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Human Rights
  • jackie mothershed (poetry). Speech by Martin Luther King. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    "And one day we must ask the question, Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic... » read this article
  • Kate Randall , WSWS

    13 January 2012 Job cutting continues in the new year across a wide range of economic sectors in the US. Layoff announcements so far in January appear to follow last month’s trend, in which planned firings rose 31 percent over previous year figures. According to Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas,... » read this article
  • Tracy Chapman. From her album titled Tracy Chapman , Tracy Chapman

    Axis Reader, CanDoJack's comment today in the Reader Comment section below, prompted us to bring Tracy and her brilliant music back for a replay. Her lyrics and music in these three songs are prophetic, even more relevant today than when she first wrote and sang them. - LMB Editor's Note:... » read this article
  • Notes on WikiLeaks ,

    15 Overlooked Facts About the Assange Extradition Case 1)  Julian Assange is not charged with anything in Sweden or any other country. [Source: @wikileaks] 2)  Julian Assange did not flee Sweden to avoid questioning. He was given permission to leave the country on the 15th September 2010, after remaining 5... » read this article
  • T.J. Coles. Axis of Logic Exclusive , Axis of Logic

    In 2006, Britain and America began a proxy war in Somalia by training Ethiopian warlords to invade the country in order to destroy the government, the Islamic Courts Union—and with it any chance of socioeconomic recovery. Journalist Aidan Hartley reported that under the leadership of the Western-backed Abdullahi Yusuf, who... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: The title of this essay/report could be misunderstood. Egypt is anything but "free" after Egyptians Spring 2011 revolt was co-opted by the Egyptian military who are now conducting a violent counter-revolution against their own people. But the author places emphasis on Israel's violations of their 1979 peace treaty... » read this article
  • Andre Damon. WSWS , WSWS

    15 November 2011 Throughout the United States, city administrations are moving to break up encampments of the Occupy protests, trampling underfoot the constitutionally protected right of assembly. Police cleared out the Occupy camp in Oakland, California in a predawn raid on Monday, resulting in 32 arrests. This followed the shutting... » read this article
  • Mankh (Walter E. Harris III). Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Can you hear us calling out from a Freedom of Speech Zone? We are able to say whatever the F*&# is necessary so long as it is being emitted from this oxymoronic Zone of the status quo, a classroom under the supervision of the corporate-state where learning to count numbers... » read this article
  • Kate Randall , WSWS

    9 November 2011 As the Anti-Wall Street protests that began in New York City near the end of their second month, occupations in a number of cities continue to face police harassment, arrests and threats to their encampments. The protests began September 17 in New York City when protesters set... » read this article
  • Alexandra Valiente, Editor, Libya 360° and Adel Khalifa Dorda , Libya 360°

    Editor's Note: Alexandra Valiente, Editor of Libya 360° has reliable contacts inside Libya. She is a meticulous fact-checker, very careful to vet her sources and it is rare that we have an opportunity to act on behalf of individual victims of NATO/NTC crimes in Libya as we have in this... » read this article
  • P/Agencies. T/COI , Correo del Orinoco

    "While most recommendations were favorable, including a suggestion by Nicaragua that “the revolutionary policies of the Venezuelan government be strengthened so that all Venezuelans can fully enjoy their fundamental rights”, other countries such as the United States, France, and Israel criticized what they said were limitations of “freedom of expression”... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

      The gathering momentum of protest in the US is charting new old territory. It is time to reflect on how we got here. The current crisis of capitalism is textbook Marx. Greedy capitalists, craven politicians, scheming bankers, dispossessed masses. It is also textbook Lenin. Imperial wars awakening the masses... » read this article
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