History of war through food; Dog impersonates boozy Orson Welles.

Today on Boing Boing tv, surreal shorts about food and drink, in a two-part showcase of works from filmmaker Stefan Nadelman. First, "Food Fight," a stop-animation piece that provides an abridged history of war, told through the foods of the countries in conflict (Ed.: the original work has been edited for time, and captions have been added to assist the history-impaired). Next, "My Dog Impersonating Orson Welles," in which a pooch clutches a bottle of champagne, and attempts to form sentences.


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Wow! These were both great.

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The full 7-8 minute Food Fight short is excellent.

WRT the captions you use, I think I spotted an error. The bit labeled "Intifada" I thinka ctually represented the Scuds that Iraq launched into Israel during the 1991 Gulf war (the kebab-launched projectiles didn't damage the Israelis-cum-bagels/matzah, the same way that the Scuds launched by Iraq didn't cause any Israeli casualties. The same kebabs are then attacked by the US-burgers. The Intifada seemed to be represented by the felafel that blew itself up in the middle of the Israeli foodstuffs.

Anyways, brilliant stuff.

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Funny, looks like only hamburgers and fish and chips ...where's the molten maple syrup, hot pea soup and poutine?

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This made my day. Great find.

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It was good (actual suffering of war, aside), but didn't the hamburgers rush into WWII a bit too quick - I'm pretty sure the fish and chips (particularly the fish) were battered for a fair while longer - don't tell me, this film was made by a hamburger wasn't it?

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My favorite part about the video is the grease stains the chicken nuggets kept leaving.

BTW, I see a historical inaccuracy. The US was close to taking Hanoi in the Vietnam war, then pulled out because of lack of support back home, so the depiction here is a little inaccurate. If they had shown fighting, then the hamburger leaving, and then the SVA wrap getting trounced by the NVA wrap, it'd be right.

I know, I know, way to get too serious on a cute little animation. Loved it anyway.

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Was that Stroganoff?

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I think it has to have been Stroganoff.

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Whatever it is, it represents the USSR.

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It was Stroganoff.

Mmmmmm, stroganoff.

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Oh, I'm sorry - Vicky might not have heard that.


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Wow. There's a whole BB microcosm over here. And it's not male dominated!

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Hey, what a- dare I say- delicious little film.

The atrocities of war never looked so appetizing.

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There is no amount of time- not 7 years, not 70- that can elapse from 9/11/01 that will make it OK to "recreate" the events of that day with stacks of hamburgers falling into a crowd of french fries.

I don't care how many other scenes surround it, in any context this is offensive. 9/11 is distinctly different from the rest of the events depicted.

I am not usually very sensitive about these kinds of things and I respect your right to show whatever cartoons you want here, but this struck me as blatantly distasteful. I'm truly surprised that I'm the only one in such an intelligent crowd to even mention this.

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@#16 Not saying people shouldn't or should be offended but 9/11 compared to the other atrocities of war depicted seems really small. If anything, I thought the quick depiction of the Holocaust by the annihilation a matzoh cracker would've been the most offensive to people.

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#18 posted by Anonymous , February 29, 2008 6:20 AM

You should also check out Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung's work, here's a link:

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@#16 also. I consider a stack of burgers ideal as an icon of the capitalist system of society the towers were designed to represent; tasteless, fat-filled cheesy beef cakes and lots of 'em. Perfect. Oh and those aren't French Fries, they're Freedom Fries. Or had you forgotten? No offense meant. Great little film. Not offensive in itself. Unlike war, religious dogma and man's inhumanity to man.

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There's lots in there you could get offended by if you're looking to be offended. The only difference between 9/11 and the other events depicted is that it occurred on U.S. soil (Pearl Harbor was in territory that was not yet a state in 1941). Your grandpa might take issue with Pearl Habor being represented as sushi attacking hamburgers. The point of this animation was that it all amounts to the same thing.

And the drunk dog was such a palate cleanser I nominate it as its own breed of Unicorn Chaser.

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I'm with Punctilious Pig. Over a million Iraqis have been killed since we decided to 'fix' their country. The events of September 11th are a small footnote in the history of war and massacres. A small, loud, entitled footnote.

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I also found it weird that the Falafel was attacking bagels as Israel. Bagels are virtually non-existant in Israel wheras Falafel is the national food of Israel!

Having said that, I appreciate the problem this must have caused for the filmmaker. There is not a lot of differentiation between Israeli and Arab foods.

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