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Latin America & Caribbean
  • Eva Golinger. Correo del Orinoco , Correo del Orinoco (English)

    "Despite warnings from the Obama administration that Latin America should not engage in relations with Iran, President Ahmadinejad held a successful four-country tour in the region forging commerce and trade and consolidating relations."  T/ COI P/ Presidential Press Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez received his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Caracas... » read this article
  • Alex Main ,

    On Saturday, Dec. 3 – while most of the U.S. media was focused on the political demise of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and the growing financial meltdown in Europe – the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was officially launched at a summit in Caracas, Venezuela. The... » read this article
  • Stephanie Boyd , New Internationalist

    He promised change. He vowed that decisions about the country’s natural resources would be made by consensus and dialogue with farming and indigenous communities. He said that water was more important than gold. In June of this year, Ollanta Humala, a former army captain, was swept to electoral victory by... » read this article
  • Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs , MINCI

    Statement   Venezuela Rejects Statements by Israel's Vice Prime Minister The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the statements issued by Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in an interview during his visit to the sister Oriental Republic of Uruguay, in which he openly accused Venezuela of participating in plots to... » read this article
  • toni solo , Tortilla con Sal

    On Sunday November 6th, over 3 million eligible voters will go to the polls to vote in Nicaragua's presidential and legislative elections. They will be voting on three ballots for the Presidency, for Deputies to the National Assembly and for Deputies to the Central American Parliament. Five electoral alliances are... » read this article
  • Michelle Chen, ColorLines , AlterNet

    One day in September, Isidro Rivera Barrera, a contract worker and labor organizer who was campaigning at an Ecopetrol refining facility in Barrancabermeja, Colombia, was reportedly gunned down outside his home. His death was met with the usual silence—just business as usual in a country with one of the world’s... » read this article
  • P/Agencies. T/COI , Correo del Orinoco

    "While most recommendations were favorable, including a suggestion by Nicaragua that “the revolutionary policies of the Venezuelan government be strengthened so that all Venezuelans can fully enjoy their fundamental rights”, other countries such as the United States, France, and Israel criticized what they said were limitations of “freedom of expression”... » read this article
  • La Colmenita. Edited/compiled by Axis of Logic , La Colmenita

    Editor's Comment: In this rare appearance the world renown Children's Theater of Cuba, known as La Colmenita, is performing Abracadabra on this rare tour of the United States in October. Abracadabra is a play written by the children themselves. The name derives from the ancient Aramaic language and is used as an incantation... » read this article
  • Editorial , Correo del Orinoco via Venezuela Analysis

    This week, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called on all individuals, organizations, and social movements committed to the Bolivarian Revolution to join the “Great Patriotic Pole”, a grassroots coalition tasked with achieving a sweeping victory in next year’s presidential elections. Speaking at a Council of Ministers meeting on Saturday, Chavez told... » read this article
  • Dr. Paul Oquist Kelly interviewed by toni solo, editor, Tortilla con Sal , Tortilla con Sal

    Nicaragua - A revolution towards prosperity and social justice Interview with Dr. Paul Oquist Kelly, Minister Private Secretary to the President for National Policy Tortilla con Sal, September 13th 2011 Tortilla con Sal: Nicaragua's 2007 development plan worked out by the government had various aims, principally promoting economic growth, promoting... » read this article
  • John Marion , WSWS

    28 September 2011 Amid new controversy, the United Nations is debating renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti. Known by its French initials, MINUSTAH, the “mission” is comprised mainly of UN soldiers and police, and has occupied the country since shortly after the overthrow of... » read this article
  • Robert Sandels , Monthly Review

    Cuba is about to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. If it finds what it is looking for, oil wealth could snatch Cuba out of the century-old grasp of the United States before Obama leaves the White House. This possibility has brought out Miami’s congressional assault team... » read this article
  • Javier Salado , Rebelión (Spanish). Pravda (English)

    Recent events in the Middle East, characterized by popular revolts that occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, with participation of the Special Services of the Western world in Libya and Syria, infiltrating provocateurs, weapons, means and money, much money, in each country, have encouraged the hopes of the planners of... » read this article
  • Dady Chery. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: Axis of Logic first published this article in English on August 15, 2011. Due to requests from Haitian readers and others, we have asked Dady Chery to translate her essay into French which she kindly agreed to do. Her translation into French follows the English version. - Les... » read this article
  • Les Blough, Axis of Logic. Natalia Cote-Muñoz, COHA. , Axis of Logic. COHA

    Natalia Cote-Muñoz' report is primarily focused on criminal gangs who have been murdering, raping and exploited migrants for the last 6 years in Mexico. But in her report she also states, "The government’s current approach to migrants is demeaning at best." and she concludes: "Meanwhile, as long as authorities remain... » read this article
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