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Posts Tagged ‘Kurdistan’

Demonstration zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen in Berlin – Demo for political prisoners (Germany)

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Freitag, 18. März 2016 um 18 uhr
S-Bhf Sonnenallee

Join us for March 18 – Day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners! Resist and fight against the justice system of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist oppression!

Freedom for all political prisoners….

The internationally-operating Rote Hilfe (‘Red Help’) – until present the most meaningful and largest solidarity organisation for workers’ and peoples’ movements – was officially founded not for nothing by the Communist Internationale on March 18, 1923. It was the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871 – the first attempt of the working class to take over the power and carry it with the goal of reorganizing the society. France’s and Germany’s ruling classes united to drown in blood this struggle of the oppressed. 30,000 men and women, workers, fighters and revolutionaries were hanged, 363,000 appeared before court. To commemorate this massacre and honour the fallen, this day has been known up until now as the international day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners.

Even today it remains in the nature of things for the universal imperialist system of exploitation to produce copious amounts of hardship, poverty and war, calling forth the exploited and the oppressed to commit to a most decided resistance. To assure their continuous rule and profits, the bourgeois countries, their armed institutions and their justice system resort to various forms of political repression: intimidation, spying, news-baiting, monetary fines, tightened laws, bans, trials, imprisonment, isolation, counter-revolutionary violence, torture, planned disappearances, murder and terror are in the program of the so fully ‘democratic’ dictatorships of the bourgeoisie in the imperialist capitalist system. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

War against AKP-ISIS/Daesh: YPG defeat the Islamic-fascists again in Girê Spî, denounce the attacks as a breach of the ceasefire (Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria)

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

TEV-DEM: AKP and its gangs attack Rojava

Monday, February 29, 2016 1:15 PM

Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement on the 25 separate attacks ISIS gangs carried out on Girê Spî from Turkey and Raqqa on February 27.

TEV-DEM announced its positive approach to the ceasefire in Syria and invited everyone to support the ceasefire.

In its statement, TEV-DEM highlighted the AKP’s aggressive policies and stated the following:

‘‘SDF forces composed of Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen peoples resisted the attacks of the AKP and its gangs targeting Efrîn and Şehba, and succeeded in liberating the region of Shaddadi. AKP and its gangs began to attack Girê Spî, the symbol of shared life and sisterhood, in order to end people’s solidarity.

ISIS gangs’ attacks on Girê Spî and Silûk took place on February 27. Some of the gangs entered Rojava from Turkey and others infiltrated from Raqqa. Turkish armed forces began to shell YPG positions right after the gangs began their assault. The gangs used the regions that were previously occupied by Turkish soldiers. YPG, Asayish, and SDF forces successfully resisted the gang’s attacks on Girê Spî, and the few remaining clashes continue to the south of the town.’’ (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity campaign with the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava (Kurdistan)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

via insurrection news

Since September 2015, Red Aid Belgium have been raising money in support of the International Freedom Battalion. The money is being used to purchase Celox Gauze haemostatic wound dressings that are designed to control major haemorrhage including life-threatening bleeding from arterial injuries. They are simple and effective, stopping major bleeding with three minutes of compression. Without these types of dressings over 60% of those injured with gunshot wounds bleed to death before they are able to be treated.

Since the end of February about € 3,500 has been collected. Donations can still be made via bank transfer: IBAN: BE09 0016 1210 6957 – BIC : GEBA BE BB – Note: “Rojava” or directly online HERE

The call

At the heart of the Middle-East, peoples of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have risen up against reactionary forces oppressing the region since decades. After setting free Rojava from Daesh, the Rojava inhabitants and the many foreign revolutionaries who came to support them are worrying the American imperialists and NATO as well as the reactionary and fascist regimes from the Middle-East : Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them are now intervening in the region with bombings and interference. By doing so, they are reproducing the same strategies that created many Islamist groups such as the Daesh, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra. These groups are golems who escaped the control of the capitalist countries who gave them birth.

The enemies of the people have great difficulty ending the struggle for liberation that peoples of Rojava started to set, even by using their usual weapons : deadly bombings, shelling civilians, mass detentions of revolutionary militants, permanent attacks against the people’s guerrillas and capitalist hagglings. This struggle is going on in Rojava, in Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-East, as the armed women of Rojava are now the worst nightmare of the Islamists. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

KJA – Congress of Free Women call for 8th March (Kurdistan)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

PDF: 8 March Invitation

“We, women from KJA, will be commemorating the traditional İnternational
Women’s Day of Struggle and Solidarity with series of activities and action
between March 1st and 8th. Last year we organized various events and activities
in 240 different district and towns. With the growing resistance and struggle we
will commemorate 8th of March with even more enthusiasm.”

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Posted in Autonomy

War against Turkey: Solidarity tribute song for YPS – Civil Defense Units (Kurdistan)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

Dedicated to YPS&YPS-Jin
(more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Protection_Units)
The footage comes mostly from fights in Sur neighbourhood of Amed (Diyarbakir) that took place in January.

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Posted in Autonomy

“We are on the side of Life, not Death”: Peace campaign from Women’s & LGBTI groups (Turkey)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

PDF: We are on the Side of Life, not Death

“You may remember our international call for support and solidarity for this
campaign in mid-January, when we asked women’s and LGBTI groups and
individuals across the world to sign onto our petition in the midst of an
intensifying war in Turkey. As we stated back then, the resolution process
that was started in 2012 for a political solution to the Kurdish issue in
Turkey has come to a halt. For the past seven months, we have turned back
to war – with an ever-increasing level of violence. As of the 16th of
January, 2016, 20 districts of seven different provinces have suffered 57
curfews altogether, remaining under curfew for a total of 376 days.

Currently the sieges on Cizre and Silopi have reached 59 days, while the
Sur neighbourhood of Diyarbakır has been under siege for 71 days already.
In these seven months hundreds of people – civilians, guerilla fighters,
soldiers, police forces – have been killed or wounded.

In areas where clashes are intense and curfews have been declared due to
military operations, tens of thousands of people have been forced or left
no choice but to leave their homes, becoming migrants, i.e. internally
displaced persons. Those who have been unable to leave, or who have chosen
to remain in their homes, in their neighbourhoods despite intense attacks
by security forces have been declared ‘illegal’. Their lives are under dire
threat, and all their possessions suffer serious damage. Dozens of families
have been forced to take refuge in crowded basements due to military
bombings, with nothing to eat but a loaf of dry bread which they share.
Pregnant women have either given birth early or miscarried. Many people
have lost their lives, unable to reach hospitals due to sniper fire. The
bodies of those who are killed remain in the streets for days, as people
are not allowed by the state to claim their dead. Families are not given
the right to bury their loved ones. Only this week, the naked bodies of
women who have been killed in Cizre by state security forces have been
displayed. Only this week, more than 60 people have been massacred in three
separate basements in Cizre. Those wounded in one of these basements have
been there for weeks, calling for an ambulance….”

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Posted in Social Control

Argeş & Berfin “Şere” (Kurdistan, Turkey)

Saturday, January 30th, 2016

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Posted in Autonomy

YDG-H Marşı – Anthem (Kurdistan, Turkey)

Saturday, January 30th, 2016

An Anthem of YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement) in North Kurdistan.

Song for YDGK (Patriotic Revolutionary Young Women’s Movement) in North Kurdistan.

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Posted in Autonomy

KJA – Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones (Kurdistan)

Monday, January 25th, 2016

PDF: KJA – Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones

Please spread & repost.

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Posted in Autonomy

Video: ‘Nekuje’ – Children killed by the Turkish security forces + Informational PDFs (Kurdistan)

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016

Video received from KJA – Congress of Free Women, ‘Nekuje’ (Don’t Kill).

PDF: KJA – ‘Nekuje’, Children killed by Turkish security forces

PDF: KJA – Destruction of our People’s Graveyards

PDF: KJA – Report on the conflict process, political situation and women in Kurdistan

Please spread & repost.

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Posted in Autonomy