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  • Finian Cunningham , Global Research

    Officially, America is now bankrupt: financially, economically, politically – and morally. Its criminal aggression towards Iran is just one of many parts of a jigsaw that add up to a clear and grotesque picture of what the United States of America now represents in the 21st Century world. The numbers... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger. Correo del Orinoco , Correo del Orinoco (English)

    "Despite warnings from the Obama administration that Latin America should not engage in relations with Iran, President Ahmadinejad held a successful four-country tour in the region forging commerce and trade and consolidating relations."  T/ COI P/ Presidential Press Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez received his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Caracas... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger. The Chavez Code. , The Chavez Code

    Washington has made no secret of its disdain for Venezuela’s President Chavez and mass media have turned a democratic leader into a dictatorship. Does Venezuela really represent a threat to the United States or is the hype just an excuse for regime change? [NOTE: I accompanied President Chavez on his... » read this article
  • David Swanson ,

    Editorial comment: This excellent article from 2006 is well worth getting republished today. Every word is as important in the year of 2012 as it was when it was first written.  -SON The push to attack Iran has been on for so long that entire categories of arguments for it... » read this article
  • Finian Cunningham , Global Research

    Is Iran the new Japan – 70 years after the Pearl Harbour incident that led to a US declaration of war and an unspeakable nuclear nightmare? Two concurrent articles on Global Research deserve close reading because taken together they suggest that history is in danger of repeating itself, with even... » read this article
  • John Pilger ,

    On 22 May 2007, the Guardian's front page announced: "Iran's secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq." The writer, Simon Tisdall, claimed that Iran had secret plans to defeat American troops in Iraq, which included "forging ties with al-Qaida elements". The coming "showdown" was an Iranian... » read this article
  • Mahan Abedin , Asia Times

    Iran's claim last week to have arrested 12 spies working for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is potentially a major blow to American intelligence-gathering efforts in Iran and to American intelligence generally. The arrests come on the heels of the arrest of 30 alleged CIA spies in late... » read this article
  • Gwynne Dyer , London Free Press

    "We will not build two (nuclear) bombs in the face of (America's) 20,000," said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in response to an International Atomic Energy Agency report this week that accuses Iran of doing just that. He called Yukiya Amano, the head of the IAEA, a U.S. puppet, saying: "This... » read this article
  • Les Blough (Axis of Logic). Louis Charbonneau (Reuters) , Axis of Logic. Reuters.

    Editor's Comment: What is always ignored or hammered under by the corporate media is the fact that if the Iranian government wants to develop nuclear weapons it has a right to have them as an appropriate national defense against those who have nuclear arms and a history of threatening their country. This... » read this article
  • Gareth Jones, Reuters , DNA

    From bizarre claims about the use of "mercenaries" to tongue-in-cheek travel advisories, countries long used to Western criticism of their own human rights records are relishing Britain's embarrassment over the riots sweeping its cities With its long colonial past and its carefully nurtured self-image as the mother of parliamentary democracy... » read this article
  • M K Bhadrakumar , Asia Times

    Almost directly in proportion to the nosedive in Washington's ties with its allies in Kabul and Islamabad, Iran has stepped up its political and diplomatic activity over the Afghan problem and the regional situation. Tehran estimates that the United States' relations with the Afghan and Pakistani governments have suffered a... » read this article
  • Afshin Davarpanah , Tehran Times

    Unlike what many analysts thought, the United States is making serious efforts to depose the government of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. This change of strategy first became apparent in U.S. President Barack Obama’s speech on May 19, 2011, in which he said that some regional allies were not responding... » read this article
  • Dallas Darling. Axis of Logic. , Submitted to Axis of Logic by the author

    In Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, every time the Queen of Hearts is crossed or defeated during her mad croquet match, she shouts “Off with his head!” at the offender. When Alice points out that the trial of the Knave of Hearts, alleged to have stolen some tarts, is... » read this article
  • Sergei Balmasov , Pravda

    February 14 in many Iranian cities was marked with massive rallies and opposition clashes with security forces. A number of Western media and politicians have tried to present it as a "continuation of the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt". U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quite clearly supported the actions... » read this article
  • AP Staff , The Independent

    An Iranian opposition leader, Mehdi Karroubi, was placed under house arrest yesterday. Security officers were posted at his door and one of his aides detained after calls for a rally in support of the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Mr Karroubi had joined another leading opposition figure, Mirhossein Mousavi,... » read this article
  • Cyrus Safdari , Monthly Review

    There is a saying in Farsi to the effect that the "crowing rooster takes credit for the rising sun."  I can't think of a more apt description than that for the recent spate of articles and editorials in which the Israelis and the Obama administration claim credit for having supposedly... » read this article
  • Reza Aslan , The Atlantic

    Is it possible that Iran's blustering president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, long thought to be a leading force behind some of Iran's most hard-line and repressive policies, is actually a reformer whose attempts to liberalize, secularize, and even "Persianize" Iran have been repeatedly stymied by the country's more conservative factions? That is... » read this article
  • Gareth Porter and Jim Lobe , Inter Press Service (IPS)

    The dominant theme that emerged in U.S. media coverage of the first round of Wikileaks diplomatic cables last week was that Arab regimes in the Gulf - led by Saudi Arabia - shared Israel's view that Iran's nuclear programme had to be stopped by military force, if necessary. The New... » read this article
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