Archive for the ‘Autonomy’ Category
Letter/Greeting of CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell at an event in Chile
Wednesday, March 16th, 2016
[The following piece is a greeting from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire- Metropolitan Violence Cell at an event of the anti-authoritarian library “Las Lecheros” where a video projection of the Phoenix Project and an exposition for the book “Our day will come” has been made.]
With all eyes set towards the other side of the world, we are sending these few lines to express the kinship that we feel towards our brothers and sisters who are being present during this event. We address our most heartfelt greetings towards the comrades that took the responsibility to organize this event and to present the Phoenix Project along with the book “Our day will come”.
The Phoenix project is a vital part of the Black International of the anarchists of action, as it was the crossroad where comrades from all parts of the world were met, with a common desire, to breathe new life into an informal organization of anarchist action internationally.
The wick of Phoenix Project was fired from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/Sole-Baleno Cell, who blew up the car of the director of Korydallos Prison in Greece, officializing basically the comeback of CCF to the battlements of the anarchist aggression. Subsequently, comrades from the whole world reciprocated to this call for an informal coordination of attacks. We saw the fires of the anarchist insurrection to heat up in Indonesia, Russia, Chile, and Germany and then back again in Greece. The fumes of these fires reached the prison where the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are imprisoned, who with a joint letter greeted this action of Sole-Baleno Cell.
This letter delivered the message that Conspiracy of Cells of Fire does never give up, but lives through every subversive attack against the existing system. This proved to be an excuse for further persecutions to the already imprisoned members of the CCF about the incitement of actions regarding the Phoenix Project, something that proves that those in power feel daunted by the anarchists who don’t obey neither in captivity.
Through this video you will meet the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, as it is their voices that you are going to hear, achieving even like this, a form of escape.
Furthermore, through the book “Our day will come” the story of our plan to escape from prison is unfolded, which after all never happened. Through this story, it seems that the ceaseless agonies for freedom and for anarchist action can never be suppressed and captivated. That’s why the authority is relentless with those who demand on their own, with their own rules, the wild freedom of the unlawfulness. And this was proved by the arrests of family members of the CCF which were reviled in the media and imprisoned. It took two hunger strikes to set them free with terms that constitute exile, as they can’t even visit their loved ones inside the prison. This time now they’re in trial in which they cannot even attend.
For us it’s a fact that the authentic anarchist relationship is beyond the legal-illegal separations and in that way it will always find ways to bring comrades together.
That’s why we feel that we are among you and we also feel dominated by the same complicity in the conspiracy of the unstoppable insurrection worldwide. A complicity that here in the Greek territory we share with more and more comrades, which by pressing on the basic imperatives of Black December now they meet through Insurrectional connection between theory and action.
And so, the Black December passes on the torch to a lively anarchist process, a platform of coordination that promotes the autonomy and the diversity of anarchist action and which expects to overcome the national borders and to meet with other anarchist collegialities and individualities everywhere. We participate in this action because we love challenges.
From Greece to Chile…
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Metropolitan Violence Cell
Tags: Black December, Black International of Anarchists of Praxis, CCF - Metropolitan Violence Cell, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front, Las Lecheros (Library), Phoenix Project
Posted in Autonomy
War against AKP-ISIS/Daesh: YPG defeat the Islamic-fascists again in Girê Spî, denounce the attacks as a breach of the ceasefire (Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria)
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
TEV-DEM: AKP and its gangs attack Rojava
Monday, February 29, 2016 1:15 PM
Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement on the 25 separate attacks ISIS gangs carried out on Girê Spî from Turkey and Raqqa on February 27.
TEV-DEM announced its positive approach to the ceasefire in Syria and invited everyone to support the ceasefire.
In its statement, TEV-DEM highlighted the AKP’s aggressive policies and stated the following:
‘‘SDF forces composed of Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen peoples resisted the attacks of the AKP and its gangs targeting Efrîn and Şehba, and succeeded in liberating the region of Shaddadi. AKP and its gangs began to attack Girê Spî, the symbol of shared life and sisterhood, in order to end people’s solidarity.
ISIS gangs’ attacks on Girê Spî and Silûk took place on February 27. Some of the gangs entered Rojava from Turkey and others infiltrated from Raqqa. Turkish armed forces began to shell YPG positions right after the gangs began their assault. The gangs used the regions that were previously occupied by Turkish soldiers. YPG, Asayish, and SDF forces successfully resisted the gang’s attacks on Girê Spî, and the few remaining clashes continue to the south of the town.’’ (more…)
Tags: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Kurdistan, People's Defence Units (Y.P.G.), Rojava, Syria, Turkey, War
Posted in Autonomy
Smash Facebook and Telephone – use Tails and Jabber/OTR
Monday, February 29th, 2016
Smash Facebook+Telephone – use Tails and Jabber/OTR
To avoid more repression from the police – think about your communication! The pigs get many informations through the unnecessary use of telephone and Facebook. Try Tails , it is the most safe way of communication and internet using.
Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.
It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer’s original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux. (more…)
Posted in Autonomy
War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity campaign with the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava (Kurdistan)
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
via insurrection news
Since September 2015, Red Aid Belgium have been raising money in support of the International Freedom Battalion. The money is being used to purchase Celox Gauze haemostatic wound dressings that are designed to control major haemorrhage including life-threatening bleeding from arterial injuries. They are simple and effective, stopping major bleeding with three minutes of compression. Without these types of dressings over 60% of those injured with gunshot wounds bleed to death before they are able to be treated.
Since the end of February about € 3,500 has been collected. Donations can still be made via bank transfer: IBAN: BE09 0016 1210 6957 – BIC : GEBA BE BB – Note: “Rojava” or directly online HERE
The call
At the heart of the Middle-East, peoples of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have risen up against reactionary forces oppressing the region since decades. After setting free Rojava from Daesh, the Rojava inhabitants and the many foreign revolutionaries who came to support them are worrying the American imperialists and NATO as well as the reactionary and fascist regimes from the Middle-East : Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them are now intervening in the region with bombings and interference. By doing so, they are reproducing the same strategies that created many Islamist groups such as the Daesh, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra. These groups are golems who escaped the control of the capitalist countries who gave them birth.
The enemies of the people have great difficulty ending the struggle for liberation that peoples of Rojava started to set, even by using their usual weapons : deadly bombings, shelling civilians, mass detentions of revolutionary militants, permanent attacks against the people’s guerrillas and capitalist hagglings. This struggle is going on in Rojava, in Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-East, as the armed women of Rojava are now the worst nightmare of the Islamists. (more…)
Tags: International Freedom Battalion, International Solidarity, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Kurdistan, Rojava, Syria, War
Posted in Autonomy
Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo (Chile)
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
Con la simple y clara intención de hacer prevalecer la memoria combativa a un año de la caída de Javier Recabarren hacemos el llamado a agitar por su memoria, desatando las ideas y prácticas que nos mueven invitando a avanzar en un continuo de lucha junto a nuestros/as muertos/as.
Quizás muchos no saben quien fue Javier, para ellos/as y para quien se interese aportaremos un poco con su vida. Javier tenía 11 años, pese a ser pequeño era parte de la lucha por la liberación animal y participaba abiertamente en instancias anárquicas/antiautoritarias.
Javier al igual que muchos/as era parte de la lucha callejera, esa que había dejado como legado un 2011 (y siguientes años) de fuego en las calles, de constantes focos de disturbios que surgían al calor de las marchas a las que los/as anarquistas se sumaban para aprovechar la instancia para propagar la revuelta y el ataque descontrolado contra cada símbolo de dominio y las policías en todas su modalidades. (more…)
Tags: Chile, International Solidarity, Javier Recabarren
Posted in Autonomy
KJA – Congress of Free Women call for 8th March (Kurdistan)
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
PDF: 8 March Invitation
“We, women from KJA, will be commemorating the traditional İnternational
Women’s Day of Struggle and Solidarity with series of activities and action
between March 1st and 8th. Last year we organized various events and activities
in 240 different district and towns. With the growing resistance and struggle we
will commemorate 8th of March with even more enthusiasm.”
Tags: KJA - Congress of Free Women, Kurdistan, PDF, Rojava, Syria, Turkey
Posted in Autonomy
War against Turkey: Solidarity tribute song for YPS – Civil Defense Units (Kurdistan)
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
Dedicated to YPS&YPS-Jin
(more info:
The footage comes mostly from fights in Sur neighbourhood of Amed (Diyarbakir) that took place in January.
Tags: Amed (Diyarbakir), Kurdistan, Turkey, War, YPS (Civil Defense Units)
Posted in Autonomy
22-28 Feb: International week of action against the eviction of the autonomous social center La Solidaria in Montevideo (Uruguay)
Monday, February 15th, 2016
La Solidaria is an autonomous social center that opened it’s doors in 2012. The building was occupied in order to serve as a tool to help practice our own autonomy and the development of the social struggle. Near the end of October last year we received a letter of eviction urging us to abandon the building. Just as it had happened in 2013 it’ll be difficult for them to beat us.
We have defended and we shall defend this place, not just as a physical building, but as headquarters to codes and principles opossed to the relationships set by the State and Capital. It’s used to power another type of relationships based on solidarity, self-management, horizontality and direct action. We consider ourselves to be part of the social conflict, part of a bigger project to transform our current reality. To end this world run by money and create one based on freedom and solidarity.
The press is already running errands to the State and the speculators who bought the house, they’re preparing the terrain for the eviction. We find the project in crucial moments, throughout the last week of February the final decisions will be made about the eviction. It is for this reason that we call for a week of actions in cooperation with this space, a week of solidarity against the eviction of La Solidaria.
Every hit reaffirms our way and make us stronger! To the threats of eviction: More resistance! More action! Solidarity knows no boundaries. Keep their hands out of our social centers!
Assembly of the autonomous social center La Solidaria.
Tags: International Solidarity, La Solidaria (CSO), Montevideo, Squatting, Uruguay
Posted in Autonomy
Argeş & Berfin “Şere” (Kurdistan, Turkey)
Saturday, January 30th, 2016
Tags: Argeş & Berfin, Kurdistan, Turkey, War
Posted in Autonomy
YDG-H Marşı – Anthem (Kurdistan, Turkey)
Saturday, January 30th, 2016
An Anthem of YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement) in North Kurdistan.
Song for YDGK (Patriotic Revolutionary Young Women’s Movement) in North Kurdistan.
Tags: Kurdistan, Turkey, YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement) - Kurdish, YDGK (Patriotic Revolutionary Young Women's Movement)
Posted in Autonomy