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    Editor's Note: This is a rare article co-authored by Simon Romero, NYT's favorite counter-revolutionary writers in South America that we can "digest". It's an interesting report about& quinoa, a valuable Bolivian natural resource exploited by foreign countries. It also underscores the effect of malnutrition caused by capitalism, imperialism and the... » read this article
  • Martin Hart-Landsberg , Monthly Review

    Existing international economic institutions and relations operate in ways detrimental to third world development. That is why eight Latin American and Caribbean countries—led by Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia—are working to build the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA), a regional initiative designed to promote new, nonmarket-shaped structures and patterns of... » read this article
  • Federico Fuentes , Submitted by the Author

      Recent scenes of roadblocks, strikes and even the dynamiting of a vice-minister’s home in the Bolivian department (administrative district) of Potosi, reminiscent of the days of previous neoliberal governments, have left many asking themselves what is really going on in the “new” Bolivia of indigenous President Evo Morales. Since... » read this article
  • Margarita Lacabe (essay & translation); Mercedes Sosa (music video) , Vox Publica

    Editor's Note: Margarita Lacabe translated the lyrics of Mercedes Sosa's beautiful revolutionary song, "Juana Azurduy" from Spanish into English. Along with the music video republished below from her website, Margarita describes how she came to revisit the memory of Juana Azurduy, the significance of revolutionary women in Latin American history and the... » read this article
  • Laura Flanders interviews Oliver Stone and Tariq Ali , Grit TV. ABC

    Latin America has seen rapid changes over recent years, most significantly with the rise of left-leaning leaders who are willing to fight massive corporations and even stand up to the massive presence of the US in their countries.  Director Oliver Stone decided to go to Venezuela to meet Chavez for... » read this article
  • Raquel Maria Garcia Alvarez , Prensa Latina

    United Nations, May 7 (Prensa Latina) "The United States took preference tariffs from Bolivia and we are better off without them," Bolivian President Evo Morales asserted at the UN on Friday. "No more subjection, I do not fear US blackmailing, impositions or conditions," said Morales during a press conference at... » read this article
  • Emily Achtenberg , NACLA

    Proclaiming its lithium deposits to be a permanent reserve of the state, the Bolivian government last month authorized a new state company to undertake “the full chain of lithium production,” including “exploration, development, industrialization, and marketing.” At issue is the future of Bolivia’s vast Uyuni salt flats, the world’s largest... » read this article
  • Andres Schipani and John Vidal , The

    Rafael Quispe is gearing up for his trip. He packs a small leather bag, puts on his black poncho, an alpaca scarf sporting the rainbow-coloured, chequered Andean indigenous flag and his black hat. "This will be an important gathering, a very important gathering. It is about saving our Mother Earth,... » read this article
  • Franz Chávez , Inter Press Service

    A different way of fighting global warming will be tried out in the central Bolivian city of Cochabamba when government representatives and thousands of activists gather for the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. The social organisations sponsoring the Apr. 19-22 conference have announced... » read this article
  • Roger Burbach , Counterpunch

    When Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales, was sworn in to a second term in January, he proclaimed Bolivia a plurinational state that would construct “communitarian socialism.” In an accompanying address, Vice President Álvaro Garcia Linare, envisioned a “socialist horizon” for Bolivia, characterized by “well-being, making the wealth communal, drawing on our... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , WSWS

    Editor's note: For added perspective, we introduce this article on Evo Morales' re-election victory with words from James Petras' assessment: Latin America’s Twenty-First Century Socialism in Historical Perspective "The 21st Century Socialism of Morales’ political practice is far less innovative and ’socialist’ and far closer in political style to 20th... » read this article
  • Granma International , News Article

    Bolivian President Evo Morales announced today that he is to propose a continental referendum on the installation of U.S. military bases in the region at the upcoming Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) Summit. “It is the people who should decide as to whether uniformed foreigners should be in South... » read this article
  • Devin Beaulieu , Upside Down World

    It is a strange and unexpected sight in the middle of Bolivia, a country better known for alpaca sweaters and Marxist revolutionaries, but everyday from the curved towers of a mosque in the city of Santa Cruz goes out the call for Muslim prayer. One would not be embarrassed to... » read this article
  • Francisco Dominguez, Secretary , Venezuela Solidarity Campaign in the UK

    I generally find the Economist quite interesting and accurate, if you filter out its obvious bias, it is also good to read stuff you disagree with....what I find really dangerous and literally spooky is the fact that 'progressive' media tells so many lies about Latin America, the Guardian is very... » read this article
  • Donna Lazarus , Workers World

    Within a week after security forces foiled an assassination plot against President Evo Morales inside Bolivia, the United Nations General Assembly approved on April 22 the president’s initiative to create International Mother Earth Day to protect the rights of Mother Earth and of all living beings. Bolivian security forces on... » read this article
  • News Bulletin , Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)

    The Head of Government, Jacqueline Faria, will manage the public institutions and public servants of the Capital District, as well as its administration, coordination and control over the organizations of government. The Special Regime of the Capital District is a system of government comprised by an executive body managed by a... » read this article
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