symbolized the community's loss of faith with the bank. East San Jose is... » read this article
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