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PDF: ‘Empty House & Crowded Forest’ by Eat (Indonesia)

February 19th, 2016

PDF: ‘Empty House & Crowded Forest

Here we release the finished PDF version of the surreal children’s book written by Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) and illustrated by Lukas.

“This book is dedicated to all imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, Marco Camenisch, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Ted K and all the nihilist rebels across the globe. Salute!”

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Posted in Library |

Bloomington, Indiana: Banner drop in solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas (USA)

February 18th, 2016

Responding to the call for solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas, we hung a
banner with words of support for our comrade. Fernando is an anarchist
imprisoned by the Mexican state for burning a Coca-Cola tree during a
demonstration against the rise of Metro ticket prices.

We hope that small gestures like these will accumulate and spread,
contributing to an anarchist internationalism that seeks to destroy the
walls of borders and prisons alike.

Against all states, against all prisons!
Solidarity with Fernando and all rebellious prisoners!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Letter from anarchist compañera Mónica Caballero (Spain)

February 18th, 2016

From Contrainfo, translation War On Society:

Communique received February 11, 2016

Below we leave some words from anarchist compañera Mónica Caballero in relation to the logic and functioning of the respect unit (m-R) in multiple prisons in the Spanish State. With the aim of directly controlling the population imprisoned there and, with the preventive excuse of “resolving” frictions between individuals in–forced–cohabitation, these units are fundamentally destined to avoid serious problems between the prisoners and the institution, trapping any rebellious impulse or attitude that questions the imposed consensus. And working on the basis of submission to rules and protocols that maintain order, they seek the participation and collaboration of the inmates. Undoubtedly, we find similarities with the logic of the “outside,” since the project of prison is a vital part of the system in its totality through which it reproduces the same forms of the existent Domination.

We also remember that Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar will face trial on March 8th, 9th and 10th, 2016, in the Madrid branch of the National Court. As in all of these processes of many years in preventative prison, carried out with dignity and entirety and with convictions intact, the compañeras in this case have been alone. All of our hatred to the police and judges and the system they defend and all our revolutionary love in struggle for our compañeras and many of those persecuted and imprisoned by States. May solidarity always be our responsibility. Freedom for all! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

KJA – Congress of Free Women call for 8th March (Kurdistan)

February 18th, 2016

PDF: 8 March Invitation

“We, women from KJA, will be commemorating the traditional İnternational
Women’s Day of Struggle and Solidarity with series of activities and action
between March 1st and 8th. Last year we organized various events and activities
in 240 different district and towns. With the growing resistance and struggle we
will commemorate 8th of March with even more enthusiasm.”

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Posted in Autonomy |

War against Turkey: Solidarity tribute song for YPS – Civil Defense Units (Kurdistan)

February 18th, 2016

Dedicated to YPS&YPS-Jin
(more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Protection_Units)
The footage comes mostly from fights in Sur neighbourhood of Amed (Diyarbakir) that took place in January.

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Posted in Autonomy |

Communique by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerilla Cell (Greece)

February 18th, 2016

The plan.

To the anarchist “space”.

i. The call.

Every call for action, like “Black December“, is an attempt to coordinate our forces. It is an effort to interrupt the normal flow of reality. It is a plan to invade it with our own characteristics and subvert it. It is a poll of our desire for anarchy here and now, and of our ability to confront the forces of order. It is an occasion for people acquainted or not, to meet in the field of action and try to raid the palaces of the state, organized and abruptly. It is an international signal of complicity to all the comrades within and outside the walls that strengthens our solidarity. It is an anarchist agreement which confirms that there are people in all corners of the earth, that without speaking the same language, they coordinate the pulse of their hearts, align their gaze facing the enemy, clench their fists, wear a hood and attack against the social engine of authority, its structures and its relations.

The call of “Black December” had such moments …

And now what? Back to normality?

Each call for action may be just a snapshot of revolt repeating itself, waiting for the next anniversary, the next opportunity, the next “Call” or it might turn into an appointment with history…

To all those for whom anarchy means “I burn behind me the bridges of capitulation and of social peace”, the anarchist action has not any date of beginning or end…

Thus, the bet of “Black December” actually unlocks a larger bet. A bet for those whose calendar of attack is constantly stuck in today, here and now. The challenge of creating an autonomous anarchist pole for the organization of the anarchist urban guerrilla. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Direct Action |

Fabio Dusco on hunger strike (Greece)

February 18th, 2016

via insurrectionnews:

According to information we have received, Fabio Dusco, who is currently on trial accused of aiding the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in their failed escape bid, began a hunger strike on the 16th of February, 2016. Fabio was recently kidnapped from Korydallos prison by anti-terrorism police and forcibly transferred to the Removal Center on Petrou Ralli St where he is expected to remain for the duration of the trial. His forced transfer and the forced DNA extraction and assault against anarchist comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis sparked ongoing protest mobilizations by the prisoners at Korydallos. We will provide more information as soon as it becomes available.

Solidarity with Fabio and the ongoing prison struggle in Greece!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

FAI-IRF claim responsibility for the bomb left at the gendarmerie center in Santiago (Chile)

February 18th, 2016

Santiago, Chile, February 11, 2016

On February 11, we headed for the intersection of Pedro Lagos and Arturo Prat, where the Chilean gendarmerie have their Center for Social Reintegration, and there we proceeded to place a powerful time-delayed bomb. This was a conscious and libertarian act which, far from wishing to harm passersby, sought to directly attack not only the premises’ facilities but also to in a single blow possibly take away the life of some guards, without regard to their rank or status. For us, putting an end to any of these miserables will always be a pleasure.

It is worth mentioning that the device failed, and that this clearly happened because of our mistake in its placement, and not the effective work of the police, as they are saying in the press. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Direct Action |

CCF Escape Trial: Case postponed due to Lawyer’s Strike (Greece)

February 17th, 2016

15 Feb: Today starts the trial for the CCF escape plan. The trial didn’t begin because the lawyers have gone on strike for their “job rights”.

The next day of trial is set for 22 February.

Long live CCF – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

22-28 Feb: International week of action against the eviction of the autonomous social center La Solidaria in Montevideo (Uruguay)

February 15th, 2016

La Solidaria is an autonomous social center that opened it’s doors in 2012. The building was occupied in order to serve as a tool to help practice our own autonomy and the development of the social struggle. Near the end of October last year we received a letter of eviction urging us to abandon the building. Just as it had happened in 2013 it’ll be difficult for them to beat us.
We have defended and we shall defend this place, not just as a physical building, but as headquarters to codes and principles opossed to the relationships set by the State and Capital. It’s used to power another type of relationships based on solidarity, self-management, horizontality and direct action. We consider ourselves to be part of the social conflict, part of a bigger project to transform our current reality. To end this world run by money and create one based on freedom and solidarity.
The press is already running errands to the State and the speculators who bought the house, they’re preparing the terrain for the eviction. We find the project in crucial moments, throughout the last week of February the final decisions will be made about the eviction. It is for this reason that we call for a week of actions in cooperation with this space, a week of solidarity against the eviction of La Solidaria.

Every hit reaffirms our way and make us stronger! To the threats of eviction: More resistance! More action! Solidarity knows no boundaries. Keep their hands out of our social centers!

Assembly of the autonomous social center La Solidaria.



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