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Archive for the ‘Social Control’ Category

Response on the lies spread about anarchist comrade Lukas Borl (Czech Republic)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

On several profiles, blogs and web pages we saw that our comrade – 100% trusted person and friend LUKAS BORL is accused of being a collaborator with Nazis and giving information to cops. Also someone started FAKE Facebook profile under Lukas’ name. All of this is a COMPLETE LIE! These fake messages are probably spread by cops or entrepreneur Vladimir Krulec. Krulec is for longer time in conflict with local anarchist movement because he and his company is not paying the wages to workers and he’s been angry because of sabotages which have been done on his property. Lukas Borl has been living in underground for several months because he is officially wanted. The website of Czech police says that he is dangerous and armed.

However he never harmed anyone this shows how much police wants to discredit him and make his life as hard as possible. This false messages about Lukas Borl being an informer were probably written in order to make already difficult living situation of our comrade even harder and or to monitor how anarchist network communicates. (more…)

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Bail set for anarchist comrade Yorch, but the farce continues (Mexico)

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

The Federal Public Ministry could not prove their claim that the comrade is drug dealer, so the judge had to change the charge of crimes against health in selling arrangement to simple possession of narcotics, crime considered not serious so a bail was set.

This morning the bail required for release of comrade Yorch was paid. Now it’s about time to leave the maximum security prison of Hermosillo. The process continuous, although now he will face it outside the prison.

Surely this shows clearly the gross farce that the State intends to create by arresting Yorch and although it seems that they failed to build it they continue in their efforts hand to hand with the mass media: today newspapers announced that the PGR will appeal this decision and maybe our comrade will not be released

We are not surprised. We know that the campaign against the anarchist movement will continue and we know that one of the goals of this campaign is to evict the Okupa Che squat.

In response we can only continue to extend the solidarity!

Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

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Update about comrade Yorsh, kidnapped and framed as a drug-dealer (Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

From ABC Mexico:

On the night of Wednesday, February 24, Jorge Emilio Muñoz Esquivel, George or “Yorsh” was arrested outside the university campus in Mexico City. Then he was accused of drug dealing by the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR). The official version was repeated ad nauseam by all government media (starting with La Jornada and ending the UNAM’s own dean’s office). When Jorge briefly left university campus that night to accompany some friends who were leaving, he was not carrying anything: no backpack, probably no sweater or jacket, because he planned to return quickly. The so-called “load” of drugs the PGR charged him with, either never existed or was planted on him on the way to their offices after being kidnapped.

Jorge is not a university student. He is neither an academic nor administrative employee of the UNAM. He has no “account number”, receives no scholarship or paycheck every payday.

He does not belong to any professors’ association nor is he an enrolled researcher with any level of the National System of Researchers (SNI). He does not got to any classroom, cubicle or institute. He doesn’t check a timecard, nor does he have a union. He does not pay any fees to the Office of University Heritage or to the Board of Trustees for the use of a vending stand. He is not the beneficiary of any university, local or federal government program, nor is he backed by any official NGOs. (more…)

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“We are on the side of Life, not Death”: Peace campaign from Women’s & LGBTI groups (Turkey)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

PDF: We are on the Side of Life, not Death

“You may remember our international call for support and solidarity for this
campaign in mid-January, when we asked women’s and LGBTI groups and
individuals across the world to sign onto our petition in the midst of an
intensifying war in Turkey. As we stated back then, the resolution process
that was started in 2012 for a political solution to the Kurdish issue in
Turkey has come to a halt. For the past seven months, we have turned back
to war – with an ever-increasing level of violence. As of the 16th of
January, 2016, 20 districts of seven different provinces have suffered 57
curfews altogether, remaining under curfew for a total of 376 days.

Currently the sieges on Cizre and Silopi have reached 59 days, while the
Sur neighbourhood of Diyarbakır has been under siege for 71 days already.
In these seven months hundreds of people – civilians, guerilla fighters,
soldiers, police forces – have been killed or wounded.

In areas where clashes are intense and curfews have been declared due to
military operations, tens of thousands of people have been forced or left
no choice but to leave their homes, becoming migrants, i.e. internally
displaced persons. Those who have been unable to leave, or who have chosen
to remain in their homes, in their neighbourhoods despite intense attacks
by security forces have been declared ‘illegal’. Their lives are under dire
threat, and all their possessions suffer serious damage. Dozens of families
have been forced to take refuge in crowded basements due to military
bombings, with nothing to eat but a loaf of dry bread which they share.
Pregnant women have either given birth early or miscarried. Many people
have lost their lives, unable to reach hospitals due to sniper fire. The
bodies of those who are killed remain in the streets for days, as people
are not allowed by the state to claim their dead. Families are not given
the right to bury their loved ones. Only this week, the naked bodies of
women who have been killed in Cizre by state security forces have been
displayed. Only this week, more than 60 people have been massacred in three
separate basements in Cizre. Those wounded in one of these basements have
been there for weeks, calling for an ambulance….”

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Posted in Social Control

Sobre el Diciembre Negro en Chile y las tácticas policiales para “intoxicarnos” con dudas y desconfianzas (Chile)

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

Como Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, grupo de propaganda antiautoritaria,
informamos lo siguiente:

Bajo los nombres de correos electrónicos de Gmail “Libre observador” y
“Rodrigo Opazo” desde hace casi un año han estado llegando textos,
“avisos” y “reflexiones” a nuestro correo y al de otros proyectos de
propaganda y contrainformación.

Desde tales correos se ha persistido en difundir las siguientes ideas:

- Advenimiento de supuestas detenciones en contextos previo a jornadas
de agitaciòn: “Rodrigo Opazo” difundiendo supuesta informaciòn obtenida,
según él, desde fuentes policiales.
- Textos a modo de reportes y arengas acompañados de imágenes de centros
sociales y espacios políticos, junto a fotografías en primer plano de
compañerxs participando de actividades públicas.
- Supuesta información avisando que estarían identificadas las personas
del entorno anárquico insurreccional implicadas en disturbios callejeros
y atentados explosivos/incendiarios. (“Rodrigo Opazo”)
- Avisos sobre la identificación previa por parte de la policía de
personas detenidas en acciones incendiarias/explosivas.(“Rodrigo Opazo”)
- La idea de que quienes durante 2015 han realizado acciones sin ser
detenidxs (Grupos Kapibara, Fuego y Conciencia y otros) deben ser motivo
de sospecha (“Libre observador”) (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Judgment entered against police in undercover relationships case (UK)

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Police Spies Out of Lives:

On Friday 15th January 2016, the Metropolitan Police withdrew their defence in a case brought against them over undercover police relationships. In a significant development at the High Court, the police asked for judgment to be entered against them in respect of the claims for deceit, assault/battery, misfeasance in public office and negligence.

The claim had been brought by Kate Wilson, who was deceived into a 2-year relationship with undercover officer Mark Kennedy. The successful claim states that supervising officers had been negligent and had acted improperly in causing or allowing the relationship to happen.

The implication of this judgment is that the actions of Mark Kennedy “were undertaken with the express or tacit knowledge of other police officers employed by [the Metropolitan Police]”. Supervising and managing officers “knew that [Mark Kennedy] was abusing the power that he was given as an undercover police officer”, and their failure to act on this knowledge was “unlawful and in abuse of their own duties as supervisors and managers of [Mark Kennedy’s] undercover activities.” (more…)

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Police raid Chūkaku-ha base over long-time Shibuya riot fugitive, arrest two (Japan)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

via throwoutyourbooks:

On January 18th, police raided a small apartment in Kita ward in Tokyo, where they uncovered hints on the whereabouts of Masaaki Ōsaka. Now aged 66, Ōsaka was an activist in the far-left radical group Chūkaku-ha and is named as a suspect in the death of a police officer during a riot in Shibuya 45 years ago.

Police announced that the apartment was a Chūkaku-ha ajito, or secret base, and that they believe Ōsaka is had been living there until a few years ago. This is the first known raid on a place where he is suspected to have resided. Ōsaka has been on the lam the longest among the most-wanted fugitives in Japan. His image remains a common sight on wanted posters at police substations, especially in Tokyo.

Police perennially make announcements about Ōsaka as they find the crumbs left behind on his fugitive trail. In 2012, an ajito was exposed in Tachikawa City, west Tokyo, and items seized from it revealed possibilities that Ōsaka was hiding out somewhere in Kita ward. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Athens: CCF escape case trial set for February 15th 2016 (Greece)

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

February 15th: Trial date for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan – Prosecution against relatives of political prisoners

The trial concerning the plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to escape from Koridallos prisons has been set for February 15th. A total of 28 people are accused in this trial. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades have taken responsibility for the escape plan from the outset, defending their choice as a means to continue anarchist struggle.

However, this time the judicial mafia has experimented on our comrades by applying an insidious and vengeful blackmail against them.

In addition to making the heaviest possible indictment against several of the accused, whose relation with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members was solely limited to friendly contacts, they’ve prepared new guillotines.

The inquisitor Eftichis Nikopoulos (special appellate judge against terrorism) and the judicial councils that followed, have also put forward for trial relatives of political prisoners: Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos), Evi Statiri (the partner of Gerasimos), and Christos Polidoros (the brother of CCF member Giorgos Polidoros), on charges of “membership in the terrorist organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”!!!

Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri were originally remanded in March 2015, and then broke out of captivity.

Athena was released a month after her arrest, following the hunger strike of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou. Six months later, Evi was also released from prison, following the hunger strike undertaken by her and her partner Gerasimos Tsakalos.

During the two hunger strikes, a multifaceted movement developed against the judicial coup, expressing solidarity by means of gatherings, banner drops, occupation of buildings, acts of sabotage and incendiary attacks…

Nevertheless, after the release of Athena and Evi, the solidarity movement gained half a victory.

Judge-executioners “granted” them a crippled freedom. Athena was exiled to Salamis Island, and Evi is restricted to one kilometer from her home by a “freedom distance-meter”.

At the same time, they have been prohibited from any communication with their relatives, thus isolating them behind invisible grids.

We see this strategy of Power of isolating political prisoners being broadened, as is the case with the recent visitation ban against Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis [whose friend and comrade was recently prohibited from visiting him in prison].

Similarly, the judicial mafia continues its sorcery against relatives of political prisoners, having remanded Maria Theofilou [the partner of Giorgos Petrakakos].

On February 15th, Power will once again try to erect its guillotines against relatives of political prisoners.

They’ve made their intentions crystal clear by now. According to the accusatory dossier, which is over 10,000 pages, they’ve chosen to call only 20 witnesses to the stand (half of whom are anti-terrorist police officers), with the purpose of fast-tracking proceedings; it seems convictions have already been issued…

February 15th marks the beginning of a new wager for people in struggle, negators of Power, people in solidarity… Our wager is to nullify the Power’s vindictive plans, stand side by side with the comrades, and continue what we’ve started… To subvert the judicial coup and stand against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives.

Because this trial prefigures future persecutions. What is being tested today against relatives of political prisoners, tomorrow will be tested against friends, people in solidarity, people in struggle…

For this reason and all the reasons in this world, once again we are preparing to venture into new battles against the laws of cops, judges and the Power’s priesthood.

Our quiver contains many arrows, such as the recent memory of gestures against the fascist persecutions of political prisoners’ relatives, but also the fresh traces of actions for Black December, that have strayed from the silent paths of social peace.

In the face of challenges posed by the State and judicial mafia, we respond with the challenge of insurrectionist action. With the trial on February 15th as a point of encounter, to oppose the persecution of relatives, let’s make this New Year beginning our own restart – with international call-outs, assemblies, counter-information, demonstrations, occupations, acts of sabotage, attacks – for the complete overthrow of the existent. With not even a single moment wasted.

“Stone, iron, wood can be broken… but it is impossible to break a determined human being with a conscience.”

Solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades and anarchist Angeliki Spyropoulou

Against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives
(Christos Polidoros, Athena Tsakalou, Evi Statiri)

in Greek


via contrainfo

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Posted in Social Control

Dealing with “counter-terror” cops at the airport (UK)

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

via RabbleLDN, also see – “Schedule 7″ – Important Advice for Anarchists Travelling To/From the UK.

Bristol Anarchist Chases Away Counter-Terror Police

Today at Stansted Airport, plainclothes police officers pulled aside a travelling anarchist (Tim from Bristol) and seemingly sought to coerce him into becoming an informant with a combination of intimidation, veiled threats, and offers of free alcohol. But when he started recording the officers on his mp3 player they quickly terminated the exchange and made a sharp exit.

He believes he was targeted by counter terror police because of his Anarchism, stating: “Anarchism is about ordinary people standing up to the rich and powerful – exactly what the police are there to prevent. These people claim to be protecting us, but they spend most of their time blacklisting trade unionists, spying on activists and harassing ethnic minorities.”

Here’s his full account of what happened today:

“As I was leaving the EU e-passport gate about 1pm today, I was approached by a man who came out from behind the desk to the left. He was a similar height to me, with short light brown hair/beard, and a light northern English accent. He said “Hi Tim, I’d like to have a word with you. I think you know what this is about”. I got my phone out and called a friend as soon as he started speaking. I told him I had a phone call which I needed to take. A man who had approached in the mean-time from the right, wearing a grey suit-jacket, asked me to turn my phone off. I repeated that I had to take the call. When my friend picked up I asked them to call my solicitor. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Daesh and Esedullah Team at work in Silopi (Turkey, Kurdistan)

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

via ANF News:

ŞIRNAK – ANF – Wednesday, December 23, 2015 4:40 PM

A civilian in Silopi told that some persons introducing themselves as DAESH and Esedullah Team tortured and threatened them in a basement for two days.

As the state of siege has left 10 days behind in Şırnak’s Silopi district, state forces have yet not managed to enter the areas of self-rule despite the ongoing and intensified attacks across the town. In other neighborhoods, a gang group called DAESH and Esedullah Team has been mobilized.

Civilian Veysel B. from Nuh neighborhood told that masked teams have demolished walls of their houses with a sledge hammer. The man said these people who introduced themselves as DAESH and Esedullah Team tortured him and his neighborhoods two days long.


Veysel B. said these masked people broke into their houses, locked him and his neighborhoods up in a basement and tortured them for hours. “They were chanting pro-ISIS slogans, saying ‘We are DAESH and Esedullah teams, we will eradicate you all’. After the torture, they forced us to go up to the roof and make us a target for snipers. When we insisted on not doing so, they continued torturing us.”


The man told the followings as to the current situation in the town; “These gangs are terrorizing the people in Silopi. They kind of see red. They are doing anything possible to evacuate the houses. They have battered hundreds of people and forcibly taken them to nearby villages. Someone must hear our scream now. We have no security of life at all. Silopi is occupied by gangs and hired murderers. Silopi faces a genocide.”

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