Unusual realistic baby sculptures

Picture 1-156 I've written about ultra-realistic baby dolls before. A woman named Faith "reborns" unusual looking ones called Ooaks and offers them for "adoption" on eBay. Link (Thanks, Kirsten!)

Previously on Boing Boing:
The creepy, creepy world of "reborn baby dolls"
Real people who have (un)real relationships with Real Dolls
Documentary about women who collect fake babies


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Ok, but that's a chimp. Seriously.

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OOAK is not a name, it's a descriptor meaning "one of a kind"- every handmade doll on ebay has it in the title.

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er... "Faith "reborns" unusual looking ones called Ooaks"

I don't think she's calling them Ooaks specifically, as a brand or type... more likely they are "one of a kind", original sculptures as opposed to taking a pre-made doll and painting/refinishing.

It's ebay speak.

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#1 and #2 are both right.

Ooak is Internet Artist Slang for One Of a Kind, and the 'unusual' ones are chimp babies.

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#5 posted by Anselm , March 3, 2008 2:14 PM

I swear, there is nothing in the conceptual realm of possibility that's so tasteless that people won't flock to it.

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Sweet Creepy Jesus

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#8 posted by BillyB , March 3, 2008 3:09 PM

Reminds me of Fontaine's batch of ultra-realistic infant dolls in W. Gibson's All Tomorrow's Parties.

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There is no God.

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Christ, that's horrible.

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Not a pretty baby. Never saw a baby like that. I've seen some of the realistic ones online and they are amazing and wonderful. This is just...hideous.

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#12 posted by Kirsten , March 3, 2008 5:02 PM

Friends, it gets worse. There are more.
I guess it's a "thing". But these sculptures aren't baby chimps, they are chimp/human hybrids. That adds that extra delicious topping of ultra weird on an already strange practice.

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Kirsten's right, here's one with opposable thumbs on it's FEET!

Crazy fuckin oddball kooks!

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#14 posted by Kirsten , March 3, 2008 5:30 PM

I have to admit I love these. I am seduced by my repulsion.

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The one Arkizzle posted (#13) is fantastic! I would love to own that and carry her around, scaring people.

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#16 posted by noen , March 3, 2008 5:47 PM

I think they are cute in a simian way. All baby animals are cute. Next step here would be to make them animatronic. That might be a bit much.

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Kirsten, the links you gave reminded me very strongly of an Isaac Asimov story, "The Ugly Little Boy." With that connotation, there's something deeply poignant about these baby dolls. Maybe they are really Neanderthal babies snatched out of time....

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Ooak? or Ooook? Don't call it the M word!

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#19 posted by AGF , March 3, 2008 8:18 PM

Wow! They look like they have genetic diseases or something. Not to be harsh but that's really what I see.
Reminds me of what my dad did when he was a kid. He'd take his sister's stroller, fill it up with blankets and wrap one of those harry coconuts up in it. It would freak out the old ladies when they came to admire his baby sister!

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"Art is what you can get away with."
- andy warhol.

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Just out of curiosity, could anyone find the photo tutorial or article mentioned here "I HAVE DONE A PHOTO TUTORIAL FOR THE ARTICLE ON PAINTING AN ETHNIC BABY!" ?


I can't pass judgment until I have this additional information, so please find it like pronto.

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looks like monkey kate and ashley olsen back when they played the adorable pet monkey on full house.

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#23 posted by Calumn , March 4, 2008 5:10 AM

That thumbnail picture looks like she took ""reborn" a little too literally.

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#24 posted by Jeff , March 4, 2008 5:34 AM

What an odd hobby. As if there aren't enough real kids out there that need good homes, now a bunch of nuts needs to collect fake babies? Some people need to have their frigging head examined. What's next, fake babies with hairlips? Think of all the birth defects that could be reproduced for the collector's enjoyment.

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#25 posted by Jeff , March 4, 2008 5:36 AM

What an odd hobby. As if there aren't enough real kids out there that need good homes, now a bunch of nuts needs to collect fake babies? Some people need to have their frigging head examined. What's next, fake babies with hairlips? Think of all the birth defects that could be reproduced for the collector's enjoyment. This is obviously the third Olsen girl, the one they kept in the basement.

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#26 posted by noen , March 4, 2008 6:33 AM

I see nothing wrong, hideous or disgusting about any of this. They're just dolls of hypothetical human/chimp hybrids. I think they are beautiful in their own way just as any baby is. Real baby chimps are adorable, almost all babies are.

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#28 posted by shecky , March 4, 2008 10:38 AM

Just out of curiosity, could anyone find the photo tutorial or article mentioned here "I HAVE DONE A PHOTO TUTORIAL FOR THE ARTICLE ON PAINTING AN ETHNIC BABY!" ?

For doggsakes! No! I'm scared to see what this turns up.

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oh my god. i just got clicked down the wrong path. i was looking at the "reborn" dolls on ebay. you must do this if you are a fan of the frightening and bizarre.

i found this doll, which is a "premature infant"... complete with nasal cannula for oxygen. dear god.


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