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Archive for the ‘Cognitive Liberty’ Category

Acerca de los Grupos de Ayuda Mutua promovidos por la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Durante el año 2015 la Generalitat de Catalunya, a través de su consejería de salud, impulsó un proyecto con el nombre de ‘Activa’t’. Este proyecto como informa la nota de prensa del gobierno catalán trata de convertir a los familiares de personas con trastornos mentales en ‘agentes activos’ en el proceso de atención y recuperación de la ‘enfermedad’. Se trataría de ‘poner a disposición un circuito estructurado que permita el acceso a la información, formación y fomento del empoderamiento, así como el apoyo continuado con acciones coordinadas entre los recursos ya existentes de las diferentes redes que intervienen en la atención a la personas’. Un objetivo muy loable, pero sobre el que queremos reflexionar algunos aspectos que consideramos problemáticos.

En primer lugar, se trata de un proyecto que lanzan las instituciones políticas en un momento en el que los recortes sanitarios se han afianzado en nuestro sistema de salud. Desde 2008 hasta el 2015 se ha invertido mucho menos en materia de salud y eso se ha hecho notar en los recursos disponibles, tanto en lo que se refiere a camas hospitalarias o unidades de atención, como de ratio de profesionales por habitantes. (more…)

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Algunas palabras sobre posicionamientos y demas… de parte uno del blog ‘Por la Anarquia’ (Chile, Argentina, Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

En rigor de la verdad, en principio este texto iba a ser una respuesta al “debate amoral” planteado hace ya algún tiempo. Y ciertamente la idea nos desagradaba. Pues siempre hemos preferido vías de comunicación mas intimas, sabiendo por supuesto que no están exentas a la execrable mirada del enemigo, pero para nada nos seducía la idea de convertirnos en la nueva novela cibernética, y viendo que la cosa se iba desarrollando en ese sentido, preferimos guardar silencio, sin permitir que nadie nos imponga sus tiempos ni sus ritmos. Así, durante los últimos meses, fuimos compartiendo (tanto yo como otros compas) y debatiendo con compañeros, de blogs, de revistas, con alguno de los mismos grupúsculos eco extremistas o con alguno de sus medios de difusión, o con compañeros sin ningún proyecto publico que demostrar, tanto de esta como de otra región, tanto via mail como en persona.

Hoy, quisiera compartir algo que se acerca mas a un posicionamiento que como individuo tengo a la hora no solo de administrar este blog, si no en lo cotidiano. (more…)

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‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Friday, February 12th, 2016


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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Parisian anarchist library threatened by “anarchists” because of alleged “Islamophobia” (France)

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

via non-fides

Words of introduction by the translators (Dialectical Delinquents) : The following is a translation of a communique sent out from the anarchist bookshop “La Discordia” in Paris, which has been tagged and been the subject of smears calling them fascists because of their critique of Islam.

Various comments have been circulating the Parisian “anti-authoritarian” milieu describing both La Discordia and non-fides (which are not the same thing, despite some people being involved in both, some are involved in just the bookshop/library) as racists and – at least in the case of non-fides – as anarcho-nationalists. Anyone looking at either of them for longer than 2 seconds would realise that there’s not only not the slightest bit of truth in these slanders, but also that they have consistently maintained an internationalist position contrary to some of the implicitly nationalist stances of some of the “anti-authoritarians” (e.g. a failure to critique Palestinian or Kurdish nationalism). Whilst this graffiti might seem a fairly trivial incident, such things, unless vigorously contested, can have a miserable result far worse than a tag. A lie goes half way round the world before the truth has time to get its boots on. And in a world of lies, most people are ready to believe anything as long as it conforms to their prejudices – lies are taken on faith, and most avoid checking things out themselves (one only has to look at the history of Stalinism to understand how vicious calumnies and amalgam techniques can become). So, in the spirit of solidarity with these anarchists, I have translated this text, despite it being of interest to fairly few people.

As planned long before, on Tuesday, January 26th, a debate entitled “Islamophobia: the conceptual political extortion racket” was held in La Discordia. We wanted to confront ourselves and others with a topic that is at the crossroads of the current widespread confusion over the condemnation of racism and the defense of religion. The joint discussions were interesting, and the sixty or so comrades and companions who came (we promise, next time we will rent a larger place, and with more chairs!) demonstrated that a lot of people find the need for a revolutionary critique of religions, every religion, even Islam, which others would like to palm off as the “religion of the oppressed.” (more…)

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Genesis P-Orridge “Esoterrorist” – Selected Essays 1980-1988 (UK)

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

PDF: Genesis P-Orridge – Esoterrorist

It is always difficult to know what to say when one introduces new ideas to the public, particularly when such ideas run against the grain of established thought. The work and writings of Genesis P-Orridge are no exception to this rule.

The writings in this volume are by no means the collected output of one who has spent their entire adult life publicly questioning inherited values and thought patterns, rather, this is a representation of their work spanning the later Throbbing Gristle era (ca. 1980) through about 1988. No attempt has been made to collate the pieces either chronologically or by subject, it seems preferable to offer them in random order. Thus, it is not essential to read them sequentially – pick up the book, thumb through the pages until something arouses your interest, then read that article or passage.

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

‘Why We Must Ban Islam’ by Ex-Muslim Socialist Writer Serkan Engin (Turkey)

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Long running readers of 325 will understand that we need not add the unneeded disclaimer that as nihilists and anti-civilisation anarchists we do not respect the deceptive declarations of “Human Rights”, as they are simply a democratic lie used by power to rule. And similarly, that we do not agree with any ‘ban’ that is enforced by the state or otherwise. Yet, we add this note here as a rebuke to the idea that we have to answer or explain ourselves to anybody. “Ana ‘l-Ḥaqq” {I am the Truth} .
We shit in the face of Mohammed and in the face of “B.Travern” from the tedious American anarcho-tourist group “Crimethinc” who demanded we “explain ourselves” to them for publishing this text. Fuck your pontificating lesson on ‘insurrection’ you civil anarchist scum. Burn the Koran, burn the Mosques.

I think 3rd World War has already begun between civilization and the barbaric death cult of Islam. Yes, Samuel Huntington was right.

How can we describe a “religion”? By its followers number? If there were “one billion” (like the number of Muslims all over the world) believers in Satanism who support that they have the right to sacrifice children because of their belief, can you say “of course, we have freedom of belief”?

Islam cannot be reformed, if it was possible, it must have been reformed since 1400 years. Islam cannot be reformed because of internal structure of its theology. Islam theology raised from Quran and Hadiths have concrete orders about the daily life of the Muslims, for example the ratio of spoils that the Muslim army will take after a war with non-Muslims or the permission to enslave women and little girls as spoils of war, or how Muslims must kill homosexuals, apostates, non-Muslims, or how Muslims must cut hand of a thief, how Muslims must stone to death a woman for adultery, etc. (more…)

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“I do not regret anything…” : Political declaration of Christos Tsakalos for the third CCF trial (Greece)

Friday, December 25th, 2015

On Thursday, November 5th, I’m asked to apologize to the first court conducted for 2.5 years now against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire . It is the trial for the 250 attacks of the organization.

In a courtroom inside the prison, full of judges, cameras, cops, secret police, anti-terror police, a few relatives and even fewer friends and comrades, they judge the actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

But how to fit in a room of a few square meters our actions that tried to challenge the wise and obedient history of our time…

An action which interrupted the eternal sleep of quiet ’peaceful’ people for several nights, agitated through the explosion of the enslaved silences of the metropolis and with our proclamations denied the rules of a life where the bosses’ violence is always present and we are constantly absent…

Through our attacks, we wanted to smash the tyranny of a brutal reality. We intend to overturn the balance of terror of a mechanically routine life. We tried to cancel the compromise with the death of caused by the wage slavery, the technological control, the boredom and empty relationships.

We wanted to make war with the “peace” of the banks, the judges, the rich, the cops, the fascists, the journalists, the politicians, but also with the “peaceful” citizens who instead of crying out, and being enraged and act, they’re hiding in resignation and grow old along with their furniture … These “peaceful” and law-abiding citizens are the most responsible of all, because through their “quietness” they allow ugliness to rule our lives. (more…)

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Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Life has deserted the soulless labyrinth of man’s daily doings. So seemingly ecumenical, so apparently volatile, she is not so cheap. Attempts to encounter her by the slaves of democracy remain just that. The apparent choices in the shop windows of capital come down to one: you can inhabit the swamp with the frogs, wallow in the global quagmire of participation and help spread the mud till even your dreams become grey. Or you can go. Take flight with the vagabonds of the spirit, let the glow of freedom ignite your passions, kindle your spirit, illuminate your mind. Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.

Here rebellion ceases to be an abstract choice, it becomes necessity.

Once roles and identities are discarded and the confines of patience and hope deserted, humiliation gives way to anger. No longer mere outsiders in this world of swindles and conjuring tricks, we become its sworn enemies. We burn all the maps. Freedom becomes our only compass and there is no turning back.

The struggle becomes reality, and this reality is not the same for all. It is conditioned by concrete structures, the various forms that the enemy gives itself to exploit and extract profit and submission. The apparent freedom enjoyed in the ‘comfort zones’ of capital contrast sharply with peripheral areas in old-fashioned material poverty.

There is no blueprint for struggle, and rebels and freedom fighters make their own decisions, working things out as they go along.

The vast treasure of anarchist ideas and action past and present belongs to us all and is there for the taking – critically, of course.

The guard dogs of the State do not look on passively. By arresting, sending to trial, torturing and imprisoning, they try to break the revolutionary’s activity as a whole, not just their physical person. This it does this by keeping them away from this activity for as long as possible. To defend one’s freedom with every means, with the coherence and correctness that the revolutionary him/herself must decide is therefore not a choice but a necessity towards one’s project, the other comrades involved in it, and the exploited and oppressed who from this project might (or might not) find their own freedom.

And when the enemy succeeds in taking the rebels hostage, locking them up, framing them as terrorists and enemies of the people, there are comrades everywhere for whom solidarity is a fundamental, inextricable part of the totality of the struggle.

J. W.


via actforfree

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‘Words of Satan: Islam’ by Serkan Engin (Turkey)

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

I am an atheist, so I don’t think that there is a Satan and God, but if I am wrong, if there is a Satan, Islam must be the words of Satan, not from a “holy” God. None of the “God” conceptions of other religions in the world are as cruel as the so-called religion of Islam. In fact, Islam is not a religion, but a barbaric death cult full of violence, savageness, mass murder, rape, sexual slavery, pedophilia, necrophilia, plunder, occupation, forcing to convert by sword, cutting the throat of the “infidels” or burning them alive. Today there is not a “religion” in the world as cruel as that barbaric death cult Islam, but shamelessly Muslims represent Islam as a “religion of peace”.

How can these verses of Quran can be considered from a “religion of peace”, coming from a “holy” God:

Surat Al-‘Anfāl
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.”



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Against the Burqa – Against all Shackles : Image of YPJ fighter smashing ISIS/Daesh billboard (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Monday, November 16th, 2015

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