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Update on the trial against eco-anarchist comrades Silvia, Billy and Costa (Italy)

March 9th, 2016

2nd March: The last session of the trial took place at the court in Turin. Prosecutors and defence lawyers gave their statements. Prosecutors demanded 5 years and 8 months for Costa, 5 years and 4 months for Silvia and Billy.
The sentence is due 23 March.

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Buenos Aires: Coordinated ATM sabotage in solidarity with Monica and Francisco (Argentina)

March 9th, 2016

On Monday, March 7 between 2 and 4 am, on the eve of the trial that intends to bury alive (the prosecution demands 44 years) anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who were remanded more than two years ago, we put out of action several bank ATMs of Santander (Spanish origin) with a hammer, paint and left noise bombs in these branches:

Calle 13-32 La Plata
Boedo 805
Moreno 2300 Capital

We left flyers vindicating our comrades.
With this gesture of solidarity we are with those who face the powerful and their world.
Freedom to Monica and Francisco!
Love and encouragement… long live sabotage!


Buenos Aires, Argentina: Sabotajes coordinados a cajeros automaticos ensolidaridad con Monica y Francisco.
El dìa lunes 7 de marzo entre las 2 y las 4 am en visperas del jucio que pretende enterrar en vida (la fiscalia pide 44años) a los compañeros anarquistas Monica Caballero y Francisico Solar en prision preventiva hace mas de 2 años, dejamos inhabilitados varios cajeros automaticos del banco Santander (de origen Español) a martillazos, con pintura y bomba de ruido en las sucursales:

Calle 13-32 La Plata
Boedo 805
Moreno 2300 Capital

Dejando volantes reivindicando a lxs compañerxs.
Con este gesto nos solidarizamos con aquellos que enfrentan al poder y su mundo.
Libertad a Monica y Francisco!
Cariño y aliento… Viva el sabotaje.

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Posted in Direct Action |

Demonstration zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen in Berlin – Demo for political prisoners (Germany)

March 8th, 2016

Freitag, 18. März 2016 um 18 uhr
S-Bhf Sonnenallee

Join us for March 18 – Day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners! Resist and fight against the justice system of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist oppression!

Freedom for all political prisoners….

The internationally-operating Rote Hilfe (‘Red Help’) – until present the most meaningful and largest solidarity organisation for workers’ and peoples’ movements – was officially founded not for nothing by the Communist Internationale on March 18, 1923. It was the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871 – the first attempt of the working class to take over the power and carry it with the goal of reorganizing the society. France’s and Germany’s ruling classes united to drown in blood this struggle of the oppressed. 30,000 men and women, workers, fighters and revolutionaries were hanged, 363,000 appeared before court. To commemorate this massacre and honour the fallen, this day has been known up until now as the international day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners.

Even today it remains in the nature of things for the universal imperialist system of exploitation to produce copious amounts of hardship, poverty and war, calling forth the exploited and the oppressed to commit to a most decided resistance. To assure their continuous rule and profits, the bourgeois countries, their armed institutions and their justice system resort to various forms of political repression: intimidation, spying, news-baiting, monetary fines, tightened laws, bans, trials, imprisonment, isolation, counter-revolutionary violence, torture, planned disappearances, murder and terror are in the program of the so fully ‘democratic’ dictatorships of the bourgeoisie in the imperialist capitalist system. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

A 1 año de la muerte de Javier Recabarren (Chile)

March 7th, 2016


A 1 año de la muerte de Javier Recabarren:

Día/hora: 18 de Marzo, 19:00hrs
Estación metro Ecuador

Incentivamos a llevar lienzos, carteles, banderas etc.

Colectivo Animalista Alza Tu Voz.

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CCF Escape Case: Evi Statiri and Athena Tsakalou are not allowed to attend their own trial (Greece)

March 4th, 2016

Regarding the trial for the escape plan from Korydallos prison against the members of the C.C.F. something truly incomprehensible is unfolding…

Two of the defendants, Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri cannot be present at court during the trial because of certain restrictions as part of their conditional release from pre-trial detention.

During the three times the court convened so far, the same thing happened: the judge calls their names to register their attendance and every time the exact same dialogue follows. The defence attorneys have to explain that both women are under conditional release and if restrictions are violated they will be re-arrested. These restrictions are in the form of house arrest for Athena Tsakalou who lives on Salamina island, while Evi Statiri is not allowed to cross the 1km radius from her residence. Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerilla Cell : ‘For Monica and Francisco’ (Greece, Spain)

March 4th, 2016

Regarding the international call of solidarity for Monica and Francisco we are sending these few words, written with our hearts in complicity…

From 8th to 10th of March the trial of the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar takes place in Madrid’s High Court. They are accused of an explosive attack at the Basilica del Pillar in Zaragoza. The claim of responsibility was signed by “Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral”, which according to the indictment belongs to the Coordinated Anarchist Groups that constitute the Spanish division of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI/IRF).

The arrests of Monica and Francisco at the 13th of November 2013 were just the beginning of a series of anti-anarchist expeditions of the Spanish State (Operation Pandora, Operation Pinata). Their target was the friends and comrades of these 2 imprisoned anarchists, as well as anarchist collectives and squats. More than 40 people were arrested.

On the 28th of October 2015 the Spanish authorities decided to extend the remand of Fransisco and Monica for 2 more years in the midst of constant transfers under the custodial regime FIES 3 (special custodial conditions). The district attorney has already suggested 44 years of imprisonment to each, while in her venomous peroration, she used the international terrorism hysteria, after the Paris attack from ISIS, and she even compared the anarchist cells of action to jihadists!!!

Monica and Fransisco were already in the “black list” of the authorities, from their former imprisonment in the Chilean prisons because of the “Bombs Case”…

We are not lawyers to talk about the evidence of this case… but we know that a bomb in a church is a liberating action… Every temple is a monument of the defeat of Man.
Thousands of robe-wearing scarecrows are making loads of money by putting to sleep willing crowds of believers. They are selling a spot at their fake heaven, while they themselves go around in ironclad limos, private jets and luxurious yachts.

They are offering crumbs of philanthropy; at the same time their personal bank accounts are overflowing with money in banks where they are themselves shareholders…

They are merchandizing “Hope” in order to be able to manipulate the fear of the economic crisis, of the existential dead ends and of the dissimilitude.

They are preaching resignation and blind submission, in order to hide the fumes of the child pornography scandals and the plague that prevails in their social circles.

For this reason, we choose to be profane against the pious people…

Every time a church is blown up, freedom obtains some meters of earth above the
debris of the explosion.

Monica and Francisco won’t be alone in the court. Every revolting heart will pulsate at the rhythm of their hearts.

Our bet is to synchronize our hearts with our actions to take back our freedom… for Monica… for Francisco… for everyone…

Never repentant
Never defeated

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerilla Cell FAI-IRF

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Athens: Prison sentences in the 2nd trial against Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

March 3rd, 2016

UPDATE: Post-sentencing statement of Nikos Maziotis.

On March 3rd 2016, the Koridallos prison court sentenced all co-accused in the second trial against Revolutionary Struggle with regard to the attack with a car bomb containing 75kg of explosives against the Bank of Greece’s Supervision Directorate in central Athens on April 10th 2014; the shootout in Monastiraki on July 16th 2014 (when comrade Nikos Maziotis was injured and recaptured by police); and expropriations of bank branches.

Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life in prison plus 129 years and a fine of 20,000 euros.

Revolutionary Struggle (fugitive) member Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years in prison on misdemeanor charges (if arrested, she will stand trial on felony charges, too).

Antonis Stamboulos was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years in prison plus a fine of 9,000 euros.

-via contrainfo.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Algunas palabras sobre posicionamientos y demas… de parte uno del blog ‘Por la Anarquia’ (Chile, Argentina, Mexico)

March 3rd, 2016

En rigor de la verdad, en principio este texto iba a ser una respuesta al “debate amoral” planteado hace ya algún tiempo. Y ciertamente la idea nos desagradaba. Pues siempre hemos preferido vías de comunicación mas intimas, sabiendo por supuesto que no están exentas a la execrable mirada del enemigo, pero para nada nos seducía la idea de convertirnos en la nueva novela cibernética, y viendo que la cosa se iba desarrollando en ese sentido, preferimos guardar silencio, sin permitir que nadie nos imponga sus tiempos ni sus ritmos. Así, durante los últimos meses, fuimos compartiendo (tanto yo como otros compas) y debatiendo con compañeros, de blogs, de revistas, con alguno de los mismos grupúsculos eco extremistas o con alguno de sus medios de difusión, o con compañeros sin ningún proyecto publico que demostrar, tanto de esta como de otra región, tanto via mail como en persona.

Hoy, quisiera compartir algo que se acerca mas a un posicionamiento que como individuo tengo a la hora no solo de administrar este blog, si no en lo cotidiano. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

Update about comrade Yorsh, kidnapped and framed as a drug-dealer (Mexico)

March 3rd, 2016

From ABC Mexico:

On the night of Wednesday, February 24, Jorge Emilio Muñoz Esquivel, George or “Yorsh” was arrested outside the university campus in Mexico City. Then he was accused of drug dealing by the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR). The official version was repeated ad nauseam by all government media (starting with La Jornada and ending the UNAM’s own dean’s office). When Jorge briefly left university campus that night to accompany some friends who were leaving, he was not carrying anything: no backpack, probably no sweater or jacket, because he planned to return quickly. The so-called “load” of drugs the PGR charged him with, either never existed or was planted on him on the way to their offices after being kidnapped.

Jorge is not a university student. He is neither an academic nor administrative employee of the UNAM. He has no “account number”, receives no scholarship or paycheck every payday.

He does not belong to any professors’ association nor is he an enrolled researcher with any level of the National System of Researchers (SNI). He does not got to any classroom, cubicle or institute. He doesn’t check a timecard, nor does he have a union. He does not pay any fees to the Office of University Heritage or to the Board of Trustees for the use of a vending stand. He is not the beneficiary of any university, local or federal government program, nor is he backed by any official NGOs. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

CCF Escape Case: “The perpetual move towards freedom…” by Christos Tsakalos of the CCF / FAI-FRI (Greece)

March 2nd, 2016

“It’s like playing a game with marked cards… You know that the odds are against you, but you keep playing… What for… but in order to continue the game… And to find others in the future to win the game… This is our heritage… ”

On February 15 the trial for the escape plan of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire began. A total of 28 people are being tried, including our relatives and other people who have no connection to the case.

As Conspiracy of Cells of Fire we have taken on the responsibility for the plan and its practical/technical preparation (weapons, explosives, rockets, stolen vehicles) found in the hideouts of the organization.

But the answer to what led us to the decision to escape, the judges and cops won’t find it neither in the weapons nor in the explosives or the decrypted messages found.

Anyone can find the answer as long as he listens to the rattling of the chains worn on him, chains baptized as freedom. A “freedom” which exchanged our life with cables, devices and screens… a “freedom” wearing the mask of a happy slave… But there is nothing real behind the mask…

Life is being strangled by the blackmail of the financial tyranny, the underpaid sweat of labor dungeons, the batons, tear gas and bullets of repression…
Meanwhile, the skies are raining death with bombs that turn entire countries into mass graves, small children washed up dead on the shores of the Aegean and thousands of people deserted in concentration camps…

At the same time, the lie is turned to truth from the journalist’s propaganda, technology controls our moments and emotions, the spectacle flashily dresses our loneliness, and the Western man becomes victimizer and victim of his amnesia, as he forgot what it means to live free. This is the answer to not only why someone should escape from prison, but also to become a fugitive from the legal life of an obedient being…

These thoughts are the abettor of our getaway. If we could, we would dig the walls even with our own nails to escape and to dig up the arms for the cause of freedom and revolution. And no matter how many of those attempts fail, or how many heads break onto the prison bars, at the end the bars will bend.

Because the stocks cannot be counted neither with weapons nor with explosives but with the belief that this world must be demolished, to let freedom blossom.

Both the judges and cops know us to be stubborn… That’s why they chose to take our relatives as hostages. To blackmail us emotionally and wrest our silence. But there will never be a cease fire between us and power…

The judicial authorities in 10,000 pages of files, try to make their lie a more convincing lie and call 20 witnesses (half of them executives of the anti-terrorist service) to confirm this. They accuse my mother, Evi (wife of my brother) and Christos (brother of the comrade C. Polydoros) as members of “the terrorist organization CCF”.

Their conviction has already been ordered from the palaces of power. This is a sample of the arrogance of a power that believes it’s playing without an opponent.

This trial is a poll of the struggle… In short, we must violently interrupt the onslaught of an iron repression, which, since it can not make us kneel, aims at our people.

But the challenge is not only to subvert the judicial coup that blackmails us through the persecution of our relatives, but also to transfer the fear to the homes of the enemy. Where they think they are invulnerable. And if the tracks of repression marching are already reverberating… it’s time for our own weapons to be heard.

“One day we will have to gamble for everything”, against all our yesterdays of postponement, without hesitation to stand abreast our executioners… it’s us or them…

Absence deletes people.. but there are those who are missing in exile or confined in one kilometer of “Freedom” and are present in our hearts… People just like Athena, Evi and finally Christos, because today to remain human is by itself an act of courage..

Our day will come…

Christos Tsakalos – Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / F.A.I.

- Translated by A-politiko.

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