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  • Sarah Hashash, Cairo (BBC)
    Editorial comment (Axis of Logic)
    , BBC (news report). Axis of Logic (commentary)

    "Farewell, my library! Farewell, the house of wisdom, the abode of philosophers, a house and witness for literature! How many sleepless nights I spent there, reading and writing, the night is silent and the people asleep… goodbye, my books!... I know not what has become of you after we left:... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is... » read this article
  • Interview: Mostafa Ali , Socialistworker

    Editorial comment: Even though this article dates from before the beginning of the elections in Egypt, it seems to be well worth picking up since it gives the very background to the situation that is in the process of being voted on. The one almost sure thing seems to me... » read this article
  • News report , BBC

    After deadly clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Egypt, the BBC news website looks at what lies behind the latest round of protests. Why are the protesters back? Protesters are angry at the slow pace of reforms and are demanding the end of military rule. While many welcomed the... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: The title of this essay/report could be misunderstood. Egypt is anything but "free" after Egyptians Spring 2011 revolt was co-opted by the Egyptian military who are now conducting a violent counter-revolution against their own people. But the author places emphasis on Israel's violations of their 1979 peace treaty... » read this article
  • Niall Green (WSWS). Les Blough (Axis of Logic)
    , WSWS. Axis of Logic.

    (Photos from agencies added by Axis of Logic and related comments by Les Blough, editor. Sources: News Agencies) 16 July 2011 WSWS by Niall Green Huge protests took place across Egypt on Friday. Under the banner, “The Friday of Final Warning,” tens of thousands gathered in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and... » read this article
  • Joseph Kishore , WSWS

    31 May 2011 Demonstrations last Friday in Egypt were among the largest since the revolutionary movement of workers and youth forced out the longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak on February 11. Hundreds of thousands gathered in the capital of Cairo and other cities to denounce the policies of the military government... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , WSWS

    The promulgation this week in Egypt of a decree banning strikes and protests has laid bare the real character of the military-controlled regime that succeeded the US-backed dictator Hosni Mubarak. According to AhramOnline, the decree: “criminalizes strikes, protests, demonstrations and sit-ins that interrupt private or state-owned businesses or affect the... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , WSWS

    25 March 2011 The promulgation this week in Egypt of a decree banning strikes and protests has laid bare the real character of the military-controlled regime that succeeded the US-backed dictator Hosni Mubarak. According to AhramOnline, the decree: “criminalizes strikes, protests, demonstrations and sit-ins that interrupt private or state-owned businesses... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken. Axis of Logic comment. , WSWS

    Editor's Note: The author makes passing reference to the snubbing of Clinton by the Coalition of the Youth of the Revolution, "representing a half dozen of organizations ..." According to our correspondent in Cairo who has been deeply involved with this revolutionary youth movement: The Youth Coalition is "much bigger... » read this article
  • Patrick Martin , WSWS

    5 March 2011 In a carefully stage-managed performance aimed at legitimizing military rule, the newly appointed Egyptian prime minister, Essam Sharaf, visited protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square Friday and professed his sympathy for the struggle that ousted President Hosni Mubarak. Sharaf, a cabinet minister under Mubarak from 2004 to 2006,... » read this article
  • Ken O'Keefe in Gaza, interviewed on Press TV , Press TV and Tahrir 4 Gaza

    2 000 000 Egyptians in Tahrir Square singing Free Palestine! As the Arab people continue to exercise unarmed yet mighty power, there is one place above all others that remains at the heart of the struggle, Pales tine. Despite all the money, pro pa ganda, weapons, false imprisonment, eth nic... » read this article
  • Egyptian Revolutionaries , Tahrir Square

    Editor's Comment: Getting rid of Mubarak is only the first step. May we one day see this on Pennsylvania Avenue! (I know some of you wish you were there.) - Les Blough, Editor (Three Videos. The Third - Egypt's Day of Departure) Here's a little more on the original, without... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    One of the least analyzed aspects of the Egyptian pro-democracy movement and US policy toward it, is the role of the influential Zionist power configuration (ZPC) including the leading umbrella organization – the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO) – Congressional Middle East committee members, officials occupying... » read this article
  • Joanne Namerow. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    “I should discover once again the secret of great communications and of great combustions...”                                             - Aimé Césaire My daughter wants to show me how her new video game works. In it you create your own characters from an endless array of colors, costumes and accessories. You can also create... » read this article
  • Patrick Martin , WSWS

    17 February 2011 Tens of thousands of Egyptian workers ignored appeals by military high command and spread their strike actions across the country Wednesday, demanding higher pay, better working conditions, and the purging of corrupt officials linked to ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak. In Egypt’s largest industrial center, the textile manufacturing... » read this article
  • Michelle Chen , In These Times

    Is the crescent of North Africa's revolutionary honeymoon already fading away? Tunisia, ground zero for the the wave of popular uprisings cascading across Egypt and the Middle East—and a political bellwether—began as a inspiring revolutionary narrative. But this week, the victory of the people's triumph over the Ben Ali dictatorship... » read this article
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