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Credit card fraudsters use custom domain

December 18, 2007 3:02pm

My Private Registration is a service offered by Melbourne IT:

They seem have a proper lookup as well where you can look up true details

RIAA: you aren't authorized to rip your CDs

December 11, 2007 1:12am

As is usual, people and reporters pick and choose from articles the words that have the most impact. These words usually end up misrepresenting the information in question.

As said by harlows_monkeys on Slashdot. "Actually, if you read the document, I think you'll see that it says making MP3s and putting them in the shared folder is unauthorized. It doesn't say it would be unauthorized to make MP3s and put them in a non-shared folder."

Amusing firing range targets

December 18, 2007 10:48pm

I find it quite amusing you can shoot at a human looking target in real life, but they won't let you do it in computer games. Shouldn't Jack Thompson be cracking down on this sort of thing? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

Japan's chief cabinet secretary says alien spacecraft are real

December 19, 2007 3:00pm

He said.. "Personally, I definitely believe they exist" which was a personal opinion, and not an official government position.

Our universe as virtual reality

January 7, 2008 1:54pm

Oblig movie reference that isn't the Matrix. "The 13th Floor" -

What ET might see looking at us

January 7, 2008 3:05pm

They'll take one look at us, and put a comment down in the log book..."Mostly Harmless"... and move onto more interesting things to look at.

What ET might see looking at us

January 7, 2008 3:05pm

Don't forget that the light is probably a few hundred/thousand years old. The pixel you are looking at could have been wiped out by an asteroid(or other nasty galactic event) by the time the light reaches you.

RIP: "Vampira," Maila Nurmi.

January 12, 2008 8:58pm

A little more info here:

Steel hulking paleo-riot-shield

January 16, 2008 3:25am

Great Wall Mural, Bank of China, Dalian China

January 16, 2008 11:48pm

I'm surprised they let you take a photograph INSIDE the bank. What if you had tried that in a bank in the US? SWAT? National Guard?

FBI buries docs showing US officials stole nuke secrets?

January 19, 2008 11:38pm

OMG. The FBI lying? What is the world coming to?

Parasite turns ants into juicy berries to entice hungry birds

January 21, 2008 12:18am

Here's another parasite that mind controls grasshoppers

Wubi: Install Ubuntu on Windows like installing an app

January 21, 2008 9:14am

The way it works is it creates a file on your normal NTFS/FAT32 partition, like an ISO for Daemon Tools, or Nero Virtual Drive. This file is used as a Linux EXT3 partition, and is bootstraped by a custom kernel. The Wubi program adds an entry into XP or Vista's boot manager to boot into it. No modification to either boot sector or partitions are required, GRUB/LILO isn't used. It's very cool, although as mentioned before, very very slow, but that's mainly because the NTFS-3G driver isn't optimized yet.

@5. There is software to move the file across to a full partition, the Wubi FAQ explains it all nicely.

Aussies: Here's your chance to expand your rights under copyright!

January 21, 2008 11:30pm

We have some of the most draconian copyright laws in existance, we have no concept of "Fair Use" like the US, and we weren't even allowed to Format Shift until a couple years ago. I'm not good at writing big long reports, but i really hope someone with a flair for words can write a submission that our government will take notice of.

Israel eyes thinking machines to fight "Doomsday" missile strikes

January 22, 2008 1:30pm

Just me or does this sound like A) Skynet, or B) A Classic StarTrek episode?

HOWTO make tin stars out of soda cans

January 29, 2008 11:13pm

Has it got anything to do with Can Crushing?

HOWTO Get a load of hard-disk space back

January 30, 2008 10:47pm

While on the topic of finding free disk space, i highly recommend Windirstat for Windows (open sauce!)

Video game death animation re-enactments (to do in LA)

January 31, 2008 10:12pm

"They should do death animations from Metal Slug."

Only if it's Fiolina Germi

Galactic Civilizations II: big budget game, no DRM

February 2, 2008 1:18am

I bought the game, i bought the expansion, i'll be buying the next expansion and so on. I use and have a subscription to their ObjectDesktop system. I support Stardock and their software whole heartedly. The games are worth buying for their value alone and the No-DRM is just icing on the cake.

Murakami takes graffitied Murakami billboard

February 5, 2008 9:38am

Here is some other photos from the the guy(s) who did it.'/00-274.html

TSA apologizes to "blogesphere" for arbitrary gadget screenings

February 6, 2008 6:25pm

Oh man, that post is so hip, casual, trendy and modern.... Blogesphere.... i think i just threw up a little..

Redesign the U.S. White House

February 6, 2008 6:50pm

There is only one.. and only one design appropriate.. Pee-wee's Playhouse

Insane Ronald McDonald in Japan (video)

February 8, 2008 4:44pm

I think i just lost some braincells after watching that..

Woman's dream of bomb results in oil rig evacuation

February 11, 2008 4:02pm

@4 You arn't related to BloodNinja by any chance?

Honda's Power of Dreams

February 11, 2008 5:53pm

I couldn't tell they were sponsored, the company i work for blocks ads/spyware/malware sites at the firewall.

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