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Archive for the ‘Anti-Fascist’ Category

6 FEB ANTYPEGIDA – Przeciw Faszyzacji Europy! (Poland)

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Saturday, February 6
at 3:00 PM in UTC+01

Warszawa Plac Zamkowy
Varsovia, 00-277 Warsaw, Poland


Long live Black Praxis

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Birmingham: Smash the Nazi-Fascist Demo – Fight Pegida – 6 Feb (UK)

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

‘Communique 1′ from the Anti Fascist Revolutionary Front

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

325 receives and transmits:

Migrants assaulted, refugees’ houses burned, attacks on social revolutionaries,
anti-semitic attacks, Muslims (And ex-Muslims) having to fear when an attack is
coming, racist murders by police and fascists; increased presence of fascists in the
mainstream political arena, calls to “gas” and “shoot” migrants and non-white
people, Daesh waging their fascist war, Golden Dawn patrolling the streets looking
for migrants and social revolutionaries. This heinous cocktail of authority
resulting from the ever increasing crisis that is capitalism is growing, this
heinous cocktail is a declaration of war.

Posted in Anti-Fascist

London Anti-Fascist Prisoners (UK)

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

From ABC London:

Two anti-fascist prisoners currently serving a custodial sentence in relation to a fight with the South East Alliance in London during the summer of 2014. If you would like to write to either K or D, address envelopes to one of them and send to Freedom Bookshop. They will then be forwarded on to them. Remember to include a name and address on the card/letter for the prison to accept it.


K or D,
c/o Freedom Bookshop,
Angel Alley,
84b Whitechapel High Street,
London, E1 7QX.

We at London Anti-Fascists believe history has taught us that anti-fascist action is ALWAYS self-defense. It’s in that radical tradition of confronting fascist’s and their ideas that we organise to create a space for working class organisation in order to realise a world without hunger or fear.

Posted in Anti-Fascist

Appellate court granted a commutation for Brest antifascists (Belarus)

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

On December 15 a regional appellate court have commuted the sentence of
two Brest antifascists, convicted on charges of participating in a mass
fight with neonazis that took place on May 8, 2013. The new sentence of
Dzmitry Stsyashenka is 3 years and of Roman Bogdan – 6 years of penal
colony. The sentence was commuted by two years for each prisoner, most
probably because they had paid the damage to the injured noenazi (all in
all about 3500 euros). Almost half of it was paid by their relatives.
If you still want to support the families and make a financial
contribution, do so using paypal belarus_abc[at]riseup[dot]net or ask for the
bank account privately.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Report from a Correspondent of the ‘Brigade León Sedov’ (Syria)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

Correspondent in Syria – 7 November of 2015

The true cause of the Syrian genocide: A civil war of exploiters and plunderers of Syria against the Syrian people, which has already been held for 4 years, to punish and to massacre the hungry who fight for bread.

As winter arrives, the price of the dollar increases, wage sinks and millions are without a job and become refugees…

The bombs continue to fall on us… but resistance does not surrender


Thus it was from 2011, when we, the oppressed and exploited rebelled for bread and freedom.

From the Syrian resistance, Declaration of the Brigade Leon Sedov

Little by little the autumn cold is paving way to the harsh winter in a Syria massacred by the holy alliance between Putin, the Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, and Bashar, blessed by the Pope and under Obama’s orders.

However we are facing not only bombs from NATO, Russia and Bashar which never cease to fall on our heads and those of our families; now also the scourge of a harsh winter is looming, aggravated by the sharp shortage of food, the high cost of living that has been imposed today in our cities and towns -reduced almost to rubble- and a total or partial power failure and the scarce provision of something elemental as it is the drinking water and water for hygiene and irrigation. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action about the Paris Massacre (Turkey)

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

On 13th of November, more than 150 people have lost their lives and tens injured in 7 different neighborhoods of Paris as a result of coordinated ISIS attacks with bombs and guns. The murderer ISIS continues its murders outside of the Middle East and Anatolia regions. The massacre which took place in Paris shows clearly that ISIS terror knows no bounds. —- We feel the massacre in Paris deeply and share your sorrow. We have lived and still living through ISIS attacks supported by the state. From Şengal to Kobane, from Pirsus (Suruç) to Ankara, we have lost many comrades and friends. We are aware of the fact that the massacres aim to create fear, distrust and loneliness on us. Our pain is great and increases every day. In these periods, We have to grow the solidarity against the murderers that want to bury us into fear, loneliness and isolation.

We see the simultaneous moves of the French state and other states aiming to direct the process. We know that these same strategies are realized in our region under the name of “Fight against Terror”. In this environment of distrust, people have a psychology of panic which is directed by the ideological devices of the state; the state oppression of revolutionaries and state politics restricting the freedom of the oppressed will be politically legitimized; and the racist discourse and politics will increase. The states use these extraordinary periods for their political, economic and social interests.

We understand the situation that the peoples living in France are and will be in. We know the difficulty of carrying on one side the sorrow of the lost ones and on the side, struggling against the fascist mobilisations in the society created by the state. We stress that, even with this hardship, the struggle should be against the fear, the state and fascism.

The sorrow you live is our sorrow, The rage you feel is our rage, your fight is our fight!

Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action)

From a-infos via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman target in far-right smear campaign (Bulgaria)

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

From a comrade of ABC Brighton

Antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman is currently a target for far-right smear campaign after he had been nominated to a “Human of the Year 2015” award by the human rights NGO Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. His nomination said as follows:

“In his work as Chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoners Rehabilitation Association (BPRA) Jock Palfreeman directly defends the human rights of prisoners in Bulgaria. Though consequential work to reform the criminal justice system of Bulgaria, the human rights of all Bulgarian citizens are enhanced. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Remember Przychodnia: Fight Fascism, Patriotism and Militarism (UK)

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

From NFA Anti-Fascists:

Today, on Armistice Day [11 November], No Fixed Abode Anti-Fascists took the steps of Euston War Memorial against patriotism and for solidarity with anti-fascist and anti-militarist struggle.

Two years ago on this day, the Przychodnia squat in Warsaw successfully resisted an attack by neo-fascists on the ‘March for Independence’. Refusing to intervene, police blocked people from reaching the nationalists, who set two cars alight and threw molotovs at the squat. Two squatters were injured while repelling the fascists from the roof.

The wars of the rich and street battles of their nationalist lackeys have a history of resistance by people of no fixed abode. On 20th September 2014, squatters in Calais Bleriot Avenue defended against a fascist attack after a demonstration in the city. During Franco’s rule in Spain, underground squats in Catalonia provided spaces for political refugees, organising and urban resistance. On one occasion in Auschwitz, hundreds of Romani people refused to be taken away and so resisted with knives and bricks. The black poppy remembers those on any or no side who resisted, rebelled and mutinied against the First World War and all wars after.

The anti-fascist resistance at Przychodnia contrasts with the patriotism of today’s Remembrance. A hub of far-right activity on the ground, Remembrance Day phrases British patriotism and anti-German xenophobia as anti-fascist struggle. As the British Legion and Lockheed Martin clap for money and the crowd claps for “national identity”, everywhere people struggle against fascism, patriotism and militarism.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Brest: Tough sentences announced to Brest antifascists (Belarus)

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

A verdict was delivered today in the case of Brest antifascists accused
of participation in a group fight with neonazis which happened on May 8,

Antifascists were tried under the art. 339.3 (malicious group
hooliganism) and 147.2 (malicious bodily harm). The case was qualified
as malicious due to the fact of pepper spray usage in the fight.

Dzmitry Stsyashenka got 5 years of penal colony with reinforced regime
(339.3) and 500 euro of damages to be paid to the injured nazis.

Roman Bogdan got 8 years of penal colony with reinforced regime (339.3,
147.2) and 3500 euro of damages to be paid to the injured nazis.

One more antifascist (full name unknown) got 5 years of penal colony
with reinforced regime (339.3) and 500 euro of damages to be paid to the
injured nazis.

It should be pointed out that in 2014 Dzmitry Zvan’ko was sentenced to 5
years of prison for the same account. Dzmitry Stsyashenka is serving
another sentence of 4 years at the moment.


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