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Workers & Labor
  • Kate Randall , WSWS

    13 January 2012 Job cutting continues in the new year across a wide range of economic sectors in the US. Layoff announcements so far in January appear to follow last month’s trend, in which planned firings rose 31 percent over previous year figures. According to Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas,... » read this article
  • Dominic Rushe , AlterNet

    Chief executive pay has roared back after two years of stagnation and decline. America's top bosses enjoyed pay hikes of between 27 and 40% last year, according to the largest survey of US CEO pay. The dramatic bounceback comes as the latest government figures show wages for the majority of... » read this article
  • Immanuel Wallerstein , Canadian Dimension

    During the protests in Tahrir Square in November 2011, Mohamed Ali, age 20, responded to a journalist’s query as to why he was there: “We want social justice. Nothing more. That’s the least that we deserve.” The first round of the movements took multiple forms across the world—the so-called Arab... » read this article
  • Steve Russell , The Rag Blog

    "It’s all right to let Wall Street bet each other millions of dollars every day but why make these bets affect the fellow who is plowing a field out in Claremore, Oklahoma?" My all time favorite Cherokee, Will Rogers, wrote that in 1924. Today, most of the fellows plowing fields... » read this article
  • Linda McQuaig , Toronto Star via

    Occupy brings a new focus: Protesters moving us from the terror era to the income-inequality era. When thousands of Egyptian protesters took over Tahrir Square in events widely celebrated as the Arab Spring, I don't recall anyone being concerned that they were violating local bylaws. Of course, Egypt was a... » read this article
  • Elizabeth Clinton and Jason Netek. , Socialist Worker

    THERE HAS been no shortage of crocodile tears from the U.S. political establishment about the violence against protesters in Syria and Iran. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama have taken turns condemning the brutal suppression of movements for social justice in those countries. Of course, they had... » read this article
  • Armine Yalnizyan ,

    ... Here is what Occupy Wall Street could mean This is not the stuff of usual protests. Over the past month, a little idea from a Vancouver outfit has mushroomed into a cross-continent movement. Occupy Wall Street has already spread to 70 American cities and is going global as protestors... » read this article
  • Stefan Steinberg and Barry Grey , World Socialist Web Site

    Three years into the severest world economic crisis since the 1930s, stock markets around the world are once again tumbling as the capitalist system plunges into depression. In the wake of the September 2008 financial meltdown, governments injected trillions of dollars of public funds into the banks, robbing the state... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , World Socialist Web Site

    The Occupy Wall Street protest, now in its third week, has struck a powerful chord throughout the US, with similar occupations developing in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities and towns across the country. The demonstrators and their demand for social equality have given expression to the growing hostility... » read this article
  • Ulrich Rippert , World Socialist Web Site

    The elections to the Berlin House of Representatives (state legislature) on Sunday contain important political lessons for the working class worldwide. The elections were held in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the 1930s. As was the case at the end of the Weimar Republic eighty years ago,... » read this article
  • Wall Street Rally , OperationLeakS

    Editorial comment: Don't miss Charlie Chaplin's wonderful speech in the 3rd video. It's remarkable how every word he's saying applies to the situation we are in today, even though he's addressing himself to the world from almost 60 years ago, after the near Nazi/fascist takeover of the world. So here... » read this article
  • Evan Rohar and Jane Slaughter. Labor Notes , Labor Notes

    The confrontation between West Coast longshore workers and an anti-union exporter exploded as pickets massed on railroad tracks by the hundreds yesterday to block grain shipments. Police used clubs and pepper spray on protesters in Longview, Washington, as they made 19 arrests. Early this morning a terminal there was invaded... » read this article
  • Barry Grey , WSWS

    10 September 2011 Following his speech before a joint session of Congress Thursday night, President Barack Obama on Friday launched his campaign to marshal public support for his American Jobs Act with a rally in Richmond, Virginia, the first in a series of such events to be held around the... » read this article
  • Santiago Grasso , opusBou

    Santiago Grasso was born in La Plata, Argentina. He  studied Graphic Design at the School of Fine Arts at National University of La Plata and later graduated at the Universidad del Cine, in Buenos Aires, where he majored in Direction. Santiago has been working as a free-lance illustrator since 1998, when his first works were published... » read this article
  • jack mothershed. Axis of Logic exclusive , Axis of Logic

    NONCONNAH YARDS One railroad came from Chicago, bound for New Orleans Or vice versa One railroad came from Little Rock headed for Charleston Or the other way around In Nonconnah Yards south of Memphis The rails crossed My father knew that My father rode those rails Long before the Great... » read this article
  • Joseph Kishore , WSWS

    Editor's Note: So the AFL-CIO, CWA and IBEW sold out the workers they were supposed to be representing and protecting. No surprise there. The big unions have been in bed with the corporate government for a long time. What remains to be seen is the reaction by the Verizon Workers... » read this article
  • Dave Stratman , New Democracy World

    They've been out now for two long weeks. Hard weeks. Their savings are running out. Mortgages are a concern. Verizon threatens to cut off health care benefits for strikers’ families on August 31. Billionaire Warren Buffett said, "There is a class war in this country, and my class is winning."... » read this article
  • Mischa Gaus and Jenny Brown , Labor Notes, and Democracy Now!

    (Includes 2 articles and a video) August 11, 2011 - Verizon’s strike in the Northeast is into Day Five, and big picket lines are turning away customers at Verizon’s wireless stores. Injunctions could threaten one of the union’s most effective tactics, mass picketing at stores. But another—mobile picketing—is causing havoc for... » read this article
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