Act For Freedom Now RSS

Raw news from the insurrectionary anarchist webportal:

Avtonom RSS

Anarchist-communist page of news and reports from Russia:

Asimetris RSS

Indonesian language anarchist anti-info group:

Contra Informate RSS

¡En un mundo de siervos y poderosos, todxs somos honestxs delincuentes!:

Instinto Salvaje RSS

Spanish language anti-info from Latin America & Beyond:

From Russia With Love RSS

Russian language reportage:

Machorka RSS

Multi-language radical site updated frequently with interesting news:

RadioAzione RSS

Italian & Croatian language anti-info, podcasts & more:

War on Society RSS

USA & Global news:

Links & Networks

Easy to read multi-language anarchist and anti-authoritarian news and reportage. Culmine was the name of the newspaper of Severino Di Giovanni, (Italian anarchist living in Argentina, 1901-1931) which advocated direct action and propaganda of the deed. This blog was hit by Operation Ardire. Culmine is not being updated currently as the admins were raided and are now on bail and still awaiting trial.

‘Counter-information for the struggle against repression’. Well-maintained and regularly updated website covering anti-prison, animal liberation, anti-authoritarian and ecological issues. (Italian Language)

Liberacion Total
Latin American and Spanish language web-portal for anti-capitalist, environmental, anti-authoritarian/anarchist news and reportage.

Rioters Info
Radical anti-capitalist, anarchist counter-information with analysis and action. (Greek language, some English)

Suie & Cendres
Social war in Belgium. English and French Language (Archive)

Social and daily war news from France. Anti-Jail. For a solidarity network.

Act For Freedom!
English translation blog of Greek struggle. Never Forget, Never Forgive – These Days Are For Alexis – Cops, Pigs, Murderers!

Latin American insurgent website. “The core, however, of this site is the popular and proletariat sector that not only use the site to post the perspective of those that fight, but also, as members of a class that lives under exploitation and domination, we attempt to make visible a reality where individuals exist that fight and produce ideas for practice under the premise that capitalism is the obstacle in the way of destroying their misery”. (Spanish Language)

Blog monitoring European police and related issues of surveillance technology, militarisation and political control.

Autonomous Resistance
Counter-information and resistance reports from Kanada

Warrior Publications
Purpose: To promote warrior culture, fighting spirit, and resistance movements. First Nations, Kanada based.

Continual War
USA Resistance News : “Originally a publication from the Northwest. The idea was to create a publication that was specifically a list of action reports along the West Coast, which was consciously trying to contribute to the social war.”

Grey Coast Anarchist News
Reports, news and articles from the Portland area of USA and surroundings.

Freedom for Thomas Meyer-Falk!
Support website for the long-term anarchist/anti-fascist red skin locked up for attempted bank robbery in Germany.

Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua
Revolutionary Anti Colonialism & Anti Capitalism in the Pacific.

Bite Back
Animal Liberation Direct Action reports. Well maintained and updated.

Federacion de Grupos de la Cruz Negra Anarquista
Federation of Anarchist Black Cross groups in the Iberian peninsular and islands (Spanish language).

Cruz Negra Anarquista Medellin
Anarchist Black Cross group of Medellin. (Colombia)

Brighton Anarchist Black Cross
Anarchist prison abolition website supporting class struggle prisoners. (UK)

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross
Bristolian collective of the ABC. (UK)

Berlin Anarchist Black Cross
The Berlin collective of the ABC network (Germany). (German Language)

Leeds Anarchist Black Cross
The Leeds collective of the ABC network. (UK)

London Anarchist Black Cross
The London collective of the ABC network. (UK)

Nottingham Anarchist Black Cross
The Nottingham collective of the ABC network. (UK)

Fit Watch
Fit Watch are a fluid group of people who have come together to resist and oppose the tactics of the Forward Intelligence Teams (UK cops who harass protesters).

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
Global campaign to shut down Huntingdon Life Sciences. HLS are the largest contract testing lab in Europe. They kill 500 animals a day in tests for products such as weedkiller, food colourings and drugs.

Ozymandias Sabotage Handbook
Eco-sabotage manual from UK.

‘Monitoring the state and civil liberties in Europe.’ Well researched information on surveillance, social control and State power throughout Europe. This site holds information on illegal CIA rendition flights, biometrics, Europol and much more.

Elephant Editions
Long-running Anarchist publishing project carrying vibrant and insightful material.

Digital Elephant
Elephant Editions digital laboratory – Workspace of Elephant Editions.

Campaign Against Prison Slavery
UK group getting organised against the prison industry at home and abroad.

French anarchist paper and website, with some few precious translations of the situation in France and elsewhere. Critical and thoughtful publication with a beautiful design and outlook.

‘Documenting the complex relationship between humans and psychoactives’ – Superbly researched index of hallucinogenic plants and chemicals, plus related material concerning legality, historical use, etc.

Kate Sharpley Library
The Kate Sharpley Library exists to preserve and promote anarchist history.

Horst Fantazzini memory web site
A project for the memory of Horst Fantazzini, an Italian anarchist and artist that spent most of his life in prison, where he died six years ago. He was well known as the “gentle bandit”, because he used to make bank robberies with toy guns or by bike. Horst produced a lot of beautiful art straight from his creative mind. (Italian language, some English & Spanish)

North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
Essential website for the support of animal, eco and anarcho prisoners. Full of information about the ‘Green Scare’, aka FBI ‘Operation Backfire’.

Zine Library
Anarchist Zine project with over 400 zines to print out and distribute – ‘The Largest Online Zine Collection in the Whole World’

Haven Distribution
Long-running free books for prisoners service in UK

Vegan Prisoner Support Group
UK based site supporting vegan prisoners.