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Posts Tagged ‘Lambros Foundas’

Hunger Strike: Vehicles owned by ISS and Vodafone companies torched by FAI-IRF / Fire and Fury (Greece)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

(Athens, 05-14/03/2015)

Inter Arma received and translated:

“The State terrorizes,
It slings mud, it fools, it besots, it pretends
Its omnipotence is now a myth
Our rage, it makes us stronger, its alienation doesn’t touch us
The store windows of authority are smashed by us with stones
The chains of obedience are melted by us with the rebellious flame that burns inside every oppressed one
Our eyes are open
Our ears capture every sound
Our thinking is crystal
Our fury is unthinkable
Our choice is one: Violent, uncontrollable and constant struggle against state and authority
We are angry, we are rebellious,


Lambros Foundas

After the disclosure of the escape plan of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from Korydallos prison, for which its members have claimed full responsibility, the counter-terrorism agency, exposed by the complete plan prepared by the imprisoned comrades, unleashed, with the full cooperation of the known snitches of the mass media of deception, a wild pogrom of arrests of their relatives and friends which resulted in the detention of the mother of Gerasimos and Christos Tsakalos and of the girlfriend of the first one, on charges of participation in a terrorist organization. The targeting of relatives and friends of imprisoned anarchists by the slimy judges and the motherfuckers of the counter-terrorism agency is not something new, as we have seen it repeatedly in the past, in cases such as the wife of Dimitris Koufodinas who was imprisoned in the underground isolation cells of Korydallos prison for participation in N17 [November 17, armed group] and the wife of Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle, who was put on trial for the case.

In this [present] case, the ridiculous accusations attributed to relatives of the Conspiracy, signed by the vile Nikopoulos and Asprogerakas (at the same time the latter one signed the prison releases of the members of the [neo-nazi party] Golden Dawn), display the vengeful fury of the repressive authorities against the unyielding and proud attitude of the imprisoned comrades, putting before them the emotional blackmail of the imprisonment of their loved ones. The comrades and anarchist Angeliki Spyropoulou in response to the vindictive detention of their relatives, are since March 2 on hunger strike until death demanding their immediate release. On the same day Maziotis, Koufodinas and Gournas and anarchist prisoners participating in NFP [Network of Fighting Prisoners] started a hunger strike against the counter-terrorism legislation, Type C prisons and demand the immediate release of Savvas Xiros [injured-disabled imprisoned member of N17]. Apart from the different starting points and theoretical perceptions we may have, we believe that the demands for which the anarchists hunger strikers struggle, concern everyone, so we support their struggle.

Through our action we want to send our strength and incendiary solidarity to the imprisoned brothers of the Conspiracy and to Aggeliki Spyropoulou. Brothers and sisters stay strong, our time will come. On March 5 we torched a vehicle in Messologiou street in Dafni owned by ISS company, which among others provides security services and has also undertaken the cleaning of the sterile spaces of mechanized movement of the Subway, and on March 14 we delivered a truck owned by VODAFONE company in Theocritus Street, in Nea Smyrni to the fire.

“Society is the mirror of the absurd part where I am locked up: a prison made by insuperable walls and invisible cells”
Adriano Antonacci

Social control is one of the main consolidation strategies of domination. Its practical applications respond to the historical circumstances that it has to face and they ensure their formal justification for “security reasons”. The feeling of security is referred to as a social good, the common good, ceases to exist as a fundamental achievement of the social structure when it is challenged, when it cracks and the stake of social peace becomes fragile. The destabilization of the social fabric is expressed in the practical challenge, declared by the aggressive actions and the internal hostilities of the anarchist war which develop their own potential, expressing a direct threat to all kinds of authority. Their present and their diffusion are State policy priorities which are articulated basically on two main axes: ‘risk prevention efforts’ and an indefinite extension of the concept of the ‘suspect’.

These two elements are the components of the modern repressive paradigm expressed significantly through the consolidation of a panopticon-like control system. Movements, behaviors, relationships, communication become an observation field from which the mechanisms of authority try to predict by mining information. The security cameras in every corner of the metropolis, targeted searches and area patrols by private security companies and the monitoring of telephone communications are indicative practices of a control policy displayed with the refined image of modernization. The interference in our private moments that aims at extracting and processing information in order to form a more complete profile about an individual, happens through technological progress and its practical applications which especially in recent years seems to grow and target towards that direction specifically. The repressive paradigm is the safety of authority. That’s all it ever was and that’s what it will continue to be.

“Today that the world is rotting and dishonesty and compromise humiliate even the bravest souls, only one tactic is practical and beneficial. To be unflinching.”
Nikos Kazantzakis

Starting from the conclusion that the state and society are inherent elements of this aged civilization, no matter the face and facet they are presented through, being an enemy of individual freedom, we, from our side, welcome to the political foreground the leftist-statists of SYRIZA and the nationalists of ANEL promising to disturb their social peace in every opportunity and with all our strength.

As every herd need its shepherd, so does the majority, which sealed in the elections the perpetuation of its slavery, needs its savior. This time it chose to wait under the governmental table of SYRIZA’s vendors of hope hoping to grab a pittance, waiting the social and economical advancement their Alexis had promised them before the elections. Promises given by SYRIZA were particularly attractive and alleviative for the masses, severely in the regard of the latest period of harsh state politics of the previous governments. Politics implemented by the capitalist states, regardless of ideological differences and colors, aims at the conservation of social peace and that’s why they make sure the resentment and indignation of the masses are absorbed at the source. The digestible left rhetoric and its promises for moderation seemed to have convinced not only the chameleon voters but also a part of the anarchist milieu which rushed to support it, notarizing its flirt with the Left regime. Reality, however, confirms that hopes remain illusions. Humanitarian, reformist or refined authority means nothing more than the assignment of our lives’ administration to others.

The same time that the mob celebrates along with SYRIZA for the so-called victories in the European negotiations, the same time the internal judgments in police [performance] take place while simultaneously a huge terror-show is being organized with invasions into anarchists’ houses, abductions and arrests of people followed by the relevant TV cannibalism, presenting them as products for consumption in favor of society’s TV tastes. It’d be best for the leadership and hangers on of the Ministries of Justice and Public Order to realize that we are not going to stay and watch our comrades and anarchist prisoners being derided. As long as authority exists there will always be rebellious individualities embodying the internal enemy.

“The most important thing, however, is to juxtapose ourselves against society. A behavior that will indicate that we are not going to surrender to society, nor centralize our activities around it, but that we will live by our own terms.”
Feral Faun

We call every rebellious individuality, every anarchist of praxis to increase and escalate our attacks in solidarity with the hunger strikers.








Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

Fire and Fury

P.S. To be continued

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Posted in Direct Action

Vehicles owned by National Postal Agency and a security company torched by Permanent Unholy Synod / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

[Athens, 25-31/12/2014]


“Bad evening my lords even if it’s not your will… the rebels are on the ramparts fuck your Christ!”*

These “holy” days when social problems are buried beneath the hypocritical smiles of a rotten society – that forgives itself with a smokescreen of fake love and joy, in an atmosphere full with festive togetherness, trying to stimulate the sense of security, prosperity and of a fictional consuming ability of the citizens in order for the commercial economy affected by the crisis to counterbalance its losses – and the streets of the metropolis inundated by giggly consuming assholes, while dozens of homeless people are suffering in the darkest corners and workers in the trade sector (without them being blameless) spit blood for the exhausting work hours and the “white nights” of the bosses, we decided to “mail” our own gifts to our loved ones and at the same time send some greeting mines to our enemies with the promise of a rebellious 2015. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity / Lettera aperta del membro di “Lotta Rivoluzuionaria”, Pola Roupa, dalla clandestinità / Offener Brief aus der Klandestinität von Pola Roupa, Mitglied des Revolutionären Kampfe (Greece)

Friday, August 15th, 2014

Italian & German version below, here are Spanish and Portuguese.

On July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him. The state apparatus in its totality triumphed over the arrest of the “No 1 most-wanted fugitive” in the country. So did the criminal and real archi-terrorist Samaras, whose government took over the reins from the former pro-memorandum governments in a campaign for the biggest social genocide that has ever occurred in Greece in a time of “peace”. Samaras has used the arrest of Maziotis as a means to the stabilization of his faltering government, in order to support a political and economic regime with rotten foundations, which has long been discredited in social consciences.

For the political and economic regime, not only in Greece but also internationally, the arrest of a revolutionary with the political calibre of Nikos Maziotis is a “significant success”, as stated by the United States. That’s because the comrade’s arrest is perceived by our enemies as a blow to the struggle for the establishment’s subversion, as a blow to the struggle for liberation from the yoke of capitalism and the State, as a blow to the struggle for social Revolution. The size of threat that Maziotis poses to the establishment is reflected in the high-pitched nauseating rejoicing on the part of the domestic and foreign political power. Because the comrade and the Revolutionary Struggle, the organization in which he belongs, are intrinsically linked to the systemic political destabilization, to the undermining of a rotten regime; linked to the consistent war against domination and contemporary barbarity; linked to the struggle for the overthrow of the State and capitalism, linked to the social Revolution itself. Comrade Nikos Maziotis was and continues to be committed to the Revolution. This is what he has fought for, this is what he still fights for; this is why they present him as No 1 danger to the establishment. Thus, the political gravity of this case should be the primary parameter in expressing solidarity with the comrade. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

R.O – Revolutionary Struggle: Statement by N.Maziotis and P.Roupa in memory of L.Foundas (Greece)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

March 10th 2010. Lambros Foundas, member of the Revolutionary Struggle falls dead by the bullets of a cop in Dafni during a preparatory action of the organization. Four years later the proposed political action of Lambros Foundas and the Revolutionary Struggle where he acted, is even more topical, the choice of struggle and the strategy of the action even more imperative. Four years later and the terms of life of millions of people are becoming more and more miserable in the name of saving the economic and political system which is being buried deeper and deeper in the crisis.

Four years ago comrade Lambros Foundas gave his life to a political attempt to not turn decadence into a way of life, to not sacrifice people in order to save the system. He gave his life to a political attempt whose final aim was to throw the corpse of capitalism and with It the state, in the trash of history. He gave his life to open the only path for the complete overcoming of crises, to open the way for social liberation, for Social Revolution. This is the matter which is worth fighting for, even dying for. (more…)

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Revolutionary Struggle case: Text by Kostas Gournas about Lambros Foundas (Greece)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

via actforfree:

We have no other path worth walking except the one of resistance. The path of Lambros, the path of life.


Four years ago, the breath of a great fighter went out, my comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Foundas. He was killed during a shoot out, when members of the organization were attempting to expropriate a vehicle in Dafni.
Lambros politically came of age in the late part of the political transition after the junta and joined the anti-authoritarian movement. He participated in social clashes of the period characterized by that special spirit after the junta through which was arising the militant tradition, the collective memory of a population thirsty for freedom.

He came of age politically at the dawn of the new century, there where the radical movement was gasping to find a connecting link with the past through the ruins of the post junta era in order to imprint its own way of walk in the new era of privatization and consumerism. Then when -like now- we struggle to understand the impressive changes in greek society, changes which compared to the present, were proven painless. Later he was integrated into the Revolutionary Struggle where from its lines gave the last battle of his life. (more…)

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Athens: Responsibility claim for Molotov attack on police station, in remembrance of Revolutionary Struggle member Lambros Foundas (Greece)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Via contrainfo

“With torches blown out long time ago, my old comrades walk with sidesteps in the pupils of my eyes… I close my mouth tightly and scream… That’s when they savagely invaded my arteries dragging the broken flagpole, and there, in the eighth artery, in the small cavity of the heart where my dead comrades are asleep, I give my battle in whispers…”

You need to push your acts to their most extreme limits; to put yourself to the test in struggle, with your entire being on combatant alert; to find yourself in assemblies, demonstrations, wildcat strikes, and barricades, just like Lambros did; to be on time for conspiratorial dates, present in the mapping of the enemy and the city, aware of the necessity for resupply, prepared to lube firearms, to throw yourself wholeheartedly into the fight, like thunder…

You should initiate all those processes, and whatever their start may be make sure to get a good ending, because history remains scanty if we don’t touch upon it… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Political Statement of Nikos Maziotis in the Special Court at Korydallos Prison (Greece)

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Note: This statement was signed October 2012, but it was read to the court by Maziotis’ lawyer in January 2013, while Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, both admitted members of Revolutionary Struggle, were underground. Both remain fugitives today.

translation by This Is Our Job:

I authorize my defense attorney Dafni Vagianou, who represents me, to read the following text during the upcoming phase requesting the statements of the defendants in the special court at Korydallos Prison chosen for the trial of the case of the Revolutionary Struggle organization, of which I am a member.


Revolutionaries and armed fighters do not apologize. Instead, when they come before a court of the class enemy, like yours, they defend their actions by assuming political responsibility, taking pride in that responsibility, and defying the consequences.


In all these years of my history as an anarchist, I have faced a long list of prosecutions for my actions. I have already spent five years in the prisons of the Greek state. I have been arrested and tried for refusing to comply with service in the armed forces of the Greek state; for my participation in occupations, like the occupation of ASOEE1 in August 1994 and that of the Polytechnic in November 1995; as well as for the placement of a bomb at the Development Ministry in December 1997 and for possession of weapons and explosives. In the last case specifically—the 1997 bombing at the Development Ministry—I assumed political and criminal responsibility for the attack as well as for weapons and explosives possession, and I was thus the first fighter during the transition to assume responsibility for an urban guerrilla action in Greece. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Copenhagen: Anarchists raise banner of solidarity in memory of Lambros Foundas (Denmark)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

In the night of the 10th. we went to an area called red square in Noeerrbro in Copenhagen, to put up a banner in memory and in recognition of the anarchist Lambros Foundas and the group Revolutionary Struggle.

The struggle continues.

Nothing Forgotten!
Nothing Forgiven !

Some anarchists

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Athens: Raid with molotov cocktails against a police station in memory of urban guerilla Lambros Foundas (Greece)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

In the early hours of Sunday, 10th March 2013 a group of 15-20 anarchists attacked the local police station in the Acropolis region (Athens) with Molotov cocktails. Two motorbikes and the station’s guard outpost were damaged. In a communiqué, following the attack, the assault was dedicated to the memory of Lambros Foundas, member of the revolutionary urban guerilla group “Revolutionary Struggle”, who was shot dead in a gunfight with cops on 10 March 2010.

Here is the link for the full communique:


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A poem by the inmates from the 2nd wing of Larissa men’s prisons dedicated to Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, the little son of two members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
For Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas’ birthday

Born behind prison bars, the visible ones, that hide the heavens

The human guards, the cops and crows, the patrons of quiet sleep were the midwife of yours

You celebrated your first birthday with the shadows cast by steel barriers…

Bourgeois democracy is so merciful…

Now it’s your second birthday, the starlight you’d never seen until now

With the horizon ahead of you extending to infinity

With dogs barking from afar

We wish you ardent years, seas resounding in your ears, thunders singing lullabies to you

The tide coming in and erasing your footsteps, on the sand…

With respect and love to those who did not regret what they ever dared to do
Honour and remembrance forever for Lambros Foundas

This goes out to Nikos, Pola and very young Lambros-Viktoras

The prison inmates of the 2nd wing of Larissa


Happy Birthday and life’s freedom to Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas from 325. Strength, warmth and respect to Nikos and Pola. Honour to the memory of Lambros Foundas, member of Revolutionary Struggle. Solidarity to those accused and on trial for the same case.


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